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This man of sin will come as Satan’s tool, full of satanic power, and will trick everyone with strange demonstrations, and will do great miracles.

It took all the stars and half a moon to weakly illuminate the dark streets as three sets of heels scuffed along the wet cobblestone alleyways of Eclusier. Arriving at the convent at night was an eerie sight. Maristella only ever saw the convent and its red sandstone walls in broad daylight. In the dark of night, the two remaining candlelit windows made it look pitch black and deeply menacing.

Stella, formerly known as Ennlin Zimmer of Prefor, tried her best to support the defeated party but she was at her stamina’s end. She regarded her company on the last few steps to what she now called home.

Alexa, the beastmaster, was totally exhausted and leaning on the postulant nun to steady herself on her own feet. She was heavier than her look might indicate. Somehow Stella felt like she was consoling her by taking the weight of the world and her own off the beastmaster.

A lantern, carried by the remaining nun, Doro, illuminated their way and cast Alexa’s and Ennlin’s shadows against the walls of the houses they were passing. Ennlin’s former idol was a few feet behind them and not any less exhausted, audibly dragging her feet and sobbing quietly.

They had lost two sisters today. Their inquest to hunt down a feral demon and rescue their guard Agneta was for nought. She, by the looks of it, was forced to serve the proto-centaur now for good. The centaur had made fools of the nuns as an arousing aura completely overran the nuns’ fortitudes and a new red-skinned and white-haired demon revealed herself. Before they could regain their composure the demons made an easy escape. Stella hated herself for feeling so utterly useless.

The last few steps towards the convent’s gates were the hardest. Doro even fell to her knees again, similar to when she had been caught in the demon's strong alluring aura. Stella wanted to help her up, but her outreached hand was wordlessly slapped away.

True, Doro had lost her lover. To Stella however, both Agneta and Maggie were very dear as well even though she’s been with the convent for only a few weeks. A single tear ran past her pressed lips as she watched Doro struggle to her feet on her own.

Eventually, Stella pulled the chain that rang the bell to announce their arrival. Like the first time she came to this gate, a bright chime sounded. Like the first time, a little window slid open and a set of eyes appeared, only were they not Agneta’s ice-blue eyes. They were Ekatharina’s darker shade which momentarily looked concerned as she furrowed her eyebrows.

No one said anything.

Ekatharina opened the gate to let them in and Doro immediately leaned on her as opposed to accepting any further help from Stella.

Obviously, she still blamed the postulant.

Ekatharina handed a candle to the postulant and started to mumble part of an obvious question: "Where is…" in Stella's direction, who only answered with her shaking head hung low.

A moment of silence beset the entrance hall until Ekatharina, who was seemingly replacing the guard, went on:

“I guess it’s best if we bring them to their beds. You guys can have words with the prioress in the morning.” Stella’s emotions welled up again as she thought of explaining this to the headmistress. Tears flowed freely and she sobbed quietly.

Slowly, they made their way through the monastery as all but Ekatharina dragged their tired feet. They split up after they got upstairs to the upper cloister.

Of course, Alexa’s cell did not look any different than Stella’s. Furnished with only a reading table, a chair, and a bed on which she carefully sat down the beastmaster after depositing the small candle on the table. The fit nun looked drowsy as she clumsily tried to undo her tunic. As Stella helped her out of her garb, large bruises on her lower abdomen came to light. Her sexualized fight with the centaur obviously had taken its toll.

Stella sat down on the bed frame for a moment and asked:

“Does it hurt?” while carefully brushing the darkened skin with her fingertips.

"Nahh…", Alexa said groggily and, instead of shying away, she seemed to relish the slight touch.

Somewhat relieved, Stella got up to leave saying "I'm glad you are al-...", but was quickly yet meekly interrupted.

"Could you stay for the night?", Alexa asked, pulling her blanket up to her chin. A sight harshly contrasting her usually confident nature.

It took a few seconds for Stella’s mind to comprehend the question and answer: “Uhm, sure.”, She was so tired, she did not care where she would sleep that night.

Within a moment she was undressed down to her harness and, once underneath the beastmaster’s blanket, snuggled up to Alexa’s thighs and stomach, careful not to agitate her bruised abdomen.

The repercussions of the arousing aura had not fully dissipated yet and Stella had entertained the thought of starting something naughty as Alexa hugged her from behind. But the distraction would prove to be too costly. Clearly, exhaustion had finally got the best of Alexa, because the strength of her grip waned and her breath grazed the postulant’s neck too regularly for her to still be awake.

