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Jeremiah 9:2

If only I had a traveler’s lodge in the wilderness, I would abandon my people and depart from them, for they are all adulterers, a crowd of faithless people.

- - - - - - - -

After the fruitless search, the nuns had ceased looking for Agneta within the convent. Frederika had them all gathered in the cloister and went through the plan of action again in minute detail. All paired up, the weaker partner of each couple, being more prone to noticing the subtle changes in vibrations of the piercings, would probably be the bait, in Stella's case ‘surely’, since she had no formal extraction training yet. However Alexa assured her, she could gather the first-hand experience of the capture of a rare, but ultimately pretty low tier demon. Alexa gave her a few tips on what the vibrations of her piercings would feel like, and that the pattern feels different depending on the type of demon, direction, and distance.

- - - - - - - -

Walking down Eclusier’s main road on their way to the east gate, Maristella wore the grey silky cloth of her tunic with a sense of pride, but it made her feel strangely covered, too. The feeling of shame which would have kept her from dropping her clothing right then and there seemed to be dulled almost to non-existence. She cared little enough about the open street and the eyes of any passersby to walk around in the nude, actually. With a mix of terror and excitement, she noted that she was adapting quickly to her new profession. 

Sent to capture the centaur, Stella pondered what was in store for her and Alexa, while looking her over inconspicuously. The beastmaster was walking with her hands firmly clasped together, eyes downcast. Clad in her finely woven tunic one could almost guess how toned her body was underneath it. A thought to which Stella smiled inwardly. Outside the convent, the nuns acted so coy and untouchable but shielded from public eyes they were feisty and lewd. The postulant nun loved that she had gotten to know them as intimately as that in merely two weeks. 

Her and Alexa were followed by Doro and her designated partner on this hunt, Maggie. The rest of the convent had swarmed out over the countryside in order to cover more ground around the town and maybe capture the demon before Agneta had to fight it alone or worse. Only Theodora and Charlotta had stayed behind as their ongoing exorcisms would have them too distracted to be any kind of help.

When the couple had joined Stella and Alexa, Doro visibly had to force a smile on her face as a greeting. Stella wasn’t sure if it was because she still blamed her for Agneta going missing or because of the exorcism she was still performing in her huge breasts. Nevertheless, she now followed them while mumbling to herself: “Dear God, I humbly request you to grant me the fortitude…”, Stella could hear her former idol in her prayer, which even she noticed wasn’t all that sincere, either.

To the occasional bypasser, all four pairs of eyes were similarly cast down to the ground as if in prayer. Granted, Maggie did so rather due to her overall lack of concern. Stella on the other hand, even throughout the drama of Agneta’s disappearance, was actually pretty excited. Part of it was due to the approval of her partner, who had been named most likely to capture the feral demon by the Mother Superior.

- - - - - - - - 

Stella was hit by the first tingly vibrations of her red silver jewelry as the group passed the east gate indicating the demon already had come within the detection range of her piercings. She wanted to tell Alexa immediately but dared not as long as they were within earshot of the city guards. Stella wondered if the guardsmen suspected anything because her face must have been flushed as the light static stings hardened her nipples. Faking a passing interest, her eyes went over the two guards who ogled her, their lines of sight were directed at the outline of her tits against the thin fabric of her gray tunic. Looking down herself she noticed they were topped by her almost perfectly visible nipples, which were kept from their inverted state by her new piercings and slowly grew harder as they leisurely vibrated. Her face got hot with her realization and they blushed too as their looks had been found out. By confidently winking and smiling she made them smile in return. Stella wasn't embarrassed. She was horny.

Doro rebuked her with a hushed tone: “No worldly distractions, postulant!”

“I’m sorry.”, she apologized so quietly, she was not even sure if the nun walking behind her could hear her. She quickly turned her head back into the same diminutive poise as the others, but the wetness between her legs persisted. At least she could be sure now, that no one but the nuns could hear what she had to tell the beastmaster.

