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Psalm 37:4 

Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desire.

Ennlin tried to ignore the cat call from that young man at the street corner, who lustily looked after her as soon as he laid eyes on her. She knew him, more by chubby face than by name. Sadly, he seemed to know her.

"Hey, Ennlin, wait! You need to let me suck on your juicy tits!"

“No! Leave me alone, you pervert!”

Ennlin blushed feverishly and tried to walk faster. True, she had the biggest bust she knew of but she did not know a lot of people. She never traveled outside the County of Pulmont and usually no further than Eclusier, the seat of the count and countess of Pulmont. It was here, where this rude hooligan attempted to follow her. He was closing in on her as they passed a few houses. He hollered again:

"I said wait!"

She turned towards him and braced herself to make a stand, tightly clutching her basket full of fruit, vegetables and fish from the Eclusier market. Her stance did not radiate deterrence, but she made up for it by impudently facing her aggressor.

“No means no, you idiot!”

Within seconds the man closed the distance between them and looked her deep into her brightly light grey almost lavender colored eyes. His sight wandered along her blueish raven hair towards her deep cleavage and her heart beat faster as he did not back off.

“There is a thing called chivalry, you know?”

“I know.”, he lifted his hand as if in apology.

“Then go on, beat it!”, she could not help but shout.

“As you wish.”, a soft black shimmer flashed through his eyes and his hand slapped down on her right breast. It made her whole bust jiggle within the confines of her tight white dress, which revealed a fair amount of skin. In shock, she did not move until his hand began groping her harshly.

Adrenaline surged through her body and without thinking she swung for his head with her basket. The hit startled him long enough for her to turn away and get a few meters head start. Unfortunately, she had lost a few fruits and vegetables in the process but she did not care. 

“Leave me alone!”, she cried out over her shoulder as she quickly approached the city's south gate.

Luckily, her follower was held up by a sympathetic guard who briefly flashed her a knowing smile as she passed him. Slightly out of breath Ennlin continued on the road below the city wall towards her home in Prefor. The village was not very far from Eclusier, barely more than an hour's walk. Usually, the road was well traveled, but today it was eerily quiet.

It amplified her dread of coming home. Her father had become very unpredictable in recent months and she often caught a slap if anything was not to his liking, even if it was not her fault. Hopefully, the supplies she bought on the market would help her mother make a few satisfying meals. She knew her mother was used to doing her husband's bidding, but not to being slapped around. Yet both of them endured.

A little lost in thought of how to evade the next abuse by her father, she passed the forest separating the two settlements and before long she was standing on the doorstep of her own home.

"I am home.", she announced meekly, quietly closed the door and hung her cloak on the rack nearby.

"Finally, I'm ravenous. Lissa get on it!", her father barked.

Her mother hurried to grab the basket from Ennlins hands, gave her a peck on the cheek and smiled kindly, but that did not distract from the black eye her mother was without this morning.

"Today is the last day of this.", she whispered before she turned towards the kitchen and swiftly made her way to the counter to examine Ennlins purchases. 

"What do you mean?" the young woman was left puzzled and pondered what her mother was planning.

She jumped at the hard commanding tone of her Father. "Ennlin bring me a beer and the rest of the coin." Usually, his apprentice Edgar fetched his beer, but he must have gone home already.

To her dismay, she had spent all of the coin. The girl had hoped her mother would make her and her father's favorite meal: smoked trout stew to lift their spirits, but she could not strike a bargain for less than she had at the market. Ennlin gulped hard and slowly poured a mug of beer from the upturned keg. She tried to find an excuse her father would not hit her for, but there was none. As she approached her father, he was distracted by his carpentry work. The offered mug was eyed by her father and he did not take it, but rather waited an ominous moment, then asked: “You forgot something.”

