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Hello and happy Friday, patrons! How is everyone doing this fine Friday? I'm doing pretty good. It's a sunny day in LA and I can't complain. Except I can. About the birds. You guys, we have these birds. And they CHIRP at the worst hours. But it's not even a chirp, it's more like the noise a smoke detector makes when they need new batteries. They make these repetitive sharp screeches and they do it at 4am. I forget every year that there's a screechy bird season here in LA and every year it makes me furious. In my last house I tried to throw large sticks in their tree in the middle of the night with a zero percent success rate. I didn't want to hurt them (obviously) I just wanted them to witness my anger and change their behavior. It didn't work. And now the siren screams are back. But this time Elliott got a bag of ear plugs. So, like a couple of toddlers on a plane, we'll be wearing ear plugs before the night time takeoff. But, other than the screaming feather bags I can't complain!

However, speaking of more stuff we can complain about have you seen this?

Cup (O')Noodles is making a limited edition breakfast flavor that will include flavors of pancakes, maple syrup, bacon, and eggs. Now, you know I'm a huge advocate of combining known foods to make new foods (see: my youtube channel from 2010-present day) but this is GROSS. I've recently been able to wrap my head around ranch flavored ice cream (I can't say I love it, but I'm curious) but I cannot stop gagging over the idea of breakfast noodles. Cut to a few hours from now, I'm one edible into my evening and somehow neck deep in Postmated sweet noods. *cutesy pouty shrug* I dunno why but I just can't get my tastebuds on board with this hybrid. It's glitching my already extremely juvenile flavor pallet. Thoughts?

Let's see, now I'm on a roll, what else can I complain about? Hmmm. Unfortunately, I haven't caught up with the new eps of Love Is Blind yet so I can't go down that rant alley at the moment. But trust I will likely have some 'pinions as soon as I watch this weekend! Are y'all watching? Oh, I still don't have T.Swift tickets yet, let's throw that on the pile of shit to complain about. Did anyone get tickets? The show looks insane (as per her usual) but I haven't looked at any of the other details about it other than seeing the clip of her diving into the stage and "swimming" underneath. *audible sigh/swoon* Of course she's doing cool shit like that. 

Oh, here's another thing I recently learned and I'm mad I didn't know at any other point in my life. Did you know a potato peeler is INTENTIONALLY wobbly/loose?!? It's so you can peel both forwards and backwards on the potato without ever having to lift it up! Here's the tiktok that's blowing people's minds, mine included. I'm also mad I can't just embed that video right here in this post! Damn your incredibly basic blog interface, Patreon! *shakes rickety potato peeler at her screen*

Okay, I'm gonna get off of this complain train now. It's not doing me or you any favors. What are you getting up to this weekend? I'm getting my hair done tomorrow and gonna go a little shorter than usual. O0o0ooo00OooO, I kno0ooOoow 💁🏼‍♀️! It seems insignificant but I'm actually kinda really pumped about it. For me, it's a little active indicator that I'm actually *trying* new-ish things this year. I've spent the last few months making big and little shifts in my world and I'm starting to feel the positive momentum from that. I'm starting to feel ... what's the word .... excited ...and ... dare I say ... hopeful in ways I haven't felt in while. It's like stepping into a literal and metaphorical Spring season. I'm liking experimenting with content again, I'm loving connecting in deeper and sillier ways with you all over here, and overall I feel more ready to hide less. Not never, but less. And that's cool! I even signed up for an 11 week course on happiness and positive psychology the other day. I know! It's partially because I miss the structure and gentle pressure of a learning environment and also because I want to see if the world of positive psychology is complete bullshit. Who knows! Hopefully my teacher! Who appears to be a current grad student and potentially much younger than me! Fun! 

Speaking of seasons, we're now in the 4th month of the year. I'm no math major but I think that means we're a quarter of the way through? Math humans, can you confirm? I was thinking about how my general theme ...or for lack of a better term, mantra, for the year has been 'try'. And that's been really helpful over these first few months. But now I feel like we're in the shadowland period where our resolutions might have fizzled out completely. And I think that can happen because it can be difficult to commit to ourselves over long periods of time. And we don't have any quarterly holidays that encourage or enforce our resolutions or self exploration ideas. Soooooooo, I was thinking that at this first quarterly mark we should come up with some new quarterly resolutions! Huh, huuuuh? *nudge, nudge....nudge* Obviously you don't have to but, for me, I think it could be helpful to sort of refresh and revitalize my brain around the good momentum. What would I like to focus on over the next three months? I'm curious if taking these goals/mantras/ambitions in three month chunks makes them easier to connect with or implement. "Try" will still be my background programming throughout the year, but over the next three months I think I'd like to experiment with "make." Another slightly vague concept, I know. But I'd like to keep the gentle energy of making little bits of content again. And if I'm not making something to share I want to make in the privacy of myself. I mentioned before that I set up an easel in my garage with a bunch of paint supplies, but I haven't broken the seal on painting in that space yet. So I'd like to do that. And from there maybe there's some other creative makes I can get into. I have been wanting to redo my office space. Remake a space for making. That sounds nice. So what's your quarterly desire/passion/goal/objective/intention? Anything come to mind? Let me know and then we'll all try to collectively remember in the beginning of July to check in on all of these shenanigans! 