Stella resigned to sleeping, too. A long day it had been.

- - - - - - - -

At breakfast the following morning Stella sat next to Alexa who was still looking extremely tired. Sleeping did not help much it seemed. Both were taking in their meals without uttering a word. Stella looked into the other nuns’ faces. All of them were unusually quiet. An air of depression filled the room as five settings on the table were not touched as of yet. The twins, Sylvestra and Amnistra, as well as Julia, the actual mother superior who Stella had still not met yet, were on their respective inquisitions. Agneta, the guard, was now a host to a feral demon. Stella’s guide Maggie was taken by her and God only knows what was in store for her.

The awkwardness in the air was palpable, which made the postulant nun blame herself all the more.

“I’m sorry.”, she whispered more in Alexa’s direction than the others.

“What could you have done?”, Doro immediately said loud enough for the others to hear. Was that sarcasm that tainted the question?

All eyes were on Stella.

“She’s right. It was I who failed you.”, Alexa admitted and straightened up, so her breasts lifted off the table for a bit, “Maggie, Agneta, I failed all of you.”

Stella saw a tear run down her cheek as the beastmaster looked past her to the acting prioress.

“We will get them back.” Stella gently said, lightly petting Alexa’s shoulder from the side.

“No, there is no return for Agneta, and Maggie’s doomed as well.” Alexa denied herself the offered sliver of hope, “She is going to get tortured until she cums on the biggest demon dick they can fit inside her. And it’s my fault!”, she cried out, buried her face in her hands, and continued sobbing.

“She knew... the risk.”, Charlotta said, being promptly interrupted by the demon inside her, as if her point needed to be stressed more. She curled forward with her face contorted into a blissful relish, her eyes rolled back to white and she started drooling on the spot. A few seconds passed in which Stella thought she was about to lose it. Then suddenly, she clenched her jaw and forced herself to cool down.

“I hate when he does that.”, she quietly mumbled as she returned to an upright, almost proud position. “We fucking need her to get back before this all goes to shit!”, Charlotta hissed and her cursing dismayed Stella. It was probably not meant to be heard by anyone, but checking with Alexa confirmed she must have heard it as well. She wasn’t sure who her prayer teacher meant either, but her glance to the empty seat at the head of the table spoke volumes.

No one dared to say a word until they had left the refectory.

- - - - - - - -

In the library Stella already sat at the reading table, leafing through a book that happened to lie about. She had left the tense atmosphere at breakfast early, and with it, she left the librarian. It was a struggle for Stella to return to her given schedule. Every other thought centered around the recent event that had resulted in two more missing nuns. She needed somebody to talk to about this first and could not wait for Detty to show up at the library, too.

She was surprised to see the librarian had brought company. Charlotta and Frederika were with her. Stella was wondering what the three ranking nuns were up to, with all three of them displaying distinctly different attitudes.

Charlotta, Stella’s strict prayer teacher, did not let the postulant nun out of her sight, the episode with her demon torturing her at breakfast all but forgotten. She stood with crossed arms, which were tightly sandwiched between her proudly presented tits and her just as bloated belly. She was unambiguously blocking the way to the nearest exit. Were they concerned Stella would want to leave?

Bernadetta, the librarian, equally nude as the other nuns asked in her harshly mood- contrasting, chipper, and excited tone: "How did you get out?"

Frederika, the acting prioress, was seemingly absorbed in her own thoughts, but listening mutely. She caressed her bloated, naked belly like an expectant mother would as she sat down and leaned back against a windowsill. With the warming morning sun’s rays dancing across her shoulders and breasts.

Stella was expecting something of an introduction, but the librarian had jumped right in. She even closed and locked both entrances as she was waiting for the postulant’s answers. Her breasts were still plugged and plump, straining to contain their contents. She sat down next to Stella with her legs crossed and her foot bobbing merrily. Each bob was accompanied by a soft metallic knock against the wooden chair she sat upon.

"The demons left. Just like that. The innkeeper gave us a bit of food for the way back and shoved us out the door as soon as she could. Then we made our way back here.", Stella explained, not sure what the librarian was getting at.

