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April 6, 2299
I’ve been assigned to a top secret project. It’s so top secret, in fact, that I have no idea where the hell they’re sending me. God only knows what they need a comparative psychologist for. If I had a choice in the matter, I would’ve refused. Regretfully, my contract with Weyland-Yutani makes me little more than an indentured servant in all but name. Guess that’s just the price for that fancy education they gave me.

November 19, 2299
I arrived at the station today and was finally briefed about my assignment. Their aim with this, so-called “Project Proteus,” is to produce a… manageable Xenomorph-human hybrid.
My boss, Dr. Yukiko Yamamoto, gave me a tour and then showed me the damn thing. Specimen 58 they call her. I was… more than a little surprised, to say the least. Not only did I not expect her to have breasts, but I never would have thought that they’d be bigger than my goddamn head!
When I questioned Yamamoto about this, she told me that it was an unexpected side-effect of her genetic design. Yeah… sure… Well, if anything, it should make the marketing department’s job a whole lot easier.
Now here’s the kicker: my assignment is to study and learn how to control their little science experiment. Oh joy.



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