“Alexa,” the postulant nun said just a couple of paces outside the gate, “I can feel it already.”

“Good. The demon shouldn't be that far then. Maybe we can even find Agneta before she finds the demon. Tell me if anything changes. Otherwise, stay quiet and collected.”, she casually answered while keeping the prayer-like posture and moving on.

Further down the road, Stella had her mind fixed on the static discharges that she felt with her piercings. They were a menace, a constant tiny addition to her slow-burning desire. Her cross dangling from her clit left cool traces of her wetness on her thighs. Nervously, she pinched at her now rock hard nipples through her tunic to relieve some of the tension. A confused look from a peasant, who was heading in the opposite direction made her realize she would never have seen a nun displaying her state of arousal openly. So Stella quickly clasped her hands together as if in prayer, but that did not change the bewildered way the bald-headed man looked at her until they passed each other.

Her face was hot and must have been ragingly rosy as Maggie had stopped to ask the man if he had seen  a strange looking horse or also who she described to be Agneta. He threw another telling look at Stella, but then simply shook his head and kept on towards Eclusier.

They pushed on towards Forchamp, where the twins were inquisiting the demon they had decided to trace. Stella pondered the four would end up there, too, because the tingly feeling in her nipples did not change at all. Or did it? Experiencing this for the first time, she wasn’t sure. The vibrations and shocks wavered. Sometimes they were stronger, by a tiny margin, sometimes they ebbed off, but the fluctuations tended to stay within a certain range.  

After midday had long passed, Stella noticed she had become pretty hungry and also needed to pee. Somehow both had come way later than she would have expected when taking into account the exertion of a hike. For God’s sake, they went the furthest she had been away from her former home in... ever!

“Alexa, I need to pee.”, she said.

“Hold it.”, Maggie grumbled as if it was that easy.

“The vibrations didn’t change either.”, Stella added and she could see in the corner of her eye that Maggie nodded in agreement. Her guide kept quiet, though.

“We are almost there.” Alexa said to the surprise of Stella. They actually had a destination?

- - - - - - -

They came upon a big wooden house standing there by the wayside all by itself. So big, It must have been a country estate of some lord, but it was in a dire state of disrepair. Somehow it seemed forgotten here, deep in a forested section of the road.

“We’ll rest here.” Alexa declared and went for the entrance without waiting for acknowledgments. The waft of air that was pulled out of the central room by simply opening the double door attacked the nun’s noses with a thick, musty smell somewhere between rotten apples and sawdust. It was eerily quiet and gloomy inside, probably due to not being regular lunch hours. It was really roomy though, the ceiling was high and the back wall ways off, only visible due to the windows letting in enough light to not stumble over the many tables and chairs. A few guests were present, but the vast majority of the tables were vacant. They took a seat in the back, where Stella carefully sat down on a regular-sized bench for a change. Two weeks of eating off a table with a narrow bench like the one in the convent made this one feel way too spacious. She felt her dangling cross bump and settle against the surface sending sparks of pleasure through her clit which had been strumming with the vibrations all day and was therefore already overly excited. Before she could catch her breath they were greeted by the inn-keep, so it would seem, a grimy lady in her late thirties with sticky ash blonde hair. Well, not greeted in the truest sense...

“You want leftover potato chowder or bread and cheese?”, she roughly asked with her ladle held at an awkward angle over her crossed arms. It dripped thick whitish sludge on her low cut, already stained dress, and into her sizable cleavage, the only redeeming asset of this slob.

“I’ll take bread and cheese.” they said pretty much in unison, for Stella’s part in the hopes of not being served with the nasty ladle, which might have been anywhere in between orders.

Wordlessly, the innkeeper moved out of sight, with the wooden floorboards moaning under her weight as she lumbered to the kitchen, passing the only other guest of the afternoon beside a couple at a table near the entrance. 

