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Villam needed new employees as for his farm and, with my infinite capacity for shapeshifting, offered my services thinking that I could change myself to match whatever tasks he needed me to fulfill! Horse for field work, cow for milk, etc etc!

The problem is that part of my shapeshiftery nature is influenced by the desires of others - the stronger the desire, the more I will change!

Long story short, Villam's definition of "new worker" was vastly different from my own and, a month after a quickie in the stables that left me with cum gut that wouldn't go away, I learned exactly WHY he had insisted that be a part of my new contract: I wasn't hired on to be the new farm hand, I had been hired to PRODUCE the new farm hands!

Stuck now on a perma-pregnancy cycle, I am used to produce fully grown farmhands and livestock as the big Chimera wills it.

At least he's paying well -___-



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