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James 1:5

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

Ready for the second part of her postulation after being pierced, Ennlin sat on the chapel's altar as she was told. She still experienced the faint pulses that throbbed through the wound canals in her most sensitive parts, which now housed the red gleaming metal jewelry.

The chapel seemed incredibly empty with only the first pew occupied. Most of the nuns Ennlin knew were here, except the twins and Agneta. They sat in their seats chattering as they had gathered in the opulently decorated churchette. 

Multi-colored light shone through the stained glass windows and partially illuminated the statues, buxom and proud, on their high pillars. The light also sparkled over the delicate golden embroideries in the tapestries and the beautiful carving of the wooden furniture with all the colors of a rainbow. Some of the morning light shone on the skin of  Ennlin's cold hands which displayed the telltale signs of her nervousness and excitement.

She was about to take her first official step on her way to becoming a nun. Sitting on the altar, naked as the day she was born, her remaining clothes lay neatly folded on a chair behind the altar, even the harness. The only things she wore were the numerous rings and studs that had been freshly pierced through places no one but her had even touched before. 

Looking down her own body, the tiny wounds still ached, but silently praying to herself dulled the pain to a pulse of pressure that concurred with her heartbeat. Only one of the gleaming, red metal adornments stood out. The ring in her clit. It was the only one that did not fully close, but Ennlin had the immediate suspicion that she would get to wear a cross similar to the others soon. Nevertheless, the open ring held her labia and the hood of her clit sufficiently out of the way for air to distractingly tickle her pleasure nub. This tiny nuisance already existed for an hour or so and it drove her mad with lust for every second of it. Her pussy drooled on the altar and a puddle of her juices had darkened the surprisingly warm sandstone. Maybe it was an afterglow of the void, which she knew remained in her mind, but she dared not to think about it.

She was overcome by a new bout of anxiety and embarrassment, as Prioress Frederika stepped close and the small audience looked up to her completely naked form.

“Since we skipped part of the initiation already, due to your... predicament.”, the prioress started and looked suggestively down to her groin, to the darkened stone, “You will simply be blessed and receive your monastic name.”, Rika said and waved for the other nuns to approach.

“Kneel on the altar facing your new sisters, sit up straight and proudly present your body for your sisters’ blessings.”, Rika demanded and Ennlin complied with sitting on her heels with her shins flat on the stone surface.

“Spread your legs wider, knees apart, big toes touching. Push out your breasts. This way your body will be accessible for any kind of blessing.”, Rika forced her legs apart and pushed her here and there until the prioress was satisfied with her upright position and Ennlin openly presenting her assets.

Detty was the first to arrive at the altar with a broad smile and immediately put her left hand between and slightly below her breasts. Alexa took hold of one of her thighs, with her left hand, too. Maggie stood behind her, also using her left hand, and lifted one of Ennlin’s breasts up, maybe even purposefully pressing against a now agonizingly throbbing piercing which went straight through from top to bottom. Rose, with compassion on her face, lightly touched Ennlin’s engorged and pulsing clit, which sparked in pleasure as the piercing folded upwards allowing her Hand to get close. The nuns kept holding their hands where they placed them and seemingly waited for Rika as their eyes were trained on her. 

Theodora placed her hand on Ennlin’s left buttcheek as Ekatherina pressed hers on the aspirant’s forehead. Jamielynn slowly caressed the raven-haired girl’s stomach and Charlotta put hers on the shoulder where she had stuck student with a needle to test the strength of her prayer a few days past. Dorothea, once the reason Ennlin came to this convent, obviously just wanted to provoke her. As the nun pressed her left hand between her buttcheeks and hooked her fingertips perfectly into the young woman’s dripping pussy, Ennlin gasped and her lust spiked. She desperately suppressed the urge to needily rock against the intrusive hand. Doro must have been surprised to find her fingers going in so easily because she froze for a moment before the started to lazily flick her fingers against the aspirant’s sensitive folds. Bubbles of pleasure burst as Doro used her fingertips to play with the rings that now resided in Ennlins lower lips.

Another two nuns, who Ennlin had not extensively regarded yet, placed their hands one on her other, yet untouched thigh and one on the nape of her neck until Rika joined them. Every nun except the prioress now held the palm of their left hand against her body - some warm, some cold, most of them carefully caressing her, one even trying to arouse her further. 

The prioress finally curved her hand around her waist and started to chant:

“Let thy sisters bless thy corporeal being as the body of the lord. For thy God giveth and thy God shall taketh it away. Blessed be thy skin to repel any ailment poised to befall thee.”

The nuns crossed themselves with their free hands and suddenly started chanting all at once.

