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Warning: There are multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

Downloads (Copy-Paste the links!)

Here are download links for PC and Linux

-Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oturpq3vj20nhi9gnsmub/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.43.0-pc.zip?rlkey=hfe1qt3mg21p06eo35e0qrjyi&st=6mppt48m&dl=0

-MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/vRglxYyB#EKIGp-jryYI-kp0JPInZKnwFb2vxN01VxLPlPjAaF08

And here are download links for MAC

-Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bqdgyhrymd7w2v9d3iem3/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.43.0-mac.zip?rlkey=ifp00xhop9p2t17sxxnho9tqv&st=yxalbmy5&dl=0

-MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/aVJ0BITb#mtR8ICD_UQXJ5ej9iGb0cSios-UBwRxTfcivpmqU6L8


-Added Jen, Bessie's partner. Jen's not a predator, but fostering a good relationship with her will influence how Bessie treats you.

-Added a backstory for Jen and Bessie, which can be unlocked through conversation once your relationship with them is high enough.

-Beatrice, Bessie, and Catalina will now interact with you before falling asleep and after waking up.

-Beatrice, Bessie, and Catalina will now shower or bathe after getting out of bed.

-Added new graphics for Beatrice and Bessie's apartments, and Catalina's cabana.

-Minor fixes.



If I may ask will you ever add your avatar as a character in the game I think it would be fun and kind funny


Probably not. Mostly because it would be too much of a pain in the ass to make a usable model of my sona, lol

Nick wlkam

To talk to Jen do I have ti have a higher relationship with Bessie to have the option pop up? Or do I have to start a new game


Just go the the Ice Cream Parlor while it's open and it'll give you the option to talk to Jen.