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I hope you have all been doing well out there - hopefully the current state of the world hasn't been too heavy on you!

I've got this month's ZIP folder to post shortly which I'll get to, but first I just want to say that I have a little bit of an art-y problem to give you a heads up - recently I may have knocked my art tablet to the floor and, after ten years of loyal service, it has now ceased to function.

This wouldn't NORMALLY be an issue, due to the speed at which I could order a new one we have ... well, you know, a global pandemic slowing things down a bit :P

I just thought you guys would like to know ahead of time as, though I have ordered it, it might take a liiiittle while before I can get back to running full speed again!

Again, I hope you guys are doing well out there, however!



Dang that sucks! Hope things go smoothly as you order your new one ^^


That super sucks :( But hoping you get back on the saddle soon!