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The problem with finding the perfect mask for halloween parties is that the average mask is so lacklustre! Even higher end masks tend to fall into the realm of the uncanny, and ultimately I hate that people are always able to see through the illusion, no matter how slight.

After complaining to my buddy about my problem, he came to my aid, and offered to make a custom one-of-a-kind halloween mask that would fit so well, and feel so realistic, that it would be impossible for me to tell where my face ended and the mask began!

And what a mask it was! Crafted in the likeness of one of my favourite villainous dragons, the materials of wood and bone were woven together so well could you could practically believe it had been pulled from the face of the beast itself! And the fit so perfect the moment I slipped it on, I could barely feel it pressing against my skin.

Talking was a bit of an issue - that was a price I was willing to pay to be able to show off the big, beautiful tusks I had acquired in compensation. Plus, when you're partying as a monster, talking a lot isn't exactly something you need to worry about!


It was only when the party ended did I try to remove the mask. Honestly it was so comfortable I had forgotten I was wearing it.

A bit too comfortable.

So comfortable, in fact, that I was having trouble removing it. Or even finding the edge of the mask to gain leverage.

It felt stupid, running my hands around my face, fingers sliding from the rough wooden texture of the mask right into smooth skin. How the hell was I supposed to remove this stupid thing!?

Man, there was a lot drool. Had the mask been oozing like this all night? And since when was it so dark, thick and viscous?

And ... And ... could I feel my fingers? That couldn't be right, the mask was in the way, right? That was impossible ... right??

With the prickle of anxiety turning to outright fear, I found my friend, somewhat drunk from the festivities and asked, as best I could, how to remove it.

So ... long story short, I don't need to worry about finding a halloween mask ever again!

Or, uhm, going out in public without everybody staring...

Or ... like, speaking properly again?

... I wonder if my friend can make me a high quality human mask.



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