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Fun fact: Renee has actually stated that she's grown to dislike Too Well. I think she said it sounds too pop-y for what she likes to do now and it's more commercial but she does still perform it and loves that the fans love it. I think that's interesting because Colorado has a similar vibe but I haven't heard her express the same sentiment towards that song. Anyway- I love that you're getting into her lyrics and topics as well as the vocals!! I think a lot of people are just focusing on vocals (which are incredible obviously) and missing out on her writing which I think is pretty great and gets even better on Snow Angel.


So happy you did this. This video made my day. And I'm really happy you started in chronological order instead of just skipping to Snow Angel. I must say I'm surprised you didn't cry on Don't Tell My Mom (I saw you working hard to avoid it) 😂


If I recall correctly, she called Too Well something like "lyrically lifeless" so maybe she is still okay w Colorado because the lyrics are more unique and specific. I love her vocals and the melody on Too Well so I'm glad she still performs it