Despite the lone woman’s silver-hair she looked surprisingly young, probably as young as Stella herself. She was alone at her table silently eating from a bowl and shuddering with each spoonful of whitish sludge. Stella was about to get up and ask her, just to be sure not to be getting the same inedible broth, but the postulant nun realized food and her taste were of minor concern right now. 

They were on the hunt for a potentially dangerous demon and she was the one who was actually supposed to notice when it was close. Her responsibility should at least be completely understood before she minded her own wellbeing. 

“Alexa, I don’t feel any different yet. Is that good or bad?”, Stella whispered.

Doro just snorted into a short chuckle and looked out the window with crossed arms. She showed a reaction that usually would be akin to Maggie’s, who, surprisingly, looked like she had drawn breath for a lengthy explanation.

“Don’t worry. It could have moved at the same speed as us. Just tell us if the vibrations get stronger or weaker.”, she smiled, but an uneasy look flashed through her face as the greasy innkeeper returned with four bowls in her hands and two loaves of bread under her arms.

“‘Ere ya go.”, she proclaimed, “That’ll be 20 Farthings.”

Stella prepared to protest since the loaf that came to rest under her nose did not smell right, like it had not bathed in a long while. She calmed down though as Alexa paid and the grimy woman bagged her earnings.

In the bowl in front of her was off whitish soup that faintly smelled of cheese and rancid butter. Hesitantly she tried it. It was edible, slightly salty and bitter, but edible.

Stella found back to her line of thought: “Maggie, aren’t you but a year ahead of me?”

“Course, but… with time you tend not to feel the subtleties…”, she trailed off as her face turned a rosy kind of red. Doro and Alexa became red, too, but stayed quiet.

Stella decided she would ask Maggie in private sometime later about this. She took a few spoonfuls as an awkward silence ensued.

“So, do inquisitions happen often?”, Stella asked Alexa more to break the silence than to make any meaningful conversation. 

Maggie sighed in annoyance, but the beastmaster openly answered:

“No, not that often. Feral demons are pretty rare, and they are the only demons that actually require an inquisition to be more akin to a hunt, really. Usually, an inquisition is about talking to people, finding clues, and eventually confronting a sentient demon.”

“Like with the larva?”, Maristella unwittingly pointed at Doro's tits even though the nun was exorcising her father's demon instead of the demon larva that had upturned the convent two days ago.

“I suppose the larva was similar, if not sentient...”, Alexa smiled and nodded.

“Have you been on many hunts?”, Stella’s eyes lit up with interest. 

“I have been part of a hunt thrice, but as a nun only twice.”

“How?”, obviously she worded it like that on purpose. Still, Stella was confused.

“Two hunts I attended and in a third, which was before I was a nun, I was the damsel in distress.”, she playfully rolled her eyes and shook her hands in a mock dance, “I had been rescued from the clutches of a feral water demon and I joined my savior,...

The long pause gave Stella enough time to expect any of the nun's names. 

"God.”, wasn't one of them, but piqued her interest.

Alexa continued in a hushed tone: “You know, being taken by a Para Siren isn't only fun. True, you cum a fucking lot, but see these?”, Alexa took a tentative look to the other patrons, then produced a gap between coif and collar to reveal her cleavage. Now that Stella looked a little bit closer, there was a faint circular scar on each breast close to where they joined her torso. She could cover them perfectly with her coif even when disrobed inside the convent. The one time Stella and her were in the bath together, the postulant was probably too occupied with herself to notice them.

“I have similar scars underneath because that fucker skewered my precious tits with its tentacles.”, she said with a curious mix of cuteness and disgust in her face. "The looked worse when I was freed. Since then I pray to make the scars go away."   

“Does it still hurt?”, Stella asked in a more than concerned tone.

“Nah, not anymore, but I assure you I used pain relief prayers for quite a while.”

Listening to the muscular beastmaster somehow made her forget the gruel’s taste and taking in each spoonful was not as unpleasant as the one before. 

