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I really hate to do this y’all. But these live streams are kind of a one woman show and I would hate to come at you guys with like 10% of energy. I’m thinking next Saturday at noon? Does that work for y’all and apologies if anyone worked their schedule around this. Party chatted with Grace. This won’t affect the Anthropocene Reviewed timeline!

In better news, I finish the book and whoa nelly! Can’t wait to chat with y’all.



We gotta establish a rule right now that neither of you ever need to apologize for postponing/not posting something because you don’t feel well or don’t have the energy for it. Don’t worry, we can wait!! I hope you feel better soon 💕


Energy drain is a feeling we’re all familiar with. We’re here when you’re ready. Eat well this week, sweat it out, and feel better! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts. (Or just sleep this week!)


Awesome! I can attend now:) feel better!!!


No need to apologize for not feeling well! Take care of yourself and we will see you next week. Now, I am off to finish reading this saucy porn, er, book😏


Hope you feel better soon! I’m almost done with the book and would’ve missed the livestream today anyway so fingers crossed I’ll make it next Saturday! 😉


don’t you dare apologize 😂😂 instead i’m going to thank you bc the intended time forced me to get off my ass and shower, so thanks for that


If I'm not watching the Barbie movie, girl I'm so there!!! Can't wait!


It’s ok, both of you have had a shit load of stuff to deal with. We’ll continue next week 👍🙏


Feel better!


See ya Saturday! Rest up