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hey y'all!!

so when I first started on Patreon, I was using google drive links. I did this for like a lot of popular videos before I got Vimeo.

So im talent 5sos albums, one direction albums, Taylor swift content, etc are all on these google drive links that are broken most of the time. So over the next week or so I am going to make it a mission to download those videos, upload them to Vimeo, and then repost them here again so that they are easily accessible for all of you!

I have been needing to do this but it hadn't seemed like an issue but over the last couple of weeks I have had people reach out about the links being broken.

So if you start seeing videos re-uploased, just know its because I am trying to make it better <3



I’m so excited for this!! I was going back to your older Taylor Swift content, so I’m looking forward to this fs!! 😁


Thank you, you are the best!