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What was it he had eaten last? He coudn't focus enough to remember right now... whatever it was, it was starting to kick in and with every second he was feeling thicker, heavier, softer.

Maybe he should have been panicked by the sudden, rapid growth tearing his clothing to shreds, but ... that blubber, and sheer heft to his every movement... Maybe he should have felt worried but ...

...He felt GREAT. 


 He probably should have gone for help when he had burst out of his clothes, but that was too late now.

He had long since been immobilsed by his blimping frame and all he could do now was succumb to his swollen form and the sensations that came with it.

Every squirm was the depths of pleasure to him, every thrust driving him wild. He revelled in how big, how completely soft he had become...

Well, almost completely soft~ 




Looks so soft <3