As she put the mug down on the workbench a cold shower ran down Ennlins spine and she held her breath before uttering her answer. “There is… nothing left.” She flinched and closed her eyes, but nothing happened. She opened them right before his open hand connected with her left cheek in a loud smack. Her world flashed to blackness only slowly returning to normal vision. She found herself on all fours on the floor turned away from her father.

“I'm sorry, father, please forgive me. I just wanted you to have your favorite supper.”, a tear ran down her high cheekbones and dripped off her slightly acute chin.

Her father stood up in rage and kicked her hard in her groin from behind.

“Get out of my sight you useless cunt.”

Pain exploded between her legs as a kick pushed her forward. Landing on her breasts resulted in another moment of pain which only lessened slightly as she laid on the floor whimpering, while woodchips painfully chaffed the skin on her hands and knees.

“Please, no more!”, she begged with stinging tears blurring her sight.

“Surely Edgar has a lot of teaching to do when you are married.” 

Her father sat back down without so much as an apology, took a big gulp of his beer and continued his work. Ennlin quietly crawled out of the workshop and tenderly touched her pussy to inspect the damage. It just felt sore and pulsed with her heartbeat.

Edgar, she did not want anything to do with him. He was polite, yet unkempt and walked quite hunched. Not at all a man she wanted to marry. Though, according to her father, his work was impeccable which made him a reliable man to inherit his carpentry shop. 

Ennlin got up carefully and made her way to her mother in the kitchen. Lissa did not notice her bowlegged walk as she was occupied preparing dinner.

“Mother, he hit me again.” She sobbed and held her face to soothe the pain.

“I know my dear. It’ll be over soon.”

The way her mother talked made her wonder if she would try to poison her husband, but a close look over her mothers work revealed no obvious toxins. It may even be a little much for the three of them.

“Mother, why are you cooking so much?”

“I invited somebody.  A nun from the convent in Eclusier. She may be able to help your father.”

“Do you really believe that? What is a nun going to do about him being angry all the time?”

Ennlin was surprised. Her family attended church every Sunday, on the most important holidays they even went to Eclusier to attend the ceremony in the castle’s church. Her father had become reluctant to even do that as of late, brimming with anger the moment they set foot in Prefort’s humble chapel. She had never met a nun in Eclusier, she only knew they lived close to the marketplace in a convent build from red sandstone. 

Ennlin pondered on as she did her chores. She swept the floor and beat the rug outside in the yard since after a day’s worth of customers went through their house, it tended to accumulate a lot of dirt. 

She heard her mother being beaten again, with Lissa's cries reverberating first in the yard, then in her mind.

“Oww… no, she is just a nun, I told you…”

A smack resounded to the yard and Ennlin beat the rug harder, resulting in big puffs of dust dissipating in the slight spring wind. 

“No, please don’t! Aaaah….” 

Another hit with a flat hand echoed. Her mother's cries fueled Ennlin’s anger as she almost broke the carpet beater with the hardest strike she could do. Then she mustered all her courage and faced the house.

Ennlin marched straight back to the front door and flung it open, the carpet beater at the ready. As the door crashed into the clothes rack, she realized it was a mistake. Her father's eye fell on her as he raged on. He pivoted on the spot as if he had waited for her to come in and stomped right over with a raised hand, but before he could actually hit her a clearly articulated and soft voice interrupted them:

“Excuse me? This is the only carpenter shop in Prefor, is it not?”

“Indeed it is, sister.”, her father's raised hand switched directions to nonchalantly lean against the door frame.

Usually, her father talked very politely to customers, this was the only thing about him that reminded her of her father as she knew him. It perplexed her to see part of her long lost father again. Ennlin was also confused for a second as he greeted his sister? He had none. None. Nun. Oh! 