"Highly unusual.", Charlotta harshly interjected from behind Stella. The postulant could almost feel the stare on her nude back. “Demons don’t let their victims get away.”, she then kindly provided a bit of insight for the young nun: "When a regular elemental demon has sex with anyone its victim is possessed by it subsequently. Whereas feral demons breed their victims. Normally, the victim will end up the host of its spawn or dead from being raped. However, I have never heard of a feral demon besting a nun. Because I’ve come to know ferals are losing control too fast."

“Will Alexa be pregnant with a demon?” Stella asked in realization, her nipples hardened immediately at the prospect. She was still not looking at her prayer teacher, who by the sound of it was not sure how to answer: “Hm…  I don’t know what's going to happen. Ferals are unnaturally virile and can reproduce even with barren women for example, but Alexa’s holy juices ought to have protected her.”

“She technically can’t get pregnant.”, Detty mused. The calming rhythmic knocks of metal jewelry on the chair’s wood had sped up slightly with her bobbing leg.

“I don’t think so either.”, Frederika agreed, looking to the ground in thought and resting her hands on top of her own pregnant looking belly.

Charlotta then mumbled something that sounded like learned by heart: “As soon as its seed is immersed in holy juices it’s purified.”

“Yes, but the virility is not coupled to the corruption.”, Detty said with a hint of… zest?

“Detty…”, Rika said with a disappointed head shake.

All four of them were quiet for a moment until Charlotta addressed Stella again: "You said Doro did not come into contact with the demons, right?"

"She almost did, but she fell to the ground before she got close.", Stella said.

"Did she cum?" Detty’s concern was palpable.

Stella had to think about that one. "I'm not sure… Is she alright?"

“Dorothea’s wellbeing is not the issue here. Answer the question.”, Rika deflected coldly.

“I don’t know.” Stella was intimidated by the prioress, who a few days ago had poured her heart out under tears. The oppressive burden of leadership was laying heavy on her, but she obviously needed to maintain face around others. The three talked to the postulant nun for a few more minutes, with the tone and urgency tapering, but also Stella not having much more to add.

Having been dismissed and reentering the upper cloister colonnade, Stella felt let down hard. In the past, Detty had proven to be a reliable source for structure and purpose in Stella's crazy new life. Just now she hadn't. Instead, Stella was inquisited upon and still had no solace with the botched rescue attempt.

She found herself on the way to the chapel for prayer training. There would not be much talking in the hours that followed. Most of the day went by in uncomfortable silence. No one talked to her, neither at prayer training (of course), nor in the refectory, nor while cleaning the Inquisitorium with Theodora.

- - - - - - - -

Finally, it was time to return to the library. Stella found Detty at her usual spot with the small book at the reading table. Like this morning she was knocking her cross lewdly against the seat.

“Detty, can we talk?” the postulant nun asked.

The librarian looked up with a somewhat solemn smile. “Sure.”

Stella settled down on the opposite side of the table. She felt her own cross knock against the seat. Its translated vibration playfully tugged at her clit. The unexpected agitating sensation made her blush. Detty’s knowing smile told her she had noticed it too. Stella treated herself to another knock and savored it, before sitting upright to speak the question that burned on her heart.

“Detty, am I responsible for Maggie and Agneta?”, she looked at the librarian, but her eyes trailed to her bulging breasts before the senior nun could answer.

“Maybe. Do you feel responsible?”, Detty was surprisingly cryptic, bending slightly to regain eye contact.

Stella shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Her cross scuffed against the wooden bench again. The feeling built upon the pleasure from the last knock. “Well, I am new to this.”

The postulant flexed her butt which resulted in another tug on her clit. It felt a bit like rubbing it but not really. There was less friction and more focused pleasure.

“True, and your progression is unusually fast.” Detty said. “However, as far as I understand, your given tasks were explained to you and you lost track of them.”

“You mean my new piercings? They kept me on edge all the time. I could not do anything!”

“Are you sure?” Detty demonstratively looked under the table.

Stella hesitated. The vibrations had distracted her more than she had expected. Even now the memories of the confrontation at the inn drenched her nethers. Nevertheless, she probably could have held out longer and her lustridden fiddling with the cross just now did not make her look any more mature.

“...No. I’m not sure.” Stella admitted.

“There you go. If you feel responsible, you are. At least a little bit. Were it up to me alone I would absolve you of the guilt, but at the end of the day only you and God get to pass that judgement together.” Detty smiled at her. Stella only now noticed the librarian's knocks had seized. She obviously had a firmer grasp on how and when to enjoy herself.