Alexa unraveled a story about her life as a host to a demon that she had been caught by while washing her family's clothes in the river near her home town of Matilac.

The demon by itself, as Alexa described it, had looked like a fish and with her captured she had been told she resembled half fish and half woman. She remembered how she blindly had to follow the demon’s forcefull pull on her breasts or it choked her in order to move and swim. 

Alexa told her she could not cry out because of some kind of gag that turned her cries for help into an alluring song. She had sung melodies of pain and ecstasy. She felt when the demon had its way with a woman that had swum to close. She admitted she even came in tandem with the demon. Every time.

In the months this demon forced her swimming up and down the river by choking her or pulling at her skewered tits, her body had hardened, that's why she looked way more toned than the others. 

“... and then, when I could see again, the first face I saw was that of Theodora.”, Alexa ended her story with a slightly besotted smile while looking out the grimy window. 

Stella had not noticed any special bond between the two, maybe she did not know them as well as she’d thought. Realizing this, the raven haired postulant slouched in defeat which made her harness pinch between her buttcheeks.

“Is that why you don’t wear a harness as I do?”, she blurted out before she noticed the insensitivity of the question.

“Yeah, I tried it once. It reminds me too much of being in a Para Siren’s clutches. I’d rather not…”, Stella nodded in compassion.

- - - - - - -

Stella soon had emptied the bowl to the feeling of having her appetite sated. The relaxation of a full stomach was contrasted by her still hard nipples which were assaulted by increasingly stronger vibrations. She could not recall when that trend started, but now that she realized:

“Alexa, the vibrations… are…ahh...”

Stella found her cross sticking between her thighs with her own juices, its chain madly rattling with the vibration of the piercing in her clit. All her other jewelry went crazy within seconds. Her nipples and cunt lips swelled with arousal as the vibration hit a frequency that resonated her body like a tuning fork. 

Under the static humm of her piercings and the subsequent ecstatic shivers, the postulant nun saw Alexa react strangely calm. Didn't she wear the same kind of piercings? With the grace of an angel she got up and took a measured look around the room.

A shadow rushed past the nearest window.

“Maggie, get the door. Doro, look after Enlinn.", Alexa commanded, probably using Stella's worldly name unintentionally.

"Ha. That's easy." She smirked and looked down at the grey newbie who still fought against falling off the bench as well as an impending orgasm that now felt like it was rearing back to hit her hard. Doro got up but did not stray far from the table, alert and ready.

The vibrations slowed down enough for Stella to regain her senses. Still madly vibrating but manageable. 

"What was that?" The newly named nun asked.

Doro looked at her sternly: "You were in arms reach of a demon." She curtly pointed at the wall between Stella and the window, "Did you cum?"

"No.", The postulant said with a sense of pride swelling in her chest. 

"Sucks for you then.", Doro snorted.

Why was she supposed to cum now for God's sake? The others could at least tell her what she was supposed to do. Or was Doro still mad at her? She could not tell.

Meanwhile, Maggie got to the door and slowly opened one side under the watchful and slightly wary eyes of the red haired girl-part of the guest couple. She quietly stuck out her head to take a peek to the right. Nothing obviously. As she looked to the other side the doors suddenly burst open with the busty nun tumbling half of the way to the middle of the room.

The silver-haired woman shrieked in surprise as did the only man in here, whose red haired girlfriend tightly clung to him after a quick scoot on her bench. She accidentally pushed her bowl off the table which only added to the scuffle that Maggie had made as she hit tables and chairs on her half fall. 

In the bright light of the open doorway stood a hulking shadow that had to stoop to get past the low door frame. Stella had trouble seeing who or what it was since the backdrop was blazing in comparison.

The piercings picked up the pace again as, what faintly looked like a woman on a horse, stepped inside. The only thing Stella was sure of were the hoofs clip-clopping on the wooden floor. Then a deep bubbling voice that sounded somehow familiar drowned out the hooved steps.

