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I am never one to turn down a free raffle. As an exceptionally lucky being, I can be assured of winning a good majority of the time; so when the opportunity to win a free car from a freshly opened dealership arose, how could I resist!?

The fact the dealership was completely devoid of cars should have been the first tip off when I inevitably won. I mean, I knew that they were still in the process of opening and getting their stock shipped in... but where was the car I had won?

Who would have thought the keys were for me in a much more literal sense...

Nowadays *I* am the prize to win. Stuck on my pedestal, surrounded by the cars they actually sell to the people who come to them, I am but an unobtainable trophy. The car that changes to match its environment, the car that never seems to be outdated, the car whose parts seem to change to the whims of the owner - the impossible, unobtainable Showroom Model.

Of course, if you think you're lucky enough, you could always sign up for their free raffle to win me - just be prepared to face the consequences if you lose~ 



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