Stella wanted to hit herself for her own immaturity. Even though her reading hour wasn’t up yet she got to her feet. Of course not without collecting a last pleasurable knock.

She needed some fresh air.

- - - - - - - -

As her free hour for the day arrived she decided to find Alexa and apologize. The little pangs of guilt hopefully would dissipate then. Now the nuns were supposed to rest for the time being. Hopefully, that meant Alexa was in her cell.

She was, but she was not alone.

From a few yards away, Stella could hear moaning and sighs. She carefully peeked into the beastmaster’s cell, which looked pretty much like she had left it this morning, only on the chair, neatly folded, lay another set of nuns' clothing, of course, missing the tunic.

She saw Alexa sitting on the bed frame with her upper body resting across the bed and most of the blanket stuffed to the wall behind her. Theodora knelt in front of her with her face close to the resting nun’s groin. Alexa moaned quietly as she ran one hand’s fingers through the auburn hair of her caregiver.

The postulant did not move, but her heartbeat quickened as she felt the telltale tingle of her own arousal. She decided to stay and watch them for a bit as her hand unconsciously drifted to her exposed slit. The touch with her silken glove felt coarse, so she pulled its fingers and eventually the whole glove off. Her warm fingers were so much better lovers.

The pregnant looking nun, who had cleaned demon sludge with her a few hours ago, now was wrapping her arms around the beastmaster’s hips. She was caressing her sides and unintentionally brought her huge breasts into Stella’s view underneath Alexa’s muscular thighs. They were not easy to make out in the dim candlelight but looked all the more enticing through that. Nevertheless, Stella could see her tits being pulled to the ground by the sheer weight of her massive nipple plugs but retained their ripe firmness. They were tensely full and the rim of the plugs stood out a good inch outside her stretched out nipples.

Stella could hear Alexa’s whisper: “No teasing! Get me off!”, she leaned her head back, pulled the plugged nun’s head closer with one hand, and groped her own breasts with the other. Stella unconsciously copied her caress.

“Ah, just like that! Don’t stop!”, Alexa whimpered. Either she was easy to please or Theo knew exactly what she was doing. The postulant guessed the second option and realized her own fingers were rubbing herself just the right way too, making her cross swing against her thighs.

“Ah! I-I’m cumming!”, Alexa cried out so the whole cloister could hear. Stella was startled, sheepishly glanced around, but quickly focused back on the couple. She could see how the muscular nun trembled to keep a hold on the tongue skilled nun with both her hands now. She doubled up in bliss and scooted away from her, twitching and writhing.

A surprisingly short moment later the beastmaster pulled Theo up to sit in her lap.

On the bed’s frame, Alexa now had Theodora in a tight embrace, both a hand at the other’s crotch, until Theodora bent over backward, unseeing eyes to the ceiling, accompanied by an unexpectedly throaty moan that went wide as well: “Ahh, no more or I’m gonna… Ahhh!”

It sounded like Theo successfully suppressed her climax as Stella, nearing her own, still stood next to the door peeking into the cell every once in a while and her nether jewelry quietly jangled against another.

“How was that for a reunion?”, Theo said. Stella was puzzled. Were they a couple, or was that kind of intimacy custom? It did not matter. Her orgasmic tingles were coalecing in her abdomen and she felt she was close, too. Stella remembered where the larva had touched her nipple and it tingled even worse. It focused her need to get off even more and urged her to bliss out.

“Nggg…”, she quietly endured, her body spasming as she felt how her juices pelted into her cupped hand. Senses slowly returning, foremost her hearing, she realized drops were escaping her hand and splashed to the granite floor.

“I came…”, Stella whispered to herself.

“Good for you. I’ll have to report you anyway.”, the voice of  Dorothea startled her. She somehow had snuck up to her back and now stood proudly square in the colonnade.

“Why?”, Stella asked as she turned to Doro while hiding her hand full of cum which she now felt dripping on her ass.

“Because you are a disgrace. That’s why.”, her former idol was no less pissed at her than before. Her face was drawn to something of a frown. There was something behind her countenance that eluded Stella’s grasp but made her feel instinctively uneasy.

“She’s not.” Alexa interjected, now standing in her cell’s door frame. Stella did not dare to turn because the beastmaster must have seen her cupped hand leaking fluid on her behind.