As Ennlin turned around she saw the nun her mother talked about up close, the first nun she saw in her life. With the stark black robe, the pristine white shoulder scarf and the clean white gloves with puffy upper sleeves, which seemingly connected to the scarf, she almost seemed royal. Ennlin did not know the names of the different parts of her outfit, but everything about it intrigued her. It did reveal enough of her figure to imagine about her womanly curves and was accentuated by a likely unintended window to the cleavage of her robe where it was not fully covered by her shoulder scarf. The nuns body type struck her as remarkably similar to her own. Maybe due to her bust, because the nun was obviously one of the few women with bigger breasts than herself. Regardless, the nun’s second revealed feature, her face, perfectly framed by the odd white headdress, was nothing less than stunningly beautiful. She had sensual green bedroom eyes, a small slightly upturned nose, and sultrily plush lips. Her skin appeared to be flawless, like porcelain, but the color was quite healthy, flushed even. Judging by that, it seemed to Ennlin like she ran here from Eclusier, but she did not smell of sweat. She smelled of lavender, but also somehow sweet and spicy at once, like that new kind candy she had last year for Christmas, gingerbread.

Ennlin awoke from her awestruck stare, just before the nun asked:

“Well… may I come in?”

Her father was equally lost and only reacted after a careful poke with the carpet beater.

“Yes, yes… sure…” 

He awkwardly ushered her in. Thanks to her mother the table was quickly set for four with a big steaming pot of stew in the middle. Three chairs and a bench along the wall had soft seat cushions placed on them invitingly. Her father sat down on the bench, as usual, her mother would conveniently sit closest to the kitchen to his left.

“My name is Wolfgang, this is my wife Elisabeth and my useless daughter Ennlin.”, he declared with a degrading smirk towards Ennlin.

“I am Sister Dorothea and I would like to judge the capabilities of the people I meet myself, but thank you for the introductions.”

The nun looked back over her shoulder winking at Ennlin and made her way to the table.

Ennlin was perplexed for a second because the nun took a dangerous stand against her father, who already clenched his teeth. His daughter lingered a moment at the door to close it and regarded the almost angelic nun from behind. Her buttocks were prominent to put it delicately. Her whole robe was harshly pulling towards her backside because of this, revealing most her figure. Ennlin absentmindedly touched her own behind on the way to the table.

The nun sat down in Ennlin’s usual seat, across from her father, purposefully as far away as possible, while still sitting at the table. Lissa ladled each set bowl with a serving of smoked trout stew and sat down herself. As Ennlin settled at the table she realized with a gaze at the nun how she herself must look sitting at a table with her bust already taking up half the space she was supposed to eat from. The nun folded her white gloved hands over her breasts while her father was already spooning up the obviously tasty soup. His eyes flashed a black glimmer for a second, as he was the last of the three to quiet down and listen to the prayer the nun was whispering softly. 

“Please, God, bless everything that we take into our bodies tonight, for that it may fortify us for the trials ahead. Bless this family in their kindness to share home, hearth, and food.  Amen.”

“Amen.” all of them mumbled.

As they dug in Ennlin could not help but notice the small cleavage window growing as the nun leaned in to delicately sip on a spoonful of soup while trapping part of her robe on the edge of the table effectively tugging her robe down. Her father usually got furious when his daughter displayed any part of her body. She glanced over to catch her father’s eye who instead was being practically hypnotized by the deep valley of flesh presented right in front of him.

He must have realized this himself because he shook his head slightly and awkwardly constructed a question. 

“So… you do a lot of... blessings?”

The nun blushed slightly and nodded with a smile. 

“Yes. You’ll receive an ex---” 

Ennlin felt the nun's knees hit hers as if her mother had pushed them. Her mother looked like she was panicking with wide pleading eyes towards the nun, begging for her to say the right thing.

Dorothea got the clue and continued after clearing her throat.

“You’ll receive an ex… traordinary one. But we will have to be separated from all earthly influences.”

The nun got up without having finished her soup. Her breasts jiggled from the abrupt movement but settled again astonishingly high on her chest for a bust that size.

“Where may I prepare for the... blessing?”

She obviously was not telling the truth and pressed her lips together in discomfort. Before Ennlins breast staring father realized the question was directed at him, her mother took the opportunity to decide.

