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Hi everyone. I can’t stress how much easier you have all made my life by supporting me on patreon. I almost feel like I want to put most of my time into patreon, with YouTube being something I do a little more sporadically. It’s just so cool having you all as a community.

I was able to upgrade my computer because of all of you. Now I’ll have a laptop and I’ll be able to be much more on top of being present here on patreon. I really am trying to put a lot more into this page.

Expect to see WAY more content on here moving forward. More 1989 and San Siro this weekend, some Netflix parties, and even some watch together concerts. I hope you are all doing well in this quarantine and I just wanted to make sure you all knew just how much of an impact you have on my success. Thank you.



any idea when we're gonna get a made in the a.m. reaction? i know you said that you were gonna start doing the 1d albums in reverse order!


Yess i can't wait for more 1989