"Blessed be thy heart to give you the courage to face any challenge...", Detty said, and with her started a strangely enthralling cacophony of blessings by all the other nuns. Ennlin could not fully make out what each of them said since it happened all at once, but at least she understood their blessings each focused on a specific organ, adding an abstract idea. Maggie blessed her tits, but with what she did not hear. Because Jamielynn loudly declared her stomach uncurseable. 

As her sisters spoke in unison but in no way Ennlin could understand, she felt the effects of this blessing immediately. From the hands a warm tingly feeling emerged that got her hot and flustered quickly. Her clit throbbed against Rosemary's hand who happily smiled in recognition. Doro obviously could tell too, because the two fingers that had hooked themselves into her cunny before now tried to explore her insides more thoroughly, pushing in quickly and rubbing the sensitive skin inside. If this went on she would surely cum right here in the altar.

Luckily, as the nuns had spoken their blessings Rika concluded: "In nomini dominis, hominium, et angeli sancti.", she then waved the other nuns back down to their seats.

"Rise postulant nun! Thee shall be known as ‘Maristella of the Holy Order of Dishabille Nuns’

In nomini dominis, hominium, et angeli sancti.", Rika heavily stated.

As Ennlin, now redeemed of Doro's expert ministration, rose to her knees with her new name “Maristella”, the prioress approached her with a cross in her hand.

The short chain on it was crafted to end in a tiny gleaming red metal marble, that being, by the looks of it, barely small enough to fit into the opening of her clit’s ring. Of which the prioress took hold, slightly tugging on her needy pleasure nub to fit the cross. The now renamed Maristella, had other things to worry about than her name. She gasped which turned into a moan as Frederika proficiently clipped the ring into the pre-punched recess.

Ennlin was startled by the sudden yanking on her clit as the weight of the cross fell from Rika’s hand, which added to the pleasure and somehow focusing the feeling. The cross hit the piercings in her lips, ringing out in soft high pitched clinks and vibrating deeply where nothing but these piercings had ever touched her. It was anchored deep within her pleasure nub cruelly swinging around, twisting and turning as if it wanted to escape. It really was not that bad, but to Stella it felt that harsh until the cross,  slowed by its own weight, continued to only wobble with every slight movement. The worst part of it was that this fueled her pleasure further. She could make out tiny currents of air drifting past her needy clit as it was kept outside its snug cave and her soaked outer lips, since they were continuously held apart by their own adornments.

Ennlin's first official step into the life of a marriage to the Lord and Mankind had been taken and the proudness of the moment was completely drowned out by her incoming orgasm.

Maristella was born. 

She twitched and convulsed suppressing what could turn out to be a disastrous embarrassment in front of the whole convent. 

- - - - - - -

Three days had passed since Agneta went under observation in the infirmary and two days since Ennlin became postulant and received her monastic name ‘Maristella’.

Her new name was requiring some getting used to. Rose unsolicitedly shortened it to Stella, to which the newly renamed girl, of course, was usually not reacting to either, but with time the postulant nun would surely grow accustomed to it.

These past few days, Maristella contemplated on and off about her embarrassing display upon receiving her final piece of jewelry. She had squirted her juices all over the altar to the astonishment of her audience and the mean smirk of  Doro's, which had quickly faded as Rika had congratulated her taking it as a promising sign.

Her insecurity about her own body faded into the background as she compared the open and friendly behavior of the nuns to the brashness and violence that her possessed father had displayed. As luck would have it, they all got off lightly, she concluded.

Rosemary was sure Netty (that's how she called the guard) would recover, but even though her injuries were relatively minor, she was still unconscious. She lay there with a serene and relaxed face, devoid of the usual gruffness. Her vibrant pink hair glowed where the sun hit it through the window and Maristella marveled at the voluptuous figure which the thin blanket could not begin to hide. Clutching the guard’s unresponsive hand every once in a while, Stella blamed herself for her injuries and her unconsciousness. 

After being pierced and blessed, she had only left Netty’s bedside to eat, sleep or when Dorothea was visiting the guard. At times that was pretty drawn out as well, so Stella found  other things to occupy herself besides wallowing in the residual throbbing from her piercings and her self pity.

Stella had brought her loaned book of demons (and secretly the Lord's Endowment, too) to the infirmary. She tried to observe Rose and get to know what she did around the convent. Careful movements ensured to not aggravate her healing piercings or getting her cumbersome cross caught on something. She also practiced prayers, like the new one Charlotta taught her to heal herself after an injury. Getting to know this prayer before she had anything to heal would probably have been a waste of time, but after having been on the receiving end of a few piercing needles, she now had something she could practice on. Also, reading her demon textbook in the infirmary, as far as Detty allowed, turned out to accelerate her reading speed, but did not make the orotund sentences any easier to understand.