“The bedroom is right around that corner.”

“Very well, thank you” 

Ennlin still ate her stew as she joined her father’s stare at the alluring hips of the nun prancing away with pronounced sways towards the bedroom, where she had her own bed and her parents shared another. The sight of the nun’s buttocks somehow made her heart beat faster. Was her own butt looking like this when she walked? She kind of felt sympathy for the stalker in Eclusier, but then remembered his plump first words. Idiot.

Still, the nun’s discomfort in her obvious half-truth sparked her curiosity, at least because her father somehow did not notice or care for it.

Out of sight for but a few seconds, Dorothea called out.

“I'm ready, please do join me!”

“That was fast.”, her father mumbled as he got up from his half-finished bowl.

Ennlin saw how he awkwardly tried to hide something in his pants which bulged out a lot in the crotch area. He pulled them up and straightened his back out as if he was being awarded a prize by the count himself. She wondered what it could be he was so excited to get to. 

“Mother, can I watch?”


“Why not?”

“I’ll tell you when you are older.” Her mother said with a stern look.

“I bled for the first time years ago, mother, I surely am old enough.”, she said proudly and pushed out her plump lower lip with a pout.

Her mother grew annoyed. “I still don't want you to watch.” 

The words sounded final, but her mother did not turn away or occupied herself as usual when she ran out of arguments. Instead, she seemed like she was gauging her reaction.

“I want to know what's going on.” Ennlin decided to brute force it while crossing her arms like a stubborn child but only managed to cross them underneath her breasts. Her mother squinted her eyes slightly and smiled.

“I'll tell you when the time comes.”

The main room fell silent. Ennlin could not sneak away from her mother to secretly peek in the bedroom. The house was too small for that. But as the wall to it was closest to her she could at least listen.

“Oh, that's neat. Can I?”, she heard her father say but no answer from the nun.

Ennlin heard an audible moan from her father and then sounds like he was choking on something. No, that was not him... It was the nun. She choked and coughed on something. Hopefully, she was alright. Ennlin fought every instinct to help her for the sake of her mother's wish. With a scrutinizing look she was able to make out that her mother was uncomfortable with the proceedings in the bedroom as well, yet obviously, because of another reason, she focused on Ennlin judging her reactions.

Ennlin in turn put on a brave face to hide her curiosity until the bedroom quieted down again. She finished her serving and occupied herself eating up the nuns leftovers since she seemed too busy for it anyways. 

Her father was heard moaning again, this time like he was exerting himself. The nun was mostly silent.

Her second serving finished too, she left her fathers bowl as it was to not fuel his ire if this supposed blessing did not work and she began to clear the table instead.

A final even louder moan of her father's was cut short abruptly and then only the nun could be heard. She kind of growled constantly with high pitched cries like someone pricked her with a needle every other second. “Ah... Ah...”, but she obviously moved while doing it, yet not exactly straining with effort.

Her father suddenly pleaded. “No, not again!” followed by a restrained and obviously painful groan.

“We cannot let up now. It is almost done.”

“But I can’t do it again.”, he mumbled within another groan.

The nun’s growl and high pitched “Ah!” repeated again for a few minutes ignoring her father’s pleas and his pained groans.

It somehow did sound so beautiful to Ennlins ears. Like the nun did what she did to relieve her father of all the anger pent up inside him. She struggled to come up with a word for it.

The nun was bounteous, but it did not sound like she “gave” in the truest sense of the word. 

She, through her of self-sacrifice, took in the pain, the anger, everything that made her father such a venomous cow flopped turd blossom (she thought of that herself when she beat the carpet). 

Suddenly, something changed. The tangible dark aura of her father hanging over their home got muted almost all the way. She could actually feel how happiness returned to her life. Everything appeared more colorful, even the last bit of soup she drank from the nuns bowl as she put in away tasted better.

Ennlin had to go see. She had to.