“Alexa, you know you can’t hide from me, right? Not in a dump like this.”

Maggie picked herself up with a “Fuck.”

From behind, Alexa looked like she was praying, but she slightly moved her shoulders so something was off. Within a blink of an eye her tunic fell to the ground and her well-toned body was fully on display as was the huge plug between her cheeks. The terror in the man’s face was quickly replaced by a lewd stare directed at the naked nun.

“Well, at least there’s ass on the menu.”, the tarred voice said and the man behind the demon grinned stupidly, despite the obvious, imminent danger.

This snapped the silver-haired woman back to attention since she had been standing like a fawn facing a wolf. She slowly moved backward, away from the entrance and the monstrous intruder, towards the other back corner of the hall with a terrified look on her face. Not letting her sight linger from the intruder her hands did a poor job of substituting for her eyes as she felt the way behind her.

Alexa stayed quiet and got into a presumed fighting stance.

As the horse trotted towards Maggie, who was fumbling with her own collar, the red-haired girl used the opportunity to escape and pull her boyfriend with her. Until being dragged through the door, he only had eyes for Alexa. They fell into a panicked sprint as they passed the only window of that side of the room.  

The centaur did not care for them. Instead, and with ease, the demon swatted Maggie to the side, who then tumbled to the ground again, taking chairs and tables with her. 

Doro was the first to realize why this voice sounded so familiar: “Netty?”

“Ah, Doro, you tasty treat. I’ll save you for dessert.” said the voice. It definitely was Agneta. Stella now understood that much, too, but instead of the rough, frequently broken, yet medium pitched voice Agneta sounded different. Her voice was deeper and its prominent cracks were replaced by what sounded like thick popping bubbles. She sounded like she was speaking from underwater, or rather from under tar?

“Agneta, no! You can fight this!”, she pleaded as the doors behind her slowly swung shut, revealing what the guard now actually looked like.

The first thing Stella noticed was the massive pillar of a cock underneath a horse-like body. A body that was missing its head, but had several pairs of eyes along its flanks. Instead of its head, the demon paraded Agneta around, who stuck in its maw up to her thighs like a grotesque bouquet of flowers in a vase. With her arms bound behind her back, she slightly swayed from side to side as the monster trotted about. Her stomach looked filled out and round like a pregnant woman, with visible outlines of tentacles moving under her skin. The captured guard’s head was slightly tipped backwards and she was drooling black liquid over her tits and tummy which bubbled and popped as she addressed Dorothea:

“Doro, shut up. I don’t want to fight this. I feel better than ever.”, Her facial expressions were slack and relaxed, her eyes unfocused, and her body spasming in the throes of what looked like an ongoing silent orgasm. 

“Netty…”, Doro sunk to her knees in... despair? Stella, despite the maddening vibrations getting stronger as she approached the centaur, knelt down beside her former idol and carefully padded her back. She did not know what to say.

“What’s all tha ruckus ‘ere?”, the innkeep stomped in from the presumed kitchen, ladle in hand, looking for a fight and not sure where to look first.

“Oh there's pork for the main course, you shouldn’t have, Alexa.”, Agneta said, head still tipped back, with only her mouth moving. The demonic body turned, with her’s being swung along, then wavered and settled in the previous orgasmic twitches. The lumbering woman now noticed the horse in the room and was promptly muted as her eyes widened in terror. 

The beastmaster rushed between them with wide spread arms to protect her: “No! Spare her! She has nothing to do with this.” 

Alexa obviously did not care what kind of person she’d save, even if that meant saving a rude slob like the innkeep.

As Stella looked back and forth between Alexa and the demon, she noticed the beastmaster breathing differently as if she was concentrating specifically on it or was out of breath. Her breasts rose and fell causing a noticeable wobble of her pierced, fully hardened nipples.

Was she about to charge her opponent? Stella's question was answered in an instant.