“Let me help you with that.” Theodora whispered in her ear, then she felt her hand being tipped and heard a quiet slurping until her handful of cum was reduced to a sticky film on her palm. Something warm and moist wiped it away. Stella felt her thumb engulfed by the same kind of heat and wetness. Was Theo sucking her thumb? A twirl confirmed her suspicion. It was the nun’s tongue that licked along the length of her pointer thoroughly.

“Yeah, right.”, Doro turned up her volume. “Maggie is gone. Ennlin has no grasp on how seriously dangerous demons are. She could not even follow simple instructions with the larva. You were too timid to take the centaur in your ass because of it. And now the fat’s in the fire! Ennlin is nothing but a liability and she needs to go.”

Stella wanted to hide in a hole somewhere. It could not have been her fault, could it? The relaxing yet distracting ministrations carried on until Theo switched fingers again and seemingly progressed to expertly suck on one after another. The postulant felt tingly all over when Theo teased the nook between middle and ring finger.

“You could have helped with the centaur.”, Alexa hushed as if not believing it herself.

“Her fucking dad’s demon went crazy! You are fucking lucky I was not turned!”, Doro’s face turned red in anger.

“But…”, Stella felt the need to defend herself, but admittedly arguments in her favor were scarce. She reluctantly pulled her hand away from Theo and took a stand: “I am new to this.”

“Demons don’t care, fuckmeat, either you leave or I’m getting you exclaustrated.”, with that Doro stomped away, beside herself with anger.

Stella was left there standing. “Ex--what?”

“She wants to get you thrown out.”, Theo whispered and laid her hand on her shoulder, “Don’t worry. She’s not taking it very well, and maybe she is also kicking herself for not having been able to help.”

What was she supposed to do? Stella asked herself but her thoughts were being interrupted by Alexa: “And it has been a long time since she got her tattoos renewed.”

“Tattoos?”, Stella was familiar with tattoos and had not seen any within the convent.

Theo had her hands up as Stella turned to both of them, possibly to get Alexa to shut up but obviously too late, so she explained “The Holy See is providing our convent with vials of Angel’s Milk which is used to tattoo every nun in the convent. It's not visible unless a nun is in the process of catching a demon or exorcising, for that matter.”

Stella realized she never really saw anyone actually catch a demon yet. Doro had been finished when she had entered her parents’ bedroom, but Alexa’s capture of the larva came to mind. She refrained from phrasing a question and instead just pointed a finger at Alexa.

“Larvae aren't corruptive yet - so no capture prayer was needed.” Alexa said.

“So how much is left?” Stella wondered.

“We are out.”, Alexa flatly answered, her naturally full and pouty lips pressed together until they formed but a thin line.

Theo meekly added: “And that’s why Mother Julia has been gone.”

“So she is gone to milk an angel?”, Stella asked giggling. The hilarity of the thought being too ridiculous to be true.

“Yes.”, Theo and Alexa said in unison. Stella felt the muscles in her face go slack.

A few moments passed with Stella thinking about the mural that was painted on the walls in the convent’s entrance. The naked and winged angel wasn't somewhere holed up and giving milk like a cow, was it?

“When was she supposed to be back?”, Stella incredulously asked.

“A few days ago. You need about forty days to Rome, forty days back and a few to spare for prayers. But it’s been thrice that.”, Theo said.

“Yeah, that's why we are all on edge.” Alexa continued. “As soon as Mother Julia is back we can resume capturing and exorcising.”

“Exorcising?”, Stella was surprised.

“Yes. We need Angel’s Milk for that, too. You must have noticed how some are struggling with their burdens.”, Theo said and pretended to caress a way more pronounced belly than she actually had. Stella was sure, Charlotta certainly was ‘agonizing’ over her exorcism. Or was it rather ‘ecstasizing’?

“Here look at this.” Theo said as she turned around and bent at the hip. She pushed her ass up, steadying herself with her hands on the ground. Her engraved butt plug was in clear view, literally. Not just the head, that usually peaked out of a nun’s anus, but part of the bulb peaked out as well.

Stella gasped. It looked like it was about to pop out any moment and she braced herself for an accident. Nothing happened. Theo then clenched and her taut muscle ring slightly narrowed. “I have to continuously strain to keep it like that.” She said, facing the postulant again.

As Stella regarded her, she realized how taut the skin of her breasts was. She was sure when Stella had started to work with her in the Inquisitorium her breasts had much more of a teardrop shape to them. Also, it seemed something on the inside pushed against the plug because it stood out a good inch.