Okay speaking of make I need to go make dinner. I hope y'all have great weekends! And thanks, as always, for being here! 💚G



Helbig my beloved! That soup looks hella gross! -10000/10, would not try, would not permit in my house, would ask a guest to leave if they brought it in! (LMAO, remember how just now I talked about me having guests in my home? LOLOLOLOLOL comedy!) I was doing pretty okay today until some white asshole named Matt in north Texas made me have to go right back to work :)))))))) I was looking forward to a nap and everything, and now I'm in hour four of crisis comms, currently taking a brief moment to shovel food into my person. I manage a team of 13 people, and they're all in various states of confusion and grief and rage, and they're looking to me for guidance. It's kind of a lot. Maybe tomorrow things will settle enough that I can get some shit repacked to get rid of it. I'm trying to take inspiration from you and - Rihanna voice - purge purge purge purge purge. I'm moving out of state in July and I simply do not want to lug all this crap with me when I go. (Never mind that my Amazon wish list is currently overflowing with stuff I really really want and I will likely have even more crap once I get up to MN.) I'm loving make as a new word! With try, the two concepts hold hands nicely. I think I'm gonna pair my own year's word, which was lead, with release. That can be twofold: it can be a physical release (see above paragraph re: getting rid of shit) or an emotional one (see the previous paragraph about taking responsibility for the psychological wellbeing of 13 other people while still trying to tend to my own). Maybe I'll lead more effectively if I can release more effectively too? We'll see!


Love going from lead to release! They definitely go hand in and hand and can help balance you our depending on the situation! Best of luck!


My copy of The Mountain is You is finally in from the Library. I just have to go pick it up. Looking forward to reading it since you did your Bar Flies on it. Otherwise I just need to catch up on a lot of odds and ends around the house to keep things running smoothly Also TAXES! Can't forget about doing TAXES. Ugh.

Melody Condon

I have loved the yearly word resolution, it's helped me so much! My word is "cultivate." I added a bit of structure to it at the beginning—areas of my life I'd like to cultivate, ideas for what that might entail—and every week give myself a tiny little list of manageable things to do to that end.


Complaining is very normal, and I think this is a safe space to do it! My group somehow survived the Eras presale and will be traveling to LA for the show! I am manifesting that Taylor tickets will find their way to you!


My birthday is June 30, so I always have an exact half-year check-in on my goals (or usually I already start panicking two months or so before, realizing I haven’t accomplished any of them yet lol - but sometimes I also realize I actually have accomplished more than I thought) I really liked the “word of the year” idea too, so my word has been create - create things, relationships, memories… So far all my body has created this year though is lots of anxiety lol that’s not only been really annoying but also pretty paralyzing to create anything else. I guess my main quarterly goal should be to step back from social media a bit, to not spend so much time (doom) scrolling - not only would that probably ease at least some of my anxiety, it’ll also free up some time to create stuff :) I also realized I miss learning new things and really using my brain, so I also want to have a look at that to see if I can also do some course or something :) Your course sounds super interesting, I’d love it if you shared a bit about it :) Happy weekend 🐰☀️🌸


I'm painting the inside of my new house this weekend! I had no idea that picking colors would be so difficult though 😵‍💫


stepping back is so necessary sometimes! i'm with you on trying to manage my relationship with social media - it's tricky business!


Taking my first extension school course in a hour; trying not to have a panic attack as I set up Canvas :). Potential first foray back into graduate school! ::fingers crossed::. ::narrows eyes at ramen:: There are ways to make that combination work. Buckwheat pancakes are a thing. Aren’t buckwheat noodles also a thing? That’s a start. Our birds are really gross pigeons. (Don’t ask.) In the concrete jungle, we can set up spikes, minor (non-harmful) shock pads, and other deterrents that “teach” them to land elsewhere. But I will take a rubber band and slingshot acorns or sticker balls at individual birds if they’re making a particular ruckus. It’s a shared aural space, birds. ::rolls eyes:: Gotta go - wish me luck!


Lol I saw those disgusting cup of noodles get roasted on stephen colbert's show, truly horrifying! Currently I'm just managing my mental health so I've added an anti-depressent to my drug cocktail (fun!) and trying to get better at exercising, so far it's going all right but it's only been a week so hopefully that trend keeps up, haha.


After I retired I vowed to turn our fourth bedroom/office (and general collection area) into a music and recording studio. It will be a year this July 1st and I damn well better have it done ☑️ . Feel free to hold my feet to the fire (metaphorically speaking).


Thank you - I survived :). But holy cow, people and a lot of redundant app buttons… Is that why TikTok feels difficult to Millennials? “Improvise” is the word, but I’d like to add a mini-goal for Q2: slowly get more presentable. There’s a lot behind that, but the bottom line is, being able to go anywhere and have clothes/hair/face be the *last* thing I have to think about. ::snap:: It’s done. Says the person who’s currently wearing a bear ear headband and smudgy glasses :).


I'll make my quarterly goal, which I was already doing anyway before this post funnily enough, was finding the joy I'm running again. As student athlete I just hated running because I was always slower than everyone else/it was used as a punishment. Now I'm getting into the swing of running 2-3 days a week just for fun. So far so good!


I just started getting back into running too! (High five) It definitely helps out my mental health, and toned legs never hurt no one either lol


Yay new runners!!!! I agree on the mental health part though I never run long enough to get a runners high haha I can't wait to have shredded legs by the end of summer :)