With three quick steps, Alexa rushed to the centaur’s flank and crashed to her knees in hands reach of the demonic horse cock.

"Damn, Alexa, you know how to serve your meals hot, ey?", the tarry voice said as the nun touched the more than arm-sized penis. She kissed the head, but the centaur shifted her stance and moved to the side to keep the nun in front of her. Maggie, now also nude, appeared behind the demon, slowly sneaking towards her rear end.

Stella could see a tentacle come from between where the host joined the demon and before she could warn the beastmaster it had snatched her by the neck. instinctively she tried to pull at it, but to no avail.

"I know your oral skills. I'm sure I would like your throat, but I won't let you capture me, you sanctimonious slut. I'd rather fuck you on my own terms.", Agneta happily bubbled while leading Alexa with a tentacle leash to bend over a table. For an instant, Stella could see her from the front, before her big nipple plugs loudly thumped on the table and then rasped against its surface.  She struggled, further pulling at the tentacle, but was forced to move where the demon wanted her.

Maggie was still trying to get to the centaur’s back end, which turned out to be a challenge by itself. Stella's guide dodged the widely swaying demon’s tail twice before she got hit squarely in the chest. Additionally, the tail caught her by her waist in the same motion and like a whip pinned her arms to her sides.

"Maggie, if you want to rim me you could have just asked.", Agneta jested and pulled the guide facefirst between the asscheeks of her demonic body. Her victim’s protests were immediately muffled. With two heavy hoofbeats, she set her forelegs down on the table and lined up her cock with Alexa's behind. Two tiny tentacles that sprouted from the thick heads sides poked and prodded around the saucer-sized bottom plate of Alexa's buttplug.

Stella could only watch as she realized that her friends were in trouble. The thawing innkeep did too, but her instinct wasn’t to help anyone but herself. She quietly snuck through the door she had come through, successfully not lumbering, somehow keeping the wooden floor quiet in the process.

The postulant tried to get closer to maybe distract Agneta enough for the others to free themselves but the vibrations in her nipples and cunt were just too strong. Her knees buckled and she had to concentrate on not cumming right there.

"Netty, please don't do this...", Doro quietly pleaded, but Stella knew it was inaudible for the demon at this distance. Wet drops hit the ground underneath her former idols face as she was clutching her breasts. Was she crying? A few golden strands of hair obscured her eyes, but she seemed to be drooling, too. Stella remembered she was still exorcising her father’s and possibly other demons in her tits and surely had similar issues as the postulant nun.

Alexa had stopped fighting the tentacle and was trying to get at her own buttplug, but before she could pull or push it out Agneta rocked her demonic body forward with a sudden jerk. The demon’s cock bent against Alexa's plug until it slipped down to her cunt, sheathing itself halfway with a wet squelch, that resonated in the dining hall. Despite probably not having expected to take the centaur like this she was audibly prepared.

"Oh fuck… No! Not there!", Alexa protested as her pussy was unceremoniously filled with the immense horse cock. 

"Damn, I thought you'd be deeper.", the centaur sighed in frustration through Agneta’s tar stained voice and began rocking her meat pole in and out of the beastmaster. The hard horse member went in partially and was repeatedly blocked by something. This was causing Alexa to slip forward on the table with two similar rumbling scrapes on its surface, followed by a loud knock against the side each time. The cock bent awkwardly with what remained outside until the demon reared back for the next stroke.

"Ah… ah… I can feel you against my womb." Alexa cried out between each of her heavy thrusts, "Are those the tentacles?"

"Yes, you little horse slut. They are prying you open.", Agneta's voice, though deep and tarred, still contrasted Alexa's with its calmness.

"You can't go in there! It's sacred!", Alexa pleaded, with her voice shifting pitch upward. "I'm gonna… I'm…"

A spark of determination lit up in the toned nun’s eyes as they met with Stella's: "Dear God, heavenly Father, give me the strength to resist this worldly pleasure."