At this very moment, she was sitting on her bed frame in the infirmary, flipping through the pages of the almost unreadable tome and let the cross rhythmically knock against the wood by subtly shifting her body weight. She was not supposed to touch her still aching piercings yet, unless for cleaning purposes, but the soft vibrations of the metal hitting on wood sent tingles up the chain and directly into her clit which bubbled in pleasure in response. Technically, she was not touching anything, she mused.

Her pleasure came with a tinge of guilt and self-doubt. Did she actually deserve this? She was the one who got Alexa off with the larva inside. She had been too late and too indecisive to stop the larva, hadn’t she? She could not even keep her orgasm in check on her postulation. She pouted to herself as tangs of guilt streaked through her mind and her vision unfocused from the demon drawing on the yellowed paper. She contemplated peeking through the veil that hid the void in the back of her mind until someone startled her.

“Well, you have my vote.” The cute cheery voice of Alexa interrupted the melancholic silence of the moment as had she entered quietly.

“Vote?”, Stella asked after a surprised gasp.

“Yeah, when you are postulant you need to get the uniform approval of every nun present at the convent to eventually join.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that.” she said intent on keeping her eyes fixed on the picture that showed a surreal demon with wings.

“Well, I see it like this: Aspirants sniff us out and postulants get sniffed out.”, to further underline her point she had come closer and loudly snooped at the aspirant’s neck. Stella felt goosebumps rush down her naked back and turned to the stable master, who had squatted next to the postulant and shivered as her cross clicked against the stone floor pulling her clit into seemingly unaccustomed directions. 

Nevertheless, she continued:

“You finally saw how dangerous it is to be one of us. Despite that, you stayed and you’re even at Agneta’s side all the time. You really care for others. I admire that.”

The room went quiet enough for Agneta’s ragged breathing to be audible.

“Thank you.”, Stella whispered. 

Alexa smelled of hay end berries and a broad smile adorned her face. Similarly, beautiful decorations graced her breasts which themselves were perched upon her knees. Her nipples and areolas were pushed outwards by the immense plugs, turning them into faint rings around the engraved golden disks. She let her vision unfocus again.

“I’m sorry that happened.” Stella remembered the drunken lust she felt when the tentacle had touched her. It had only started to fade as the tentacles were completely sealed in Alexa’s tits. But it had faded too slowly for the postulant's taste, like the dull pain of a bruise. The presence of her piercings had pulled a veil over the void so that merely touching her nipple did not cause her desire to flare up any more. However, she feared the emptiness that begged to be filled was still there. Would it ever go away? What would happen if she pulled at the curtain, hiding the void from the rest her mind?

Stella, before getting lost in thought, inquired shyly: “I never really asked you... Did you get out of this all right?”

“Mostly, I guess… My ass is really sensitive now. I’m not sure I can exorcise with it anymore...”, her smile turned crooked, but she kept laughing with her eyes as she looked to the ceiling. 

After meeting the Stellas eyes again she added: “Don’t worry - happens all the time.”

Alexa’s cheerful mood was seemingly indestructible.

“Really, though?”, Stella kind of wanted to wallow in her sorrow and did not want to make it easy for the beast wrangler to get her mood up.

“Yeah, besides, getting it up the ass is more fun now and I actually feel challenged. God gives you hurdles to overcome and when the time arrives that I have to stuff a demon up there again, I'm sure I’ll be ready.”, to further underline her point Alexa had got up, bent over at the hip and slapped her own ass loudly, while still holding eye contact with Stella. She stood there in a statuesque pose as if she just delivered a punchline.

Stella chuckled and a twinge of happiness beckoned her to get up as well. She could not see Alexa's left hand, but her shoulder moved, not hiding the fact that her hand was in motion. Was she playing with herself, while they were talking? The aspirant stood to lean around Alexa to inspect her and smiled as she found her suspicions were confirmed.

Alexa took her interest as a cue: “That’s my girl. So are you healed up yet?”, Alexa asked while pulling the postulant away from the bed.

“Almost.”, Maristella smiled crookedly as the nun pulled her closer, she did not know what to expect.

Standing in the middle of the hospice ward, both their faces were so incredibly close to each other. Stella could smell the hay and berries again. Alexa glanced down to the other’s lips for a moment and locked eyes again as she seemed to look for… consent?

She let her own view shift down to the beast master’s lips, the lower of which was caught between her teeth. She came closer. Stella suddenly felt her heartbeat in her chest and the soft breath of the nun blew gently against her wet lips. Subconsciously she must have licked them in anticipation. Alexa closed her eyes and tilted her head. Only slightly hesitating, Stella did the same. Their lips were just about to meet...

