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Hi guys, just to update you all on things!

I have been pretty slow this month on getting on top of things as there have been a few personal and family issues that have gotten in the way.

I thought I could balance everything, but as I have been primary caregiver for my father who has been ill for most of this month it has just been a bit too chaotic for me to keep on top of it all at once.

Because of that I have paused my Patreon for June so that I can spend my free time catching up and making sure everybody gets what is owed to them!

Apologies about this, and hopefully you guys can bear with me just a bit longer to get caught up with everything.




If you need a break and want to catch up this is a great way to do it. Take care of yourself here and don't burn yourself out unless you are a candle then that's kind of awesome!