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Hello and happy Friday patrons! How is everyone doing this week? Well, I hope! And if you’re not doing well that’s okay too. It happens and you’re not alone. Not even a little bit. This weekend Elliott and I are heading up to school to ~officially~ graduate. How wild. My whole school experience felt like a pleasantly challenging fever dream. So to go back this weekend and see people I haven’t seen since August (and some I’ve never even met in person yet!) to acknowledge and finalize two years of education feels beautifully BoNkErS.

I know I haven’t shared much of the actual education. That’s because, for me, it was a bit more of a personal experience. The work wasn’t like learning how to edit or getting a clinical therapy license, it wasn’t about acquiring a specific skillset or setting myself up for a completely new profession. It was more about broadening and energizing my perspective on creativity (and myself) through the lens of depth psychology. Which is more difficult to directly translate into conversation or a blog post. It was more of an educational infusion. Kinda like the way Mamrie infuses alcohol with a sensible Earl gray tea my psyche got infused with a new understanding of the way our unconscious speaks, especially through creativity.

What did the spiritual cow say? Woo…Woo.

Get it...instead of moo?? I KNOW IT NEEDS WORK.

MOOving on. Oh god. How cringe.

At least that's how I've come to reflect on it after the fact. Going into it I had zero clue about what I'd get out of it, and equally zero clarity on what I wanted out of it. I just knew I had to do something different in my life rather than stare hopelessly at a practically abandoned Youtube channel and wonder if today would be the day I stopped hating it so much. Applying for grad school was driven almost entirely by a gut instinct (with supporters like Elliott and Mamrie encouraging the idea). Which is whacky seeing as that was the time my guts started completely abandoning reason in how they functioned. The time leading up to applying for grad school into my first year is when my guts were the most unreliable, yet there was still some buried instinct (inSTINK lolololol) in them that I trusted. Which, again reflectively makes sense as I feel like my whole life/perspective/connection to myself went through a massive shift at the time, whether I directly understood what was happening or not (spoiler, I did not understand what was happening).

Going up to the graduation this weekend I can honestly say I am a different person than when I started the Depth Psychology and Creativity program. You might not notice it externally, but internally things are radically different. Which is a teeny bit unbelievable to me when I remember how incredibly stuck I felt entering it. I felt so stuck that my stuckness itself felt stuck. The stuckness was so sinking and familiar that it stuck to itself and to me, and we clumped together in a gooey pile thinking at least we have each other and this sucky sticky feeling for the rest of our lives because even though this is miserable it is at least certain and what isn't certain is certainly too scary to unstuck myself for. Woof. How dramatically bleak. Ever been there? When you convince yourself that this familiar misery will be your eternal weighted blanket. But the weighted blanket isn't soothing it's just awkward and heavy, and even though it's uncomfortable at least you know what to expect. It's that annoying-but-tolerable internal ick you can't quiet soothe because you refuse to try a different medicine.

Grad school was a different medicine. It allowed me to see how stuck I was and accidentally catalyzed an unsticking process. A process that unstuck me in a way that wasn't simply substituting a new goal oriented thing to attach myself to. Grad school gave me a safe space to learn without consequences or conclusions. And though that seems antithetical to the normal goals of a grad program, it's what I needed. I needed to learn how to learn and play around with playing, all without immediately manipulating it for external validation from an audience or financial gain from a business. Might this education infuse itself into projects, posts, and passions in the future like it's starting to do now? It's very likely. But during the experience of school I just wanted to...experience school. Full disclosure it took me about a year into the program to actually realize/accept that. TBveryH the first year I did keep trying to figure out how this education might ignite a new career path and/or be utilized for content. I was frustrated at first, until I finally submitted to the process. I let go of trying to funnel what I was learning into content and instead tried to just have fun learning. (I also understand being able to go to grad school on the side is a privileged opportunity and I'm incredibly thankful for it.)

I'm noticing more each day how much I'm changing and have changed over the last couple of years. Which is fucking cool. You know when you put a lot of work into exercising or cleaning a filthy room but you can't see any progress? And then you finally see your reflection in a different mirror or take a step back and look around and suddenly you see that shit 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 different 👏🏻. That's kinda how I'm feeling. Especially with the overwhelming symbolism of going to a physical graduation. Thresholds are being crossed, y'all! And I know for some of you out there (looking at you Steve Jenks!) who are also graduating, or finishing dissertations, or starting new jobs, or quitting old jobs, or can feel themselves entering a new chapter of their lives...this shit is hard and I'm really proud of you! And I don't care how criiiiiiiiingey that sounds, I mean it.