“What’s… almost… ?”, a groggy, raspy voice came from the bed. Both girls turned around, startled and an awkward, short pause followed.

“Netty!”, Alexa cheered as she had found her composure more quickly and settled by the bedside, sitting down on Stella’s bed. The newly pierced nun followed suit, a little confused, finding her still pounding heart refusing to settle down.

The guard slowly sat up, making the blanket slip from her massive tits and reveal her pierced nipples and areola.

“Aww... my back hurts… So what's almost healed?”, the crackling voice was groaning with agony.

“Ennlin got her piercings!”, Alexa cut off the postulant mentioning her with her worldly name before she could utter any kind of answer, obviously not to confuse Netty.

“Oh, congratulations!”, Agneta blurted out to which Stella blushed as she remembered how sexual the whole process was. “Wait a minute. It was about a week ago when you came here in that silly dress and the last thing I remember was relieving Alexa from confession duty… then just bits and pieces...”, Agneta said as she turned to the beast wrangler and clutching her neck, "Was I out that long?"

“No. Rika decided to postulate me early because the larva's poison hit me here.”, Stella was excited to have read up on that as she pointed at her newly pierced nipple, but was interrupted by Alexa: “Pff, the poison hit me when that thing crawled from my ass to possess you.”, her eyes were narrowed to address the guard. Nevertheless, her face bore a broad smile as she turned to Stella with: “Now, where is MY promotion?”  She earned a sympathetic smile from the guard. It was easy to read in her flushed face that her lust had increased as well, but due to their piercings, the poison and void would fade all the same. 

Since her question was not supposed to be answered, the newly postulated nun continued: "I also got a nun's name! I’m Maristella now. Nice to meet you."

“It’s called a monastic name, moron.”, the agonizing way anyone would say this could only mean Dorothea had entered the room, “Has the demonspawn fucked your brains out with one touch already?”

“Nooo...”, Stella's pitch rose as she primly tried to divert the others’ attention. Doro rushed to the bedside but kept standing. She folded her arms under her massive boobs and leaned down to address the injured guard.

“Nice to see you awake, love.”, Doro stood next to the bed between where Stella sat and the injured nun. Doro daintily kissed her, still bent at the hips, pushing her ass right up to the postulant’s face. 

“How do you feel? Did the larva do anything to you?”, Doro asked and Stella kicked herself for not asking the guard for her wellbeing first.

Agneta, in realization, hastily patted herself down. “Where is the… Wha… It’s gone. Where is it?”

Stella scooted sideways on her hospice bed, away from Doro’s blatantly displayed buttcrack and was about to answer, but Agneta’s line of sight showed that she had already found out. She stared directly at the bloated tits on the muscular nun’s frame. Her boobs looked like perfectly round spheres now, with the heavy nipple plugs slightly pulling down on her flesh as they were mismatching her body type with outright abandon. They looked overfilled and hard without give, like overripe apples, but way bigger.

“Alexa, I'll have to pay you back somehow.”, the guard said gravely.

“I know, and I already know how you can make that up to me.” She smiled mischievously and got up to walk out of the infirmary. Before leaving their sight, she reached back to her ass and pulled her anus open by the upper rim with one finger, turning it into an enticing slit.

“Come see me, when you feel better.”, she winked at the guard over her shoulder and left.

Agneta blushed, but kept her cool: “I could eat a horse. How long was I out, really?”

“Three days.”, a quiet but demanding voice surprised the three remaining girls. Rosemary had come back from the garden and was probably not fond of the ruckus.

“Out. Everyone.”, Rosemary pointed at the door, hiding the pleasure of saying the words behind clenched teeth, “Netty needs... rest. Hah...”, she closed her eyes as her knees almost buckled, but she stubbornly held up her stance. 

“I’m glad you’re awake, Agneta. I’m sorry.”, Stella said as she got up under the disdainful eyes of Dorothea. 

"Don't sweat it, newbie. Nobody expected this mess. I am the one who should have seen it.", Agneta smiled with determination in her eyes, “The least I can do is exorcising the little shit.”

- - - - - - -

That night, Stella heard gleeful sounds from across the cloister. Of course, she had an idea who it was and pondered about what they were up to. As she looked into the darkness behind her cell’s open doorway with half-closed eyes, she quit trying to fall asleep that instant. The postulant nun had her candle extinguished already, but the moonlight shone through the window, bright enough to illuminate the colonnade outside her cell.

She got up to see or hear across the cloister, but all the other cells were dark. At least confirming that it was Agneta making up to Alexa would prove some satisfaction to the newly postulant nun and her curiosity. Peeking past her cell’s doorframe, she looked left and right as she deliberated going out and heading towards the sounds along the upper cloister.