She counted to ten while looking for obstacles on the way to the now quiet bedroom. Her mother was still poking around in her cooling soup with the somehow uncomfortable look in her eyes. Her father seemed out of breath when the nun stopped and now she heard his familiar snoring starting as he obviously fell asleep.

Ten! She toppled over her chair as she vaulted for the corner that would take her around the short hallway.

“Ennlin, no!”, she didn’t care about her mother’s command, she only wanted to know how the nun executed a miracle in their shared bedroom. 

Her mother quickly got up too, but could not get to her in time before Ennlin opened the door. It wasn’t loud enough to wake her father, but it startled the nun and made her turn towards the door while she pulled her black robe over her shoulders.

Ennlin, for a fraction of a second, could catch a glimpse of a circular piece of jewelry, like a bejeweled and emblazoned coaster a count would have, covering the nun's nipple almost to the edges of her surprisingly extensive areolas. Surrounding her areolas were a few small red metal balls… and further inspection was denied by a hand over her eyes.


She didn't hear what her mother said next, because taking in what she just saw took every one of her senses. It almost burned itself into the back of her eyelids, of course without exact detail, but her imagination filled in the rest. She wanted to adore the sight of the picturesque nun a little while longer.

Ennlin got pulled down the hallway, back to the table and she stumbled as her mother handled her. She did not want to open her eyes yet, cherishing the memorized sight of Dorothea. Her mother had lifted her hand off her eyes as soon the nun was fully dressed, long before they got back to the table. As she finally opened her eyes, she found herself sitting on the chair she tipped over a few moments ago with her mother at the opposite side of the table. Her mother smiled with her eyes, but she harshly reprimanded her daughter. It seemed somehow asymmetrical, but Ennlin just listened to it anyhow and silently thought about the intriguing nun. Her mother then looked to her left and broke off her tirade. The nun came back from the bedroom. As she sat down to her empty bowl she looked slightly flushed.

“I extracted a demon from your father. He will be just fine, but let him have his rest for now.”

From Ennlins point of view, she looked like an angel but sweating and slightly panting. Dorothea had to shudder every once in a while like she came down with the shivers. Ennlin wasn't able to put it in words, but she was sure the nun's breasts were smaller when she first saw her. They were a little bigger than Ennlin’s, but now they must have been almost twice her size. Dorothea suddenly reached for the mug of water she had not touched all evening and downed it in a few big gulps. 

Ennlin could not further curb the apprehension for the nun and asked: “Are you alright, sister? Can we do anything to help?”

The sister must have realized her demeanor faltered and gathered herself in the blink of an eye. After clearing her throat she answered in a gracious manner.

“No, I am just marvelous. Please, don't you worry about me.”

Her delightful smile returned but the flush on her cheeks never went away.

“It is time I take my leave now. Thank you for your hospitality and may your family be safeguarded from any demon activity going forward.”

“Mother, may I bring her home?” she was excited to ask the nun a thousand questions but did not want her mother to be around. She might hold her ears shut for the most important bits.

“You can bring her to the forest road, but no further. It's getting dark.”, which was not far but she could have a short conversation.

Within a few minutes, Dorothea was ready to go and off they went, past the carpet Ennlin forgot, and toward Eclusier. The nun barely said a word and walked in regal silence.

“So, how did you do it?”

“How did I do what, my dear?”

“You exorcised a demon, I could feel it.”

The nun glimpsed at her with a short gasp but settled back into her collected manner just as quickly.

“I actually did not. ”

“Really? I felt its influence almost disappear. Where did it go?”

“I sealed it away.”

They were almost at the border of the forest.

“That was not an answer to my question.”

The nun sighed. “If I were allowed to tell you more I would have. I have to honor your mother's wish to not tell you what exactly I do. I will not lie to you or anyone either, but I can tell you if it is true that you felt the presence of the demon, you could be taught what I do. Then, you would know.” She punctuated her last sentence with a wink.

“How?”, Ennlin tried not to tear up but failed.