The Demon continued hammering into her, each thrust loudly banging her cross against the table, while keeping her in place atop it with a tentacle around her neck. Nevertheless, she repeated this prayer even as she was starting to lose to the lechery that was slowly yet obviously taking hold of her.

The air became pithy with the smell of sex, which evermore replaced the cider-like stuffy odor with the sweet aroma of Alexa's juices and her sweat. Stella was sure if she had not been aroused already she would be as of smelling this.

"Praying won't help you, Alexa. Just enjoy the ride!", Agneta's darkened voice coldly demanded. 

Hard jabs pushed Alexa forward bit by bit, along with the table that she was still pinned on, as the possessed nun used her demonic strength to ram into the nun. Loud wet squelches accompanied each rumbling slip and stop of the table, as did the knocks of silver against the table and the scraping of the immense plugs on top of it.

Alexa's prayers slowed down: "Dear God,... heavenly Father,... oh fuck… give me the strength to resist this... worldly pleasure."

She was trying so hard to enjoy the ordeal as little as possible, but Stella could tell she wanted to get herself off desperately, too. Again, she trailed off her prayer. It seemed like she was about to give in to an earth-shattering orgasm, but instead, she pulled back in the last second, stiffened in the suppression of her climax, and avoided the last step over the edge.

Then she renewed her prayer to the annoyance of the demon: “…heavenly father, give me the str-... strenght to… strenght to… ahhh… strength to resist… Oh, fuck! Give me… the...”

The demon's pace and depth increased, causing further pauses in Alexa’s prayer with their intensity. Nevertheless, she prayed on.

"Fucking stop praying!" The demon bellowed as it shifted stances pulling out almost completely and plunging in further after a mighty shove.

At once Alexa’s eyes flashed open and her face froze in a silent cry. With the last mighty bend of the demonic cock, it snapped through an inner opening and vanished from sight almost completely. 

“Ah, that’s it!”, Agneta bubbled victoriously and let the tentacle around Alexa’s neck peel off in glee. "Let’s put a bun in the oven!"

Realizing her neck was free, the beastmaster tried to resist the bucking of the stallion above her, which pulled her this and that way with rough jerky movements.

“I… need to get off…”, she said as she scrambled for leverage against the forelegs of the centaur trying to pull herself towards on them, but every time the centaur followed by sinking his meat hilt deep into her again.

“Indeed, you do.”, the voice of tar bubbled happily, contrasting with the absolute void of emotion on Agneta's face other than a mindless orgasm and her moving mouth as the voice spoke.

Stella felt like she needed to do something, anything to help her sisters. Maggie was still pressed against the horse's rear struggling less and less, Alexa was freed of the tentacle leash, but still not able or willing to get away and Doro was on her knees holding on to her tits while trying not to attract any demonic attention. 

Sadly, Stella's own piercings were still rattling her nethers and stinging her nipples, keeping her helplessly turned on. Any step closer could mean her own orgasm and she was sure she could not hold it off as well as Alexa had until now.

“Let me go… Oh... Oh fuck! This...”, Alexa failed to suppress a lewd moan. One last time she tried to pull herself off the cock weakly, but the centaur pushed her to the table again, shoving it forward, too.

“This is too good. God, please forgive me...”, the buff nun sighed as she visibly gave up and took what was offered. She adjusted her stance and not only received the hard thrusts of the centaur with gusto, she also pushed herself into the strokes vigorously. 

Stella could literally hear their thick slippery fluids intermingle and create nasty squelches and wet dribbles. Alexa seemingly lost control completely and furiously tried getting herself off instead of getting off the horse’s cock. 

“Alexa, no! Please stop this madness!” Doro pleaded, this time a little bit louder. Thick long strings of drool and tears dripped off her nose and chin.

“I’m sorry sisters,...”, she said between thrusting, then her eyes met with Stella’s: “...please, don’t look at me!”