Considering how good Frederika’s hearing was, this would probably turn out to be a stupid idea, but she decided to do it anyway. In her mind, she worked out the excuse that she was up because she would have to pee. If push came to shove she could surely squeeze out a few drops.

As she quietly walked along the colonnade of the upper cloister she did not get far until somebody had her stop dead in her tracks.

"Hey!", she heard half-whispered and half-shouted in Detty’s voice. It was no surprise, really, since she was right past her cell at the moment. 

“If Rika catches you sneaking through the cloister at night, she’ll have you, literally.”, the librarian whispered as if she wanted to scare the postulant into going back. Lying in her bed, Detty had propped herself up on her elbows with her blanket slipped down underneath her beautiful breasts which sparkled in the moonlight where it hit her nipple jewelry.

For a moment Stella’s thoughts went to her own nipples that had very similar jewelry in them. Unconsciously, her hand wandered there as she pondered the foreign metal that now belonged to her - was a part of her.

“Is everything alright? What are you doing up?”

“I… I have to... pee.”, Stella stumbled with the half-truth, as she realized she should have taken the stairs that were in the other direction, or she had to go all the way along the cloister.

“Really? Do you want to go the long way around? Maybe have a look over there?”, she winked with her head nodding past the postulant.

“No, I… I really had to pee.”, Stella decided to stick with it.

She saw disbelief in the librarian, but, luckily, she wasn’t arguing. Instead, she got up, clad in nothing but her harness, and closed the distance to the raven-haired postulant.

“I need to go, too. Let’s go together!”, Detty mischievously grinned and walked past Stella, who was now hot and cold at once with sweat beading up on her cleavage.

She hurried to catch up to the nun and quietly walked beside her, summoning her inner waterfall. 

Detty filled the awkward silence with a question: “So, how are your piercings? Are they healing alright?”

A glance at the librarian still showed a glimmer of mischief in her eyes, but genuine concern as well. Stella took a while to answer to ponder if getting caught on something with the huge cross dangling between her legs actually qualified as an answer.

“Yes, they are. I was expecting they’d take a few weeks to heal, but I feel pretty normal already.”, Stella admitted. Back when she was Ennlin she kind of feared the piercings. She knew all kinds of wounds easily festered and suspected that so many wounds inflicted upon her at once would be no different. However, instead of giving her grief, she found the piercings healed perfectly and very quickly as well. She could feel the metal rings move slightly in their tunnels with every movement she made, her proud, harness induced style of walking was no exception.

“Have you noticed your body change yet?”, Detty asked, facing ahead stoically. 

“Uhm… no. Not like what you told me in the library... with the twins.”, Stella smiled inwardly. In her memory she saw Estra molest her sister, pry her nipple open, show off the rosy, milk glistening skin inside as well as the piercings other ends and, at the end, even stuck in one of those huge golden spinning top like plugs. The twins were so frivolously sexy and powerful. She wanted that, too.

“Well, the first changes you might not have noticed yet.”, it was a bit too dark to see Detty’s expression.

“Really?”, Stella did not feel any different, maybe a bit hornier, but that’s probably because of the sight of the almost completely nude nun accompanying her.

“Yes. As soon as your body has adjusted to the metal, and your body has expelled all unblessed fluids, you can donate your very own holy water.”, she snickered as if she said something scandalous, “How often have you relieved yourself after the postulation?”

“Don’t know. Five times?”

“Then you can.”, the librarian stated matter of factly.

A moment of silence pushed a profound wave of astonishment through the young nun which petrified her, but she could not put it into words.

“Don’t say anything. I know the feeling. It’s amplified, right? Actually, all your feelings are amplified with wearing the jewelry and this amplification grows linearly with time.”, she deliberately paused to look over Stella’s body. 

“Anger. Fear. Disgust. Happiness. Sadness. Surprise,... like now.”, Detty enumerated. 

As the postulant followed Detty’s line of sight, she ended up at her own nipple which hardened and slowly peeked from its hiding spot.

“... and Lust…”, Detty quipped and walked on.

“Keeping these ever-increasing feelings in check comes with a reward though. You can exorcise any demon that you can manage to trap within your body. The more your feelings are hightened, the more powerful the exorcism is.”, Detty had kind of rambled, but this last part cleared up her puzzled mind about linear amplification or whatever had tried to tell her before.

Did that mean, when they had met for the second time, Detty did not jill herself off in the library out of boredom? No. She deliberately edged herself to get the exorcism over with quicker.

“Pretty much everything that leaves your body is divinely pure, even your sweat.”, Detty smiled as they walked past above the chapel’s entrance. Suddenly, brunette hair whipped over Stella’s head as the nun made a sharp and unexpected turn. Oh, yes, Stella had forgotten the other nuns went to a different place to relieve themselves than the abort she used. She stood there for a moment unmoving until Detty turned to read her face in the moonlight. 