They reached the woods and the first tree branches were obstructing the fading light of the setting sun. Dorothea turned to her and smiled. Her flush was still there and she twitched slightly as their breasts touched when she moved closer. Ennlin felt the big nipple shields push into her layers of cloth and skin, but she was determined to memorize the answer. 

“You already know.”, whispered Dorothea just before kissing her.

On her mouth.

Like lovers do.

Ennlins eyes went wide in perplexion. Frozen in place and with a lingering heat on her lips she watched the nun leave and after a while, like in trance, she did the same in the opposite direction. She did not remember how she got home when she woke up in her bed in the middle of the night. Her parents were there and the demonic aura she felt, but never before realized she did, was gone.

“This actually happened!”, she whispered.

And her father answered: “Yes, it did, but now please sleep, my child.”

The next morning, instead of being rudely awoken by her father, he sat on her bedframe tenderly stroking her head. 

“Good morning, sunshine, breakfast is ready.”

“What? How long did I sleep?”

“The bells rang nine already.”, her father told her with a smile.

“But it’s Sunday! We'll miss church!”

She jumped from her bed, sent her blanket flying and only then realized she was completely naked. She tried to cover herself with her hands in a futile gesture while he respectfully looked away. She had a nightgown which hung over the headboard of her bed. She grabbed it and quickly shuffled into it struggling to get the gown past her full breasts and her wide hips. It clung to her bust tightly accentuating her inverted nipples as soft caps with a prominent vertical slit.

“Yes, God can’t wait, but get fully dressed first.”

Her father had changed dramatically. A week ago she would have been beaten for forgetting the carpet outside, for sleeping in and especially for doing so in the nude. Instead, he was smiling and happy to wake her up. He would have forced her and her mother to church in the worst of storms and never be there late, but now he was patient and forgiving.

They got to the humble chapel of Prefor just as it started. Church was a slow affair this Sunday. The priest educated his loyal congregation about the devil and his demons and about ways not to get possessed, but nevertheless, try to lead a happy life. His name was Markus and he had patiently taken her confession once or twice. As he finished, his last citation was what really stuck with Ennlin:

“Psalm 37:4 

Seek your happiness in the Lord, 

and he will give you your heart's desire.”

When they got home, the breakfast table was still generously set and even decorated. She wondered how much her mother did for this.

“Don't look at me, I got up right before you.” Her mother said as she sat down. Ennlin just took two sausages and some of the scrambled eggs and let the tastier than usual morsels melt in her mouth.

Ennlin heard scratching at the door and a soft “meow”. Her mother was instantly annoyed. “Not the neighbors' cat again…”

Her father got up quickly and went for the kitchen. “Nah, Felix is probably just hungry.” he picked a few pieces from the leftover stew and opened the door. 

Ennlin was amazed at how tame the tom was when presented with a piece of smoked fish.

Earlier, Wolfgang would have kicked him off his yard shouting angrily. If Ennlin ever tried to feed Felix the tom would not get closer than six feet to their house. Everything had changed, not just her father. The apples tasted sweeter, the flowers on the table were more colorful, even the birds in the yard’s trees chirped a happier song.

The day went by in the same mood of wonder, tranquility and happiness. It slowly sank in that all this was Dorothea's doing.

Sometime, after an equally lavish lunch, Ennlin finally decided to pick through her meager collection of clothes for wearing tonight. She now had settled on what she wanted to do with her life and she wanted to tell her parents in a convincing garb.

She found an old black dress, she had never seen her mother wear and an old white tablecloth. The dress was too small for her bust and a little bit to short revealing her calves. She decided to make a V-shaped cut to show a some of her cleavage, just like Dorothea did, but then again hide it with the tablecloth, which she cut to look like the shawl-like thing the nun wore. She also fashioned a cap and veil from the same slightly moth-eaten cloth.

