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Hello and happy Saturday, Patrons! How is everyone doing this weekend? I woke up with some meh energy today! It's an overcast day in LA...I like to think of it as 'swaddle energy'. It's not sweater weather, it's swaddle weather! All I want to do is be physically and emotionally wrapped in a blanket! So, we're taking it easy today. We're getting the house cleaned and attempting to organize. Whenever I feel the meh it usually comes as a byproduct of some physical clutter. Does that ever happen to you? When I let the house go, my general motivation suffers. I'm a supporter of the idea that our physical spaces can be projections of our emotional states. Maybe it's a libra thing too, we're affected by beauty and disarray. Libra's are the scales, we're constantly striving for balance and order. So, today we restore and reset! What do you do when you find yourself in a funk?

**Warning, drag race spoilers!**

I spent the morning catching up on Drag Race, who's watching? We're now in the top 7 so it feels like the season had finally kicked into gear. It also feels like Irene Dubois sahsay'd away about 20 years ago. I thought these interview challenges were... interesting, but these one hour edits made it feel like we saw the best/worst 3 seconds of each competitor and didn't give me a whole lot to go on. I loved how they did so many segments just using their own trailers/golf carts. Like, no attempt to add anything special, just use whatever part of the set they hadn't used yet. It felt like the way I used to make old youtube videos in my apartment, just use whatever the fuck was laying around or turn the camera into a different corner and pretend like we have a completely new location. 

Regardless, I'm sad to see Malaysia go, but she seemed like she was done. Sasha continues to dominate, no surprise there. She's gonna win right? We can all agree on that probably? I get the feeling that production has to edit around how hard she's actually killing it. But I'm also loving Anetra and it seems like she's getting some momentum. Look at her actively working on that resting bitch face! She has such a quietly confident, strong energy to her and I'm all for it. On the flip side, Loosey is a chip away from cracking and I can't stop laughing at Mistress constantly poking her. It's big Jan energy and it's almost hard to watch her creep closer to a big ol menty b. But it's entertaining! And who doesn't love sweet, sneaky Mistress playing the complex psychological mind games? I love it. My guess for top 4 is Sasha, Anetra, Mistress and Lux. I think Loosey's gonna get axed before top 4 and it's gonna be A LOT. I mean, c'mon, she has THREE WINS after all. lol. Thoughts on top 4?

We also burned through Formula 1 on Netflix this week. Anyone else watching? I freaking love that show. Its got the pettiness of Housewives but within a billionaire's sport. I can't get enough of watching these bonkers ego maniac millionaires fight with each other. The drama! It's rich! Literally! Plus the consistent popping in of Ginger Spice, who's married to the head Red Bull guy, is so weird and confusing and wonderful. They live such extremely affluent lives and I find it fascinating to watch them exist like it's all so normal. I highly recommend it if you have any interest in sports and wealthy interpersonal pettiness. And the occasional Geri Halliwell.

Speaking of spicy girls, I have to give Goose a bath today. I just remembered. I remembered because I can smell her. That gets added into the pile of things to clean. Maybe it feels like it's about time for a big spring clean, on all the levels. We're in the month of March now, which is wild. Time flies. Maybe we're in that post resolution phase where things kinda feel like they're plateauing or slowing down and it's time to reactivate ourselves again. Time to check in on what's working and what's dragging and what needs to be picked up. I've been meaning to do a big social media sweep, sitting down and actually unfollowing all the cobweb accounts I can't even remember that I'm following. Keeping my apps clean is definitely something I ignore doing, so maybe it's time. Maybe it's time to enter a cycle of cleansing. Yeah, I kinda like that. Activating the psychic purgative efforts, getting rid of the shit, and cleaning up the clutter. Maybe that's what the meh is signaling. It's time to spruce! Ok, yes, I'm liking this. A little bit of direction. We're gonna follow this energy and see where it takes us before we succumb to some swaddling. Cut to me ordering 3 dumpsters and throwing away everything I own. 🙃 Okay, I'm gonna get out of here and get my spruce juices flowing. I hope you're having great weekends out there, whether you're swaddling, cleaning or in-betweening! And if you have any hot tips on how you spring clean, let me know! Thanks, as always, for being here! 💚G




when you asked “does it ever happen to you?” my brain answered “yes, it’s my taurus sun bc of that darn venusian energy” so i was pleasantly surprised to see we’re on the same astrological page 🤭


It’s snowy and icy and everyone had snow days over here. But my parents have been doing a renovation so there has been lots of cleaning since October and it is OVERWHELMING especially when you discover random stuff you forgot existed.


These posts really sound like a text from a best friend 💛


I recently learned about the ring racer roller coaster in Germany. Opened for less than a week, closed, and cannot be removed owing to being built into the building. Fascinating


I can definitely also feel the easing effect on my brain whenever I find the energy to clean up my apartment or even just my desk. I need to do some massive spring cleaning (mostly because my mom is coming to visit me in two weeks lol) but I couldn’t bring myself to get started yet… Today has been a swaddle day for me too though…so maybe tomorrow 🙃


Every Sunday I do a good long clean of my desk and my entry way. The desk is an obvious choice, I spend a ridiculous amount of time there (god bless a flexible WFH/in office schedule). But the first thing I see when I walk into my apartment is almost of equal importance to me. I live in NYC, so it’s “cozy” but if the first thing I see is a mess when I walk in - it just makes me itchy. So I clean my little spot where I put my keys, my entry rug gets a good vacuum, and I tidy up around the couch cause it’s like RIGHT there. Makes me feel in control, even if I don’t have the energy (or willpower) to clean through everything.


I can definitely relate to the swaddle/spruce energy! It's been unusually stormy where I am as well, and I find myself waffling between curling up with a blanket and a book, and deep cleaning the whole house. When I get that kind of scattered energetic feeling, I usually pick one cleaning/organizing task that I've put off the longest and just dig deep into it. Then I see how I feel after - clean more, or take a break and read?


Once I get into the cycle of letting the cleaning slip which in turn makes me less motivated I have to stress out my brain and convince myself someone is coming over so I have to clean


Hope Goosey's bath went okay - I was without hot water in my apartment for over a week, and let me tell you, sponge baths and deodorant can only do so much. (It's back now, thank god.) Similarly had a meh day today - had so many things I was hoping to do, and my body was just like "mmm, nope, you're gonna lie in bed all day :))))))" and now I have The GuiltTM, especially since I'm also trying to purge shit before I move out of state in July. (Which is its own special brand of overwhelming to think about.) Tomorrow's another day, etc?


My cleaning “hot tip” is to take an edible beforehand and GOOO. Like ok if you take an edible with no plans it can usually end with hours of sitting on the couch, but I’ve found if you go in with a goal it’s actually super fun. I actually don’t hate doing the dishes anymore. It’s my go to Sunday plan!


Literally this is how Elliott cleans the whole kitchen every night after I cook and it’s incredible to watch him GOOO 😂


::leans chin on wrists to think:: The New Year is a solid time to set resolutions. But if you have seasonal affective disorder and/or live in cloudier climes than LA ::cough East Coast::, the time between New Year's and spring/Daylight Savings Time feels like an on-ramp to the main event :). Reviewing, adjusting plans, and slowly getting up to speed so you can hit the ground running! Not sure when that's going to happen here - Daylight Savings Time kicks in on Sunday the 12th, but spring starts on the 20th (Aries season!) - but it's antsy over here. You can almost hear the engines revving :).