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Beanz looks how I feel! Wanted to hop on here and say hello. Grace is currently recording someone else’s podcast and then she’s headed to my house to record ours.

I just got caught up on her Friday post. Aren’t those amazing? I actually really look forward to getting into a little Grace space of brain every Friday afternoon. It feels like I’m back in 2010 reading someone’s blog. Did you guys have blogs you would follow? I remember when I worked a front desk job at a recording studio, there were like 10 blogs I would religiously check. And I mean type in the website name and see if they’d added anything a few times during my boring day, between eating the free bagels and over caffeinating.

Is anyone else getting the spring cleaning bug? Maybe it’s because this is the first day I’ve been in LA when it isn’t raining in weeks but now I feel like everything is covered in a thin layer of dirt, myself included, and it needs a spruce up!

Or maybe it’s because I have a ton of work that is due (The writers Guild is going on strike in May which means pretty much every project I have going on has to be completed in April. Fun!) so my natural inclination is to avoid said work and tidy up.

That is pretty much the only time I feel inclined to clean. When I am procrastinating on actual work or when I’m about to host people at my house. Honestly, sometimes I will invite people over for dinner or drinks in the backyard just to motivate myself to finally swiffer.

Speaking of cleaning and making all things more fresh, I need recommendations for candles. My friend Jaclyn has this thing in her living room which is called a candle warmer. Basically it looks like a desk lamp where the lightbulb will heat up the candle underneath it. I guess you get the smells of the candle without burning it and it’s a nice way to not accidentally leave a candle lit and all the sudden you just had $30 worth of wax burn in one day. A.k.a. my specialty!

Has anyone used of these before? I’m looking at little things like this that will make the home feel like a little treat. I’ve recently gotten more into watching TikTok and besides those creepy couples sleeping lives that pop up and all the food stuff I watch… There are a few accounts that are all about interior design and little luxuries for your house that aren’t expensive. It’s almost as if in the right age of knocking on 40s door, I feel like I need to put a little maturation in my home.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a shark head on my wall that wears a sombrero, and a painting of Pee-wee Herman… But I think I need some decent knives. The candle warmer. A Dustbuster? OK I won’t go crazy.

What are your tidy up or mini luxury essentials you guys are loving?

Also, I just roasted a sweet potato and then mashed it up with a bunch of black beans and spices and I’m going to make vegan quesadillas tonight. Whipped up a quick tomatillo and cilantro salsa to go with it. So if you see me drooling during the video of today’s podcast, it’s because I’m thinking of eating that directly after.






If you need some knives then move your little tuchus to a local Thai/Laos store and see if they have any! Ours has them individually wrapped in plastic in the random stuff aisle but I swear they are the cheapest and sharpest knives you will ever own


I am only partially over Google Reader's death-killing blogging. JK, jk. I used to have a candle warmer I loved because I could also melt tarts in it, and I could get those from indie places that smelled like Vanilla Bean Noel and Pink Sugar.


I love even that look of bee wax candles not to even light them! Also I'm about to enter my lazy Susan/turnable organization era! Seems affordable and i can use them in any area if the house! Your dinner sounds good! I made skillet gnocchi with broccoli with a beet pesto slaw!

Michael Dunn

I popped the keys off my keyboard two weeks ago and cleaned them all. That's the best cleaning treat I've done for myself lately. xD


Just gave the kitchen a good Spring Clean. Having good sharp knives is my porn! Lol I always sharpen them and keep them clean! I went to a thrift store to find some new canisters and utensils. Great way to save money and different styles. Enjoy that delicious dish dinner! 🤘🏼👌🏼

Melody Condon

Yes, I DID have blogs I checked repeatedly during the work day. This was in 2012, though. They're traditional candles that you burn, but it would be stupid of me not to recommend my own, which I make by hand and look pretty nice if I don't say so myself: www.kandelumo.com It's a VERY tiny little business. I also do an annual sustainability report if that kinda thing makes a difference to you. :) Or you can just do my scent personality test, which I also put a lot of effort into, ha!


I love Apotheke candles! 🕯️ Especially since I’ve aged out of B&BW candles. And yes, we all need a little Grace space!!


Ingrid Nilsen has some really good candles her company is called The New Savant. You may already know this, but thought I’d share. I’ve bought quite a few and I need to use them lol. That’s my spring goal: actually light your candles!


Evil Queen Candles! Small woman-owned business who has the best scents ever. I've been religiously buying her candles for almost 3 years. They're small but they last a long time. Also BRB gonna go make that quesadilla myself


I love table runners as a little home decor treat! They’re cheaper than table cloths and I think they look nicer and don’t get as dirty. They also take up less space in storage so you can have one for every season! I love them!


We need to bring back blogs! More long(er) written content in general, even more so now that Twitter is basically dead and all the platforms left live off of pictures or videos. Me and my apartment are also due for some thorough spring cleaning and tidying but I couldn’t bring myself to get started yet. But I know I need to do it soon before it gets too warm outside and I feel even less motivated :(


omg I’m the same, I buy new candles constantly but never light them 🙈


It’s such a problem lol. I just have then tucked away in a cupboard. And then I want to buy another lol.


I have been redoing my bedroom. I am on the third day. My current age is not as nimble as the previous decades so I am a wreck. But as they say, Carry On My Wayward chick. Or rather I say that to myself. In any event, it gets my butt in gear in spite of the Gazillion new places for aches and pains. At least the new podcast is up and I can clean up all of the unlit candles and lol 😂 Happy Lensday!


I read this as soon as I got in my car to come home from PT yesterday and thought I commented on it but then...yanno. I dunno if it's the spring cleaning bug, per se, but I've definitely got the "I'm moving in four months shit shit shit I gotta get rid of everything" bug, so...similar-ish? Purging crap is good for the soul. I condensed three boxes down to one the other day. Felt like a queen. For candles: MADAM. Have you familiarized yourself with That Gay Guy Candle Co? If not...GO FORTH AND FIND THEM. Their scents are out of this world unreal, their candles are super high quality, they're an ultra-progressive company with tons of pro-woman pro-trans pro-queer pro-BLM pro-union pro-all the best shit labels, AND a percentage of their profits go to LGBTQ+ charities. 100000/10 would recommend. Also, I am once again begging on my knees for a Mametown cookbook. Everything you make looks and sounds absurdly tasty and I want some.