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Warning: There are multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

Downloads (Copy-Paste the links!)

Here are download links for PC and Linux

-Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jvew0bwniadw55tot5nch/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.42.0-pc.zip?rlkey=gb5ico8d3a3ff8n585o1ytp9p&st=ntw06fg3&dl=0

-MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/XAYVnCKJ#puM3AavlLuDBFp8UJ7Ah18Z7K-CekKLzOtj9JiUeN_U

And here are download links for MAC

-Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zvrpeepywboeohteml0r4/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.42.0-mac.zip?rlkey=5pwo8dvjg3t1ojiq9g24nmy0n&st=kcr46250&dl=0

-MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/3ARxhJjB#bNVkjviKMU7OtgK8tmE-is_twCrXLRbHFzXnNVbY0TI


-Characters you have a high relationship with can now come to your rescue if they hear you screaming from inside of a predator's belly. Please note that this feature is currently very bare-bones as of this update.

-Jasmine can now accuse the player of cheating if they keep winning more money than her.

-If the player is accused of cheating, Jasmine will refuse to play cards with you again until you make it up to her.

-There's now an option to permanently remove the cap on relationship growth at game start and when loading an old save for the first time with this update. Note that once you've made your choice, it cannot be undone.

-If the player is inside of their bellies, Sigrid and Euthalia will now interact with them before falling asleep and after waking up.

-Epitaphs are now translatable.

-WhatTheBOOM's updated French translation has been added.

-Mixa's updated Russian translation has been added.

-Minor fixes.



Are you able to tell us what you have planned down the pipeline?


Hey, been a subscriber for a while now and would like to ask if you could add character sizes. The reason being is I would love to be in Sigrids belly but without a bulge because she big and I think a system like this could work. Say if your characters small you would have less HP and can't do hard labour jobs but would be able to squeeze through sphincters easier and need less food. And if you were a large character it would be harder to get through sphincters but would have more hp and can do hard labour jobs. I would appreciate if you could add this.


It's impossible to add this in any way that makes sense since the vast majority of the game is displayed in a first-person POV, with everything pre-rendered in a fixed perspective.