“Does it hurt?” she tentatively asked and already knew the answer. It was probably driving Theo insane with lust. She pulled herself together quite well though, by the looks of it.

Theo shook her head. “It feels incredible.”, a shy and somehow also cheeky smile crept through her lips “I’m going to turn in.”

"Good night.”, Stella said reflexively. A bit flustered by the amazing tranquility imbued by Theo's short but effective treatment.

Alexa smiled knowingly and settled back down on her own bed taking care not to agitate her bruises.

Stella found herself leering again as Alexa looked up. She decided a nod would be all that's needed for a good night.

On the short way to her own cell, Stella came past Doro’s again. On the edge of her vision she saw something black flash, but when looking she realized Doro was just shaking out her tunic.

Without realizing Stella had stopped and stood looking at her former idol. Was she really hating her because of not getting Agneta back? The guard had left on her own free will in the first place.

“Doro?”, she quietly asked.

“Yes.”, her voice sounded cold and hollow.

“Can we talk about this?” Stella wasn't sure why she was asking this. She wanted to make up with her, but she knew she was on edge.

“No. Short of proving you can pull yourself together, you can’t do anything.”, Doro turned away and stretched somehow uncomfortably.

“How can I do that?”, Stella asked.

Doro’s head sank and turned. It somehow looked sinister. She turned with a flat smile that did not involve her eyes.

“Come here. I’ll show you.”, She said, with her face going to a more natural smile and her eyes wandering over the postulant's body with lust.

‘There is no shame.’ Stella repeated the mantra in her mind to steel herself.

To say she was comfortable with this would be an understatement but she had the chance to prove to Doro she was not as lost as she was led to believe. She now realized her subconscious already knew what was going to happen, because the salacious cross on her clit slapped wetly against her thighs with the first hesitant step into Doros cell.

“Get yourself comfortable.” Doro gestured at her bed and plucked the tight gloves from her fingers to slip them off. Stella undid her heeled boots and daintily sat down on the other’s bed. In contrast to Alexa’s this one seemed somehow less inviting even though its make and wear were practically the same.

She laid down and Doro towered above her. The plugs strained to contain what was inside. As was the case with Detty and Theo, her’s were pushed out so badly that a good part of the plugs’ necks were visible. Her stomach on the other hand was toned and flat. Her cross was swaying slightly and her pussy was glistening.

She bent at the hip and laid both hands on Stella’s stomach.

“Close your eyes and relax.” she said, still sporting a somewhat disconnected smile. Closing her eyes, Stella thought of ways to soothe her unease and only her mantra came to mind.

There is no shame.

It somehow helped and also invoked the picture of the twins “teaching” her about nipple plugs. She smiled inwardly. She wanted plugs, too. The first way for her to exorcise demons.

She swooned at the thrill of having a demon inside her and not being allowed to cum.

Stella felt the two hands drift apart, one towards her breasts, the other to her groin. As the latter slipped over her folds it pushed the cross away and immediately began circling her clit.

“Oh my, you are enjoying this already, aren’t you?” she asked.

“Yes.” Stella admitted.

“Then here are the rules: You stay put right there. You fail if you open your eyes. You fail if you touch me. You fail if you cum. You fail if you make any noise, not even talking. Understand?”

She nodded and steeled herself once more. She needed to get this done. She needed to take this chance and impress her.

“Are you ready?” Doro asked.

Stella nodded.

“Very good.” Doro said.

Stella felt her cross being tugged on as Doro’s fingers deliberately brushed over her outer lips. She caught herself before letting go of a gasp. They went back up along her slit, this time with more pressure. She felt her labia spill through the gaps between the fingers inducing a soft squelch. She was wet. There was so little being done to her and she was already sopping. Stella cursed herself for being so easy. Or was she, really? Was it maybe because of the damn piercings? She wasn’t sure, but she thought she could feel them vibrate ever so slightly.

Meanwhile, the hand near her tits ventured further. It climbed the hill that was her breast and marked arriving at the peak by pulling on one of the piercings. It strained her nipple worse than she anticipated. Under any other circumstance, Stella would have cried out and made her stop, but this was somewhat... manageable? Though it wasn’t all that painful, Doro pulled just hard enough for discomfort to set in.

The fingers at her groin slipped upwards again, pulling the cross with them. She felt her clit being tugged on and she swooned with pleasure. Then the tension on the short chain suddenly intensified and quickly released. Her cross whipped down on her lips like a mousetrap. It startled her with a shock, racing up her spine and she spasmed for a moment.