“Even our pee. We just call it by a different name.”

“Holy water.”, Stella whispered.

“You knew this was coming, right?”, Detty tried to give her a leg up, “You have been pierced for three days now. How long do you think Frederika lets you go on the abort when you surely produce sacred fluids already?”

Stella clenched her groin. She did not even think about that yet. Was this like the dedication thing with her getting over her shame of nudity? She could go where she was used to until she was asked, but she could get some bonus again for getting ahead.

“You don’t have to…”, Detty shrugged, opened the gate with a creak and went inside.

Without consciously deciding, Stella simply followed the librarian into the short corridor that had two doors on each side and ended on a balcony overlooking the inside of the chapel.

“Here. You can go first if you want.”, Detty pointed at one of the doors, but waited for Stella to open it. She excitedly did, obviously having thought about the baptistery since she had been told that there was a place where nuns donate their pee. She expected a bowl of some kind to capture the holy water, but the little chamber offered nothing but a cushioned seat with a metal spike pointing skywards, which only confused her.

“What is this?”, she shakingly pointed at the finger-sized hollow bronze tube that pointed to the ceiling.

“That’s a catheter.”, she said as a matter of course.

“I-... I can’t pee here.”, Stella noticed her body doing its best to quickly sweat out her pee, to rescue itself from whatever kind of crazy toilet this was. She was profoundly afraid, like the seat was some kind of predator and she was pray.

Detty realized the postulant’s sweating had resulted from fear when she placed her hand on her shoulder to turn her face to face, but then just nudged her to the side.

“You are more afraid than you need to be. Remember, your feelings are amplified. Calm down and watch me.” 

Detty turned to face her again, spread her pussy lips and angled her butt over the soft leather padding on the wooden pedestal. She lined up her pee hole with the small tube, to the sound of her cross hitting on it a few times, then slid it in with a deliberately slow drop of her butt.

“Ah,... this feels so good.”, she moaned as her bottom connected with the bench and slightly bulged out over the cushion.

She suddenly switched to her teacher like explanation voice as if changing roles in a play: “Now that I sit here, I just have to tip my pelvis forward and...”

As she did, Stella could hear the distinct sound of water splattering against a metal surface. Maybe a funnel or a bucket. It went on for a few moments with the librarian seemingly enjoying the feeling. Her face adopted a more rosy color while she adjusted the tube… 

No, she was rubbing her clit, Stella realized as the cross rhythmically danced on the edge of the wooden pedestal. She rolled her eyes in defeat.

“Ahh… sweet relieve.”, the librarian said as she finished up, then yanked the tube from her urethra by leaping up to a stand, “Now you try.”

Stella hesitantly shuffled closer to the strange toilet and tried to stall: “What if I need to poop?”

“You won’t.”, Detty’s answer came quickly and was without a doubt the truth.

“What if it’s the time of the month and I bleed?”, Stella asked, expecting the same answer.

“You can’t.”, the librarian replied with a smile, “That’s another benefit of the piercings, if you want to see it that way. The red silver halts our menstrual cycle so we stop bleeding. On the other hand we get stuck at peak fertility and horniness of our cycle.”

Stella had no more questions left to stall with and looked nervously over the seat. It was in no way sullied by any stray drops of pee, that she had expected as her eyes wandered to the little tube, which suddenly did not seem that small any more. Nevertheless she took a deep breath and went for it.

She turned to have her ass hover over the leather pillow and spread her lips just like Detty had done. Her piercings got in the way at first with her rings getting caught on the spike and then her cross bouncing against it, sending electric vibrations directly into her clit.

“Go down slowly. It should not hurt, but if you go too fast, you could injure yourself.”, while saying that she leaned in and had her hands up as if she wanted to guide her pupil.

Stella gasped as her clit touched the bronze pipe and resonated with pleasure. With her fingers on her lips she felt how wet she actually was and instinctively she rubbed some of her juices over her clit to make it nice and slippery in preparation to flick her nub and get herself distracted. At that, she unconsciously lubricated her urethra as well, which relaxedly received the hollow metal tube. It felt strangely warm to the postulant, seemingly aiding the tube spread open her urethra with a surprisingly manageable pinching sensation. She expected it to hurt, but instead the pinch turned into a pleasurable tingle. As she lowered her cheeks to the pillow more of the tube invaded her urethra with the sensation of peeing in reverse becoming ever so much more similar to what the Lord’s Endowment made her feel when she used it. A scary thought entered her mind: Was she enjoying having something in her peehole?