As she put it all on she realized she cut it slightly wrong and it revealed way more of her supple cleavage than she expected, where actually she anticipated none. She felt oddly confident nonetheless. Without giving it too much thought she went to meet her parents who were preparing dinner together for once.

As her father saw her in her chosen garments, she instinctively prepared for a beating. Instead, he just saw her over and smiled in appreciation, giving her a little nod. 

“You look nice, honey. You remind me of someone we met recently.”, his smile grew even wider. “Are you planning on going out tonight?”

“No father, I want to tell you and mother what I want to be and I tried to look the part.”

“Really? You want to be a nun?” Her father stiffened, pulling his head back in astonishment. 

“Yes, I want to bring the same joy and happiness to other people's lives as Dorothea did for us.”

Her father’s cheeks turned red and he could not suppress a chuckle. Her mother just smiled happily but said nothing.

“Are you sure? Being a nun is a lifetime commitment. You are not allowed to marry and you will not have children if you join a convent. You will constantly have to work and pray and take care of people in need... Do you really want that?”

Ennlins heart beat faster due to the finality of the question, but she was sure, even though she did not know exactly what that would entail. It felt just right to her. 

“Yes, with all my heart!”

They ate together but none of her parents went into detail about what went on in the bedroom a night ago. Ennlin hoped they would, but it did not matter that much anyway. She would find out. Sooner rather than later.

Due to the anticipation, she could not sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed and once even got tangled in her own nightgown, so she undressed and tried to sleep naked. It did not help much. Ennlin could not remember when she fell asleep, but it surely was late.

She awoke at dawn somehow well rested. Excitedly she jumped out of her bed and put on the clothes she made yesterday. Her parents were still asleep, so she decided to get on making breakfast. Ennlin hoped it would be a sweet gesture to prepare the last meal they would share together herself. Half an hour later her parents were up and the full table was set, with boiled eggs, roasted bread and various fruits and berries. 

Sadness and happiness radiated from her parents at the same time as they ate. They reminisced about her youth, how she went to Eclusier the first time to buy bread, how she got scratched by the neighbor's tom for grabbing him by his tail. 

A long celebratory meal came to an end when Edgar came in. The apprentice greeted all of them in his shy manner and headed for the workshop immediately.

Her father got up, hugged her goodbye and left for the workshop as well with a tear in his eye. He loudly told Edgar how proud he was of her. The apprentice was puzzled, but would probably soon be told that he was not to marry her anymore.

Her mother's send-off was more reserved, but she smiled and wished her daughter a safe trip, even if the way was not that dangerous.

From the beginning of the forest road, she could see her house for the last time. She took a deep breath and continued on her way. In the middle of the woods Ennlin came across the pervert from Saturday. He recognized her from a stone's throw away and precautionaryly switched to the other side of the road. He kept his distance but his eyes nervously remained trained on her. She was sure the stand she took could not be the reason he was so careful now. After they passed each other he picked up the pace until he eventually ran. 

Ennlin just shook her head in bewilderment. How could he turn into a wicked weasel slithering away, when he practically forced himself on her the last time. Something wasn't right with him. Was it because of her garb?

She was recognized by the sympathetic guard as soon as she reached the gate. His smile turned into a frown as he recognized judging by her dress where she was heading to. Ennlin realized just now that he was hoping to be together with her sometime.

Before Ennlin passed him she stopped. She wanted to lift his sadness and contemplated what to do. Without thinking she went closer  and kissed him. Like Dorothea did. 

“Thank you… and I'm sorry.” she declared, just before leaving quickly.

The guard's face turned beet red and he tried to smile for her. “No. Thank you.” he muttered sheepishly as he watched her walk away.

Up close the imposing building was even more impressive with its red sandstone and larger than average windows. It took up the whole side of the street up to the next intersection.

Ennlin found the sturdy front gate of the imposing convent locked. She pulled on a rope conveniently placed on the side wall. A bright bell chimed faintly as the pulled the rope that translated to somewhere inside.


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