“Nnnggnn.” it escaped her.

“No sounds, Ennlin.” Doro whispered, “Last warning.”

Stella wanted to correct her for using her worldly name again, but she bit it down. Surely this was just a trick to make her say something, wasn’t it?

Doro continued by releasing her nipple and, worryingly, closed her hand around Stella’s neck. Her other hand returned to her groin, the fingers clasping her lips. They curled in, pressing into Stella and taking part of the cross with them. Stella could feel her fingertip enter and was harshly reminded that she needed something real to fill her. Something girthier than one of Doro’s digits, pleasurable as it was.

A second one joined in and the cross was pulled away. Doro must be pretty limber if she could do that with one hand. The other one was still holding her neck. The two fingertips inside slowly began moving. That did something. They touched this point and that and every once in a while hit just the right spots. Stella wanted them. She wanted them deep. Stella pulled herself lower on the bed to welcome the intruders.

“Ennlin. Don’t move.”, Doro hissed, again with the worldly name.

Damnit, Stella almost reflexively corrected her. Instead, she just nodded and heard herself whimper in her head. The two fingers were still just wiggled, but they pushed her ever higher as, distractingly, something was done to her breasts. Or rather to the piercings.

Stella had lost track of Doro’s hands. Was it still her hand that held her neck? Did she tie her down? Stella was confused. The tugging on her nipple piercings returned but it was different like they were being worked on. Then she felt them being pulled out of their holes one after another.

“These newbie piercings are annoying.”, Doro muttered.

How was she doing that? Undoing piercings seemed quite impossible one-handed. Stella desperately wanted to take a peek. She felt her right breast was free of jewelry as Doro’s fingers returned, lightly stroking over her nipple. It stiffened and resisted the continuous flicking motions sending tingles down her spine, always ready to receive the next. Doro was using all the fingers of one hand for that it seemed… Continuously one after another finger rubbed over her erect bud.

Stella wasn’t resisting as well as her nipple did. On the contrary, it furthered her descent into bliss. Though, she slowly got annoyed by the two fingers in her pussy. Why weren’t they going deeper?

Doro switched moves again. Now she was swirling one finger on top of the jewel-free nipple.

Oh, that was wicked. It tingled continuously and Stella somehow felt her nipple engorge further. Finally her pussy was explored deeper. The two fingers there pushed in, wiggling on. They inched their way inwards in an agonizingly slow fashion. Stella just wanted to push herself onto them to get it over with. She wanted to scream. Withholding pleasure was torture!

Then suddenly Doro retreated. Stella stopped herself and just cried out on the inside. Gone were the fingers in her pussy and the one tending to her nipple. All that remained was her tied down neck if it really was, and her need to be filled. She even felt a dewdrop of her juices run down her ass cheek. Doro needed to continue. Desperately.

Instead, she freed her other nipple from the red jewelry as well. She was efficient, more than likely used to working the metal studs in and out of their resting place. The clattering of the metal studs in a wooden bowl was audible.

“Ennlin, you will love what comes next.” Doro said cruelly. Stella could picture the smug grin by the sound of her intonation. She pushed the postulant’s legs apart and settled between them so Stella’s thighs rested on Doro’s. She felt the hands return, this time on her hips.

Stella was startled because something else touched her pussy. As it slipped past her lips she realized it was bigger than two fingers. Just what she was hoping for. It narrowed a bit after she had taken the first part. This must be a dick. But how did Doro have one? Right before closing her eyes, Stella hadn’t noticed any dangly bits.

It was hard to keep her thoughts on track when the sensation in her loins overwrote them like ink being spilled on a text. Doro pushed in with one fell swoop and Stella narrowly suppressed a gasp. The movement stopped and she felt the whole thing. It was just right for her. It filled her out perfectly. Stella could not shake the feeling that the shape was somehow familiar to her.

“You feel that, Ennlin? That is the beginning of the end.”, She snided, “Quite poetically, too, I must say. Cumming on the Lord’s Endowment is actually quite the high honor. It eludes me how you got the prioress to…”

If Stella didn’t clench her eyes shut they would be wide open in realization. Right then she could not have moved if she wanted to.

Doro pushed Stella’s legs up and held on to her hips tighter as she partly pulled out.

“Give.” She fiercely pushed in with a muted squelch. Stella felt filled out again in an instant followed by the emptying feeling of the Endowment leaving again.