With this thought she let her bottom connect with the cushion and rested her weight on her backward tilted pelvis. The catheter rested in mostly the same position as she felt it lightly push against her sphincter. She recognized its unyielding stiffness when she clenched tight around it.

“You took it like a champ. I’m so proud!”, Detty had an excited glimmer in her eyes as she bobbed up and down on the balls of her feet which made her boobs jump as well, “Now, just lean your hip forward.”

Stella did as she was told and the metal rod forced its way past her sphincter. She immediately heard the telltale sound of her pee running out below her and she tried to shut down the flow, but of course nothing happened. Instead, the splatter of her holy water against sheet metal continued.

- - - - - - - - -

At the breakfast table Stella had her yogurt with berries in front of her and was waiting for the prayer to be spoken. Distractedly she had a look around while letting her new cross slide against the wooden bench’s edge continuously by subtly flexing her butt cheeks to heighten her position. She sat at the last seat on one end of the table with only Maggie next to her.

Detty, behind Maggie, was placidly discussing horses with Alexa who sat directly across from her. Somehow the beastmaster's tits were their normal huge size again and her nipple plugs were missing. Across from Stella were Doro and Netty who, under normal circumstances, would have been idly chatting, too, as they readied for praying and eating. Instead, Agneta stared at her food and Doro was alternating between shooting glares at the guard and the newly postulated nun.

Agneta now wore her plugs in her nipples which had inflated her breasts to almost double their original size as they now probably held and were exorcising the two worms Alexa had captured yesterday. Maybe that, too, was the reason Doro was angry.

As Stella pondered what to say to resolve the tension, Rika interrupted her thoughts.

“Before we dig in, I would like to announce that a letter arrived this morning.”, she said.

A murmur filled the refectory, of which only Agneta had no part of. She still had only eyes for her meal, slightly grumbling. Doro was distracted by the announcement but also kept a hard face.

Rika cleared her throat: 

“Dear Sisters,

since we know Rika is going to read this out loud in front of you all and can’t punish us outside the convent, please let it be said that: 

I love…”

Rika shyly looked to the side with a highly flushed face, but then carried on which determination and... excitement? 

“I love sucking demon dick. I can’t get enough of their seed. I would love to bathe in it and present my desecrated self to all of you. Look at my cunt. Its all wet because I find humiliation so hot.”

Rika’s pussy really had a glistening sheen to it and the cross also sparkled more than it should have. Her breathing was labored, too, but Stella was not sure if it was because of anger or arousal. Nevertheless she continued:

“Seriously though, we arrived safely at Forchamp and rented one bed at the local inn. One. The innkeeper looked a bit confused, but let us do as we pleased. Our inquisition turned up two trails of which we can only follow one. We heard of sightings of a headless beast that seemingly roamed towards Eclusier, but we think it’s probably a feral, by the aimless wandering it does, so we’ll leave it for you to exorcise. The other lead is a demon that fits the description provided by the count’s letter to the “T”. She is probably an elemental and most likely hiding here in the village somewhere. Easy pickings when we find her, but due to her sentience she is more likely to cause harm in the local populace. We’ll keep you informed or return as soon as possible.


Estra and Istra."

Frederika finished and cleared her throat again, effectively hiding: "...these rascals!"

"If anyone wants you contribute to a reply letter, see Detty after breakfast, otherwise complete your days schedules and projects. Everyone except Charlotta and Theo, see me for inquisition preparations in the cloister. Enjoy your breakfast." 

She looked over the table for a moment.

"Agneta would you pray for us please?", she asked, but the guard just grumbled and shook her head. She just stared at her bowl in silence. Rika was a bit taken aback but quickly found another nun who was more willing.

When they were allowed to eat Agneta literally started shoveling the yoghurt and berries in her face. Moving her spoon past her now huge tits the way she did, even though she had picked up the bowl, a few stray drops of yogurt dripped onto her right boob. Stella and Maggie were the only ones who saw the streaks run downhill. Her guide nudged her in her ribs to return the prank from earlier this week, but Agneta did not look like she would take it in stride.

"Netty? Want me to clean you up?"

"No, I got it.", she grumbled.

"That's right,", Doro interrupted overly confident, "because she has me."

Stella's former idol troubled herself getting up, but before she even got to Agneta's other side the guard suddenly cried: "I can take care of myself! Leave me alone."

The general chattiness of the room died in an instant and Agneta furiously stomped out slamming the door. Doro sat down again, with furrowed brows and trembling chin. She didn't touch her food until Stella left to return her empty bowl and find Detty. 

