TGIF: Pulling a Card & Planting Seeds For the Weekend (Patreon)
Hello and happy Friday, Patrons! How is everyone doing today/this week/this fleeting moment within this dimensional timeline? Oh, that's good! I did some screams as Cindy Bear and then did some homework responses about hedonic happiness so another completely regular Friday over here. I was feeling a little blocked on what to write about today and then I realized I haven't pulled a card for myself in a while. When I say card I don't mean I haven't checked my own ID or done some close up magic tricks for myself, I mean I haven't pulled a guiding card from my archetype deck in a while! So I thought I'd pull one for us as we go into this weekend! I know.
~Cue the woo-woo cringe as the celestial wind chimes sing in the background~
But hear me out, I love this archetype deck. It's kiiiinda like a tarot deck but different. And this particular deck was created by a woman named Kim Krans who's an AMAZING visual artist, author, and creator of NYTimes bestselling The Wild Unknown Tarot. And she's a graduate of the same Depth Psychology & Creativity program I just finished! She's kinda a rockstar in the tarot world and did a talk at our residential last year about time and it was incredible. Anyway, she created The Wild Unknown Archetype Deck and I love it.
Aesthetically it's A+. The cards are circular and the illustrations are just so freaking beautiful. I mean...
*wipes aesthetically pleased drool* Just look at those beauts!! She has such a distinct style in her art and I can't get enough. I actually didn't get my hands on her deck until after I graduated, so I've only been playing with these cards since the fall but they've been hugely inspiring. So, what are they? Great question. I'm going to try to see if I can make this make sense, but bear in mind that my opinion on decks and cards and readings is very open. I think they're playful and fun and up for interpretation by everyone. Beauty/truth/inspiration and all that shit is in the eye of the beholder. You can make of it whatever you'd like and you can take it as seriously or as ridiculously as you want. I don't care! I just think they're fun and sometimes when you're open minded about them they can have a lil unexpected impact in your life. Sometimes I use them for guidance on particular projects, and sometimes I just pull a card for the day or the week to kickstart my psyche on what to pay attention to. See, fun!
Here's where I'll try to explain archetypes. If you're bored by all means keep it scrollin!
Loosely put, archetypes are universal patterns of behavior. As Kim puts it "from the messy chaos of life certain key images, tendencies, and personalities inevitably surface, with or without us conjuring them. These are archetypes." Maybe you've heard of 'the devouring mother', 'the hero', 'the trickster' etc...those are well known archetypes. But there are also endless amounts of archetypes. I know, it's confusing. They're timeless, they evoke infinite creative energy, they contain both light and dark (aka good and bad), and they can use image to speak to us. And archetypes want to speak to us. As Kim continues "Archetypal energy wants to reach us, and the most reliable way it can do this is through image. An archetype may choose any potent channel available to it (song, word, memory, poem, dream, painting, story, nature, another person, etc). This is why art is so compelling - it is built on archetypes." She goes on to say that her cards will never quite do the archetypes justice because they're too small in scope and contained. But their intentions are to stretch our minds and hearts beyond their limit, they require imagination and prefer potentials over answers. Love that!
Okay, I've likely thoroughly confused you but hey that's okay. The study of archetypes gets more confusing before it gets clarifying. If it ever does become clear. I think that's why I've had a harder time post school trying to infuse what I've learned into the real world. I'm still processing it everyday.
Onto our card! Here's my technique. It's incredibly sophisticated. I put all the cards on the table and I swish em around like how a kid would dump out and sort through their bag of halloween candy.
Then I focus my intention on a guiding card for our weekend and I pull out a card that seems to call. This time around the card practically jumped out of the pile on it's own. And our card is....
OOOOOoOOoo000oooo0o0ooOOO! The seed! Look at that lil seedy pearl in the middle! Here's what Kim's guidebook says about the seed! Read carefully, imaginatively, and with an open soul...
Uh oh, y'all! We got "potent generative energy" all around!!!! This card asks us to pay attention to what agitates us, as it's a sign of growth to come! We're bumping and grinding against that growth edge! From the grit comes the pearl! OH SHIT! How fun is this!? Did I mention I love this shit? I love this shit. It also refers to Jame's Hillmans acorn theory, which suggests that we're all born with an innate genius/daimon/calling inside of us, similar to how an acorn is born with the destiny to become an oak tree. And that it's up to us to discover and nurture our soul's calling. Cue the witchy wind chimes! This card is fun. We're seeding something, the grind will become the gift, our impatience might reveal something worth spending more time on. And it's wide open for personal interpretation and significance. What resonates with me might not resonate the same with you. We each get to use our imaginations to discover how this might connect. Equally important are the visuals- the circles, the pearl, the number- I'm curious if any of those show up in your world over the next few days, either literally or metaphorically. Keep me posted!
Okay, I'm gonna leave that there and let you come to your own conclusions/interpretations! I hope this was kinda fun and not too woo-woo. Too much woo-woo makes boo-hoo, I know. So we'll keep it light. I hope you all enjoy your weekends! And don't forget to mark your calendars for the DreamPhone livestream next week! Thanks, as always, for being here! 💚G