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 The Farm is hiring! No prior experience or qualifications are required and the job promises to help you find out who you are as a person!

Orientation day occurs when you first arrive alongside twenty to fifty other males all hoping for their slice of the easy life. "A farm sustained by the workers!" is the rumour burbling betweem them, encouraging them to disperse in groups across the farm to find an area that they might be able to work happiest.

It is a busy day, with people attempting to do chores they think that needs done; including cleaning and tending to the animals and crops, whilst others look around to find other employees to speak to and find out what they need to do.

That is when something strange starts to happen.

It begins with a few of the new hirees - the guy who wouldn't stop helping himself to the food in the fridge starting to snort with his nose looking more turned up than before, another who began heavy duty work starting to grow horns and thicker muscles, that jackass who kept slacking and making jokes starting to bray with laughter as his ears grow furry and long... the list just keeps growing.

The changes are noticed by everybody eventually - from the guy herding sheep falling to all floors and barking at them, whilst those that run from him growing thick wool and bleat out cries for help. And further the changes spread - with the guys stealing milk doomed now to produce their own as cows, and even those lazy few who try to find farm equipment will soon find themselves performing as such.

By the time the sun sets, there is not a human left on the premises.

For the farm IS sustained by its workers. A source of bodies each with their own flaws, ideal for the malicious force that feeds and grows itself upon the men that become beasts and machines. Always big enough to house everybody within, yet forever small enough to seem like a quaint country farm, the Farm is sentient and malicious.

None escape the Farm. None CAN escape the farm. Those cowardly enough to flee the farm before they succumb will find themselves clucking, feathered and destined to lay eggs for the rest of eternity...

The Farm is hiring. It is ALWAYS hiring. Maybe tomorrow will be your orientation day.

And when you are hired, you will truly find out who you are meant to be.



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