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Hey all, happy festive season to you all! ^^ I hope that whether or not you celebrate anything at this time of the year, I warmly wish you the best of the year!

I am just sending this message to say that I have successfully reorganised my Patreon tiers, and as of the 31st of December will be removing the old tiers in lieu of the new. If you wish to make your move, make it now!

As a further reminder, the $75 is remaining unchanged (save for receiving the additional benefits lower tiers now provide on top of current rewards), but all those I owe art from the removed tiers will still be receiving them all as I finally catch up on my horrendous backlog!

Starting 1st Jan. I am also working to me more on top of my backlog of POSTING art, and will be getting out a minimum of 4 pics posted a month, alongside all additional pieces that come from voting, etc etc in the hopes of making the whole process more valuable overall.

Also, starting Jan 1st I will be trying to dedicate some time to my first Twine-based CYOA game, Escape from SarvLabs! Higher tiers will find themselves able to get early access and more direct influence in the potential that such a game will provide!

That's it for now, and once again I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of your year, and look forward to the changes that 2023 can bring!



Oh that should be fun. Hoping it will have a few inanimate tfs sthere