The contrasts between the shame in her voice and the wanton way she looked almost made the postulant nun lose control as well. This was too much. She backed off to her seat and the vibrations diminished enough for her to regain her composure.

Alexa’s movements exaggerated even more. Instead of the centaur fucking her, it looked more and more like she was fucking herself on its huge tool and the demon was standing still. 

“I can feel them in my womb… they are in my tubes… this… I can’t…”, Alexa’s voice trailed off one last time.

On the final deep push, her eyes rolled back and her body started bucking as if struck by lightning. Her cross rapidly drummed against the table's surface with her spasms probably inciting even more twitches that continued this vicious cycle of her supernatural orgasm.

“Agneta, you monster!” Doro’s despair turned to anger as she stumbled to her feet and awkwardly ran towards the centaur. She did not get far. After a few steps, her knees buckled and she fell to the ground, not in control of her body she convulsed on the ground with a lewd moan.

“What was that?”, Agneta grumbled while remaining flush inside the quivering beastmaster. “Have some patience. I said you are dessert.” Her voice trailed off as her own orgasm rushed over her, however, her reaction to cumming was way more composed.

Stella felt so incapable in her corner. All she could do was watch and let the moments pass by as the moaning slowly changed to silence.

“My, my... Quite the show you put on here, Agneta.”, a sickly sweet mature voice suddenly said. It came from where the silver-haired woman had retreated to, but instead of the young silver-haired woman, there stood a demonic figure now.

She reminded Stella of someone she knew, but as she tried to put her finger on it her line of thought was interrupted. “Thank you, mistress.” Agneta said, pulling out of her exhausted breeding mate, which was followed by a deluge of black sludge that loudly splattered to the ground. Demons cum black? Stella could not believe her eyes and shocked turned her view to the second unbelievable figure in the room.

The new demon’s hair was silver still, like the woman she had been disguised as, but her skin now looked completely sunburned red. She sported hooves instead of feet, a demonic tail, and horns that sprouted from the sides of her head, incomparable to any animal Stella knew. Most dismaying though was the lewd dress that covered her body, or rather, put emphasis on what it did not even attempt to cover: A huge cock with an odd-shaped head that limply hung between her thighs only covered by a crisscross of strings holding her dress together, and decorated with golden jewelry.

She definitely was not the demon from her creepy slag-bath dream, that one was filthy and raw. This shape-shifting demon had an air of angelic royalty about her and also, though she was not sure, Stella’s piercings might not have reacted to her at all.

“How, tha...?”, she incredulously asked, still pondering her piercings and was immediately at a loss for words. She looked demonic, but was she?

“Leave her there and take the ass licker. I'm sure that feisty buttrag will be quite entertaining for you.”, she mused as she turned to Stella and Doro.

A quick glance back to Alexa confirmed she did not move. Hopefully just because she was unconscious. 

In a blink of an eye, she appeared in front of the postulant nun with tiny streamers of dust rilling to the ground as the slowly coalescing residue of a movement so quick that it could only be of magical origin.

“You, my dear, you need to tell the tale of this. Take these two...”, she pointed at Doro and then at the empty ground, where the unconscious Alexa flickered into existence from a few yards away, “... and return to your precious convent.”

In the corner of her eye, Stella could see Agneta being paraded outside with Maggie on the demon’s back, both their arms bound by its tentacles.

“Maggie!”, Stella instinctively cried which made her guide struggle more fiercely but to no avail. Her cry only earned her a backhand slap from the eerily familiar demon.

“Remember my words, darling”, she laughed menacingly, “tell of this moment in the convent.”, then she vanished with a powdery blip with nothing left but a few remaining motes of magic dust which slowly settled where she stood.

The vibrations in Stella’s piercings faded quickly, but her lustfulness did not let go as fast. In a desperate moment, she jumped to her feet and raced to the doors.

“Maggie!”, she cried again as the cooling air of dusk engulfed her.

No answer. The only thing she could hear were crickets and faint hoof beats from all around her.


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