“It.” she growled with the next thrust. The emptiness inside was filled out once again roughly. Stella gripped her pussy to savor the retreat and was rewarded with precious tingles all the way to her core.

“To.” Stella felt how orgasmic parts shifted together behind her navel as Doro pulled out.

And again the nun drove into her.

“You.” this time she stayed in and Stella stayed filled out.

In Stella’s head, the words slowly coalesced. ‘Give it to me.’

Then she noticed the piercings in her pussy noticeably vibrating. This was just like yesterday morning. The sensation unobtrusively made its way to the forefront of her mind. The static tingling of them got ever so much stronger. She fought with herself to open her eyes and check if anything unholy was going on.


The nuns probably had some mechanism to test the vibrations and Doro was surely using it. Like she used the Lord’s Endowment on her.

Again her thoughts were scattered to the wind when the thrusting resumed. She realized, with her eyes closed and all her senses focused on the blissful feeling, her focused senses felt every movement twice as much. The pace was quickening and Stella swooned every time she was filled completely. She tried holding on to the golden dick as it went out, but it was too slippery. Somewhere deep inside it always touched her in just the right spot. Her orgasm was still a bit off, probably due to the nervosity that had Doro instilled in her. Yet, she cherished every thrusts’ return and savored the tingles they left behind to accumulate.

Doro must have noticed Stella’s determination because she sped up significantly.

“Your face is too confident for my taste, Ennlin.” she said.

Gone were the slow deliberate pumps and were replaced by hurried thrusts that lingered deep. Stella wanted to moan to relieve some tension, but she was not allowed. Her orgasm slowly pooled inside her belly and her heart drummed with dread. This was going to be it.

The golden member relentlessly funneled her to the only exit. Like an animal, she was cornered - retreat into bliss or fight. She decided on the latter and concentrated on her breathing. It helped to calm her down for a moment, but then she felt a pair of fingers each connect with her nipples. They started circling their tips lightly. To Stella’s dismay, one always moved over the exact spot where she was still sore from the larva’s touch. The titillating feeling fully hardened them again and the fingers pressed down as if wanting to squash her nipples into the flesh of her breasts. She felt her tits give to the squeeze and deform like pillows.

By the feeling alone, Stella’s nipples seemed to grow as the fingers pressed down. They surely did not, because a moment later she felt her breast spring up and return into their natural shape. Only the fingers did not move.

In tandem, two shocks dropped to her spine and shot upwards. She knew the fingers were inside her tits before she actually realized the alien sensation. On top of that, they suddenly felt unbelievably huge.

Immediately this breathtaking feeling added to her ecstasy. Stella’s mind tranced out every time Doro hilted the golden phallus. The fingers in her breasts slowly squirmed, but to Stella, it felt like Doro was sweepingly waving her orgasm in.

This felt incredible. For a short moment, Stella’s mind cleared up. Theo had said that when they were talking about her tits, her recently bulging and straining tits. Stella would join them soon. Her mind was made up, but she steeled herself too late. The sensations emitted by the deliciously intrusive fingers in her breast connected with those that were pushed up repeatedly by the harsh and quick thrusting of the Lord’s Endowment. Together they pushed her too close to the edge. She struggled to hold on, but to no avail.

At once, she cried out, opened her eyes, and pulled Doro’s hands from her tits.

Doro’s flat smile turned to a genuine one, but her eyes were clenched. Nothing mattered to Stella as her world became white bliss and she spasmed in a climax wrought of gold and shock.

Stella realized she was breathing hard when she came to. Doro was still in the same position. Stella did not know her breasts could do that. Her heart sank. Defeat was such a bitter pill to swallow.

“Not a good enough effort, Stella.” Dorothea rubbed it in. Her lips curled up on one side as a victorious and vile gleam was in her eyes. She had gotten what she wanted.

In her heart desperation and anger spread, but defiance crept in, too: “You cheated!”

Doro looked offended for a second. Her eyes wide and her jaw dropped. Stella expected a dressing-down, but the nun answered calmly: “I did no such thing. A demon would go to any length to get you. Your breasts are even obvious targets. You failed.”

Having it spelled out for her, Stella fumed. She felt the cool trail of a tear flowing down her cheek.

Doro, seemingly savouring every moment of saying it, planted herself before the postulant and said:

“Tomorrow I will ask for your exclaustration.”


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