I am cringe but I am free has become something of a new mantra for me. Especially when I find myself flirting with those old, inner obsessive feedback loops fixated on how I'm seen/understood/liked by others. I am a cringey person. I think cringey thoughts, I say cringey things, I feel cringey feelings. I am cringe. And I know it. And not only do I know it, I accept it. And because of that, I'm starting to feel more FREEEEEE. It feels like another step in the unsticking process. Welp, this cringey lady is gonna go graduate from her fever dream Hogwarts program with a bunch of other weird, wonderful souls. I hope you have great weekends! And MAJOR CRINGEY CONGRATS to all the other grads out there! Whether you're literally graduating or metaphorically moving on in life, you did it! Wooohooo!! Celebrate yourselves! And thanks, as always, for being here! 💚G



Congratulations you two!! 🥳🎓🎓 This was really inspiring to read. I’m still waiting for my new era of change and freedom and clarity (I know it’s not as passive as I just made it sound). I’m turning 32 in a month, so I’m also pretty hopeful for my mid-30s 🙃 The thought of sticking to a feeling that feels safe and familiar really resonates with me. I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety for a long time to varying degrees and while it’s often annoying to feel this way and deep down I know it’s not healthy and I should get help…having it as a reason to isolate and procrastinate and stay in bed all day sometimes is kind of…well, safe. What if I got better and those feelings went away? Who even am I without those feelings that I’ve felt for way too long? 🫠 I like the idea of allowing yourself to be cringey. Or weird or silly like you and Mamrie have always preached. Time to embrace the cringe. Happy weekend! Enjoy your graduation!


It’s so easy to stay in the familiar feelings. Even when school finished last fall I felt myself slipping right back into the anxiety I had before starting the program. I’ve been trying to make small changes/adjustments to my daily “routine” and reminding myself to stay open to trying new little things and see what happens. Small shifts!


Though I didn’t get go through the journey and hardship of going to school, I have found myself finally coming out of a 2 year depression. I had quit my job after burn out and realized at 37 that I have no idea who I am anymore or what I really want. I’d been living for other people my whole life. I am in the process of rediscovering myself and living for my inner child and it has opened up my whole world. I’m finally feeling the sun on my face again. Your post made me happy. I am super cringe and embracing it. Your posts here and on Instagram have been so uplifting! So happy for you and Elliot! Congratulations on all your hard work! You all are amazing and it’s been lovely of you to share your journey with us. Way to go! Embrace the cringe!

Melody Condon

I have really been struck by how well-written and evocative your weekly posts are! And of course your clear-headedness and happiness is catching. These are a treat.


This is amazing to hear and SO entirely relatable! The burn out, the loss of self, the rediscovery, the inner child work, all of it! Glad to hear you’re coming out of it - wild to start to see the other side! 💫💓


Congrats, Grace!! Let’s all get our Master’s degrees in Cringe and embrace ourselves with acceptance and loooove! 💖


Congrats Grace!!! I am loving these posts ❤️


way to go! glad that your experience has been so fulfilling. i had a pretty good day, i lugged out the big wading pool i bought a few years ago, then i filled it up and my bf and i sat in it with lawnchairs with beers and listened to gangster rap, it was great. and my dog's fur got a little wet so she had adorable beachwaves. A+


So happy for you Grace. Growth in any form is seriously so important and I am so happy for you! Congratulations!


"Fever dream Hogwarts program" made me think of wands, which reminded me... In Finland, PhD candidates get a hat and a SWORD upon graduation! [Kid] you not :) - the hat represents something like the authority of knowledge, and the sword represents the commitment to fight for facts and the truth, regardless of what people prefer to see. There's at least one university where the night before graduation sees students sharpening their swords on whetstones - it's their final act as a class before going forth the next day to start their individual battles against ignorance :). Such a cool tradition - if I complete a PhD, I'm 100% getting myself a sword for it. Congratulations to both you and Elliott on your graduations! And thank you for talking to us so candidly about your experience - it sounds like it was really good for you. (THAT sounds cringey :).) Guessing this weekend is a blowout, but after you guys get back and settle, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the cannabis/creativity article when you get a chance. When you're ready. Good luck, and have a wonderful time!


::cyber-🫂:: Fighting your way out of a multi-year depression is a major accomplishment in and of itself. (We should have merit badges.) And facing the notion that your life no longer works for you - rather than trying to convince yourself that you're happy - is hugely brave. Good for you :).


Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me. Truly. I love this community! ❤️‍🩹💗


Oh my god, do I ever get the comfort of familiar stuckness. My mom's got a saying: "shit stinks, but it's warm." Too true, too real. This was really good for me to read, too. I'm in the unstuck-ing process right now - made the official announcements that I'm moving out of state, applied for an apartment, all that jazz. And it's scary. And I have mixed feelings. But I want to do what you did - to look around in a couple years' time and see how much things have changed for me for the better. I admire that in you, and I wanna see it in me. Cringe is beauty is truth. I delightedly join you in your cringe! Happy graduation weekend to you and Elliott!! We are so damn proud of you!! <3


Thanks for sharing this, Grace! It's great to hear how meaningful the whole experience ended up being for you. I can also relate personally, as I have felt very similarly about my life over the past couple and years and also are taking small steps in a different direction, not having any idea where it might take me. It's very encouraging to read how impactful a move like this has been for you. I'm so glad that you now have a different perspective on yourself and the way forward! You bring so much joy to the world and you have always been hugely inspirational for me. But with your willingness to share deeper thoughts and reflections this has reached a whole other level :) Thanks a lot for that and all the best for whatever you want to do next.


I've noticed that you seem less anxious and definitely outwardly happier as of late! Thank you for sharing, I gotta figure out my stuckness 😬