The reply letter, contrary to Stella's expectations, was a rather dull, standard affair which Detty and Ekatherina filled with tips and tricks about what to expect from an elemental demon. Also, the twins were told the convent would be out on the hunt for the proto centaur, executing an Inquisition of their own. Stella considered the highlight to be her mentioning of Rika's slickened reaction to their little prank. The draft was written quickly and the librarian urged both nuns not to miss the Inquisition briefing.  

They arrived in the center of the cloister just in time as Rika handed out assignments. 

“I want each one of you to have a partner, but the teams should be equally skilled.”, Rika said.

Stella's partner turned out to be Alexa. As the prioress explained, the beastmaster was the most senior nun without an ongoing exorcism and thus the ideal candidate to capture the demon. That also meant Stella was going with her and needed to prepare in hopes of contributing anything. 

“So as you all know your rolls, get your current projects done today and as of tomorrow morning we will use the rest of the week to capture and exorcise one of the rarest demons yet.”

- - - - - - - - 

Stella spent the rest of her day with the Encyclopedia Demonica on her feet as she most commonly sat like a tailor on her bed. She had trouble finding the right page at first since she painstakingly had to decipher the letters on the top of the page. She had the lusty feeling of the morning subdued through breakfast and up to the briefing, but now that she had time for herself and her reading, arousal hit her again as she flipped through the alphabet in search of certain letters, inadvertently getting wet in the process.

Finally arriving at the page she was looking for, at least judging by one of the images, a headless beast that kind of looked like a horse, she spelled out the header: 

“Pro.. to… Cen… taur?”

The Proto Centaur.

An overwhelmingly detailed drawing showed two forms of it and apparently several stages of its arousal judging by the triple excerpt drawing of what hung heavily between its legs. The form on the right showed what looked like the neck of a horse with the head cut off at its shoulders and from the wound sprouted several arm thick tentacles. This way it appeared more like an oversized mouth than an injury. In the center drawing a girl was stuck in this maw up to her thighs like the heavily pregnant figurehead of a ship. Only was she not pregnant. On her bulging round belly, the outline of her uterus could be seen as it was pressed to the front of her abdominal wall. Tentacles undulated behind it, apparently in her intestines, with one even filling out her womb and the surrounding structures. Stella could see where this tentacle had entered her body and stretched her vulva to its maximum. In front of that one of these things had penetrated her urethra, bending to a tensed up loop as it pressed inside. Would it have been Stella in her place, she would have fought tooth and nail to get out of this predicament, but she probably would have gotten her arms caught in a similar fashion as this demon’s victim. The picture on the top right showed her arms caught in a knot of tentacles on her back that forced her in a kind of reverse prayer position with her palms pressed against each other and her elbows touching. Stella found this creepily poetic as she imagined a nun being caught in her place but judging by the girls face, she was doing anything but pray. Her eyes were rolled back as a few tears ran over her cheeks. Her mouth was opened in an orgasmic "Ah!" that let streamers of drool escape from its corners. Obviously, she was in a bliss that let her not waste a single thought on her escape.

Stella heard the faint ring of a bell which she remembered from when she had arrived here. She had rung it herself at the time. Now, someone else was at the gate. The postulant relaxed, Agneta would surely handle it.

Stella, already soaked from looking at the drawings alone, tried to read the text carefully. Apparently after sucking a girl in its maw the feral demon uses her as a substitute brain. Without her as a host it would be reduced to instinct, but with her in place, it could use her knowledge and logic against other humans and do harm while trying to propagate its form. The creature considerers every living being that it can penetrate a suitable mother for its offspring even though the act of breeding usually kills humans. The few women who fucked a proto centaur and lived to tell the tale were nuns who tried to exorcise it.

A cold shower ran down Stellas back as she read this. She imagined herself in the heeled boots of a nun tasked to exorcise this abomination. Would she sacrifice her wellbeing or even her free will for the possibility to save a hostage? She pondered how it would feel having the bigger than arm sized cock shoved up her pussy or butt as its tiny feeler-like tentacles opened up her deepest crevices for its own breeding pleasure.

As the text said, these feelers would crawl up some kind of tubes inside her womb and stiffen to immobility as the beast’s cock swelled with its own orgasm.

The bell rang again while Stella daintily stroked her clit to get herself off and also feel where the piercing went through the sensitive nub. She heard faint metallic jingling from below, making her realize that her own cross hit the piercings in her pussy lips every once in a while. Her slow and lusty rubs pulled the bulky jewelry up repeatedly and lead to the red metal dropping onto the rings in her lips, which also added to the pleasure. She was hot, wet and reveled in martyrbatory fantasies about rescuing damsels in distress by offering her own body for these kinds of  demons.

Another time the bell rang. Stella grew anxious as Maggie appeared in her doorway.

"Oi, have you seen Agneta?", her guide asked.


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