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Hello and happy last Friday of 2022, patrons! How are we all doing today? Elliott and I are back in LA after a whirlwind week of family Christmas shenanigans. We got to taste the fucking frigid air of Philadelphia (Elliott got to reluctantly wear his first real adult pair of long underwear, I'm so proud of him) and then we scooted down to Florida to spend time frolicking amongst the intermittent Trump signs and extra tanned retirees that seem to spend 24 hours a day power walking. So festive! 

As the year comes to a close have you thought about any goals/resolutions/plans/loose ideas or concepts you'd like to focus on for 2023? Resolutions never seem to stick for me, I think I've conditioned myself to see them as a list of cliches that I end up created just to say I've participated in the act of resolutions. Kinda like going to confession in Catholic church. I grew up going to CCD, which apparently stands for Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, but as forth graders we said it stood for Central City Dump (because we were HILARIOUS). CCD is like the night school that Catholic kids who didn't go to Catholic school had to go to so they could still receive sacraments in the Catholic church. And every few months they would make all of us line up and go to confession with the priests. There would be like 6 priests set up behind individual privacy screens in the gym and we would line up and go sit with the next available priest. It was basically like going to the bank. Once we sat down we'd have to confess to the priest the sins we had committed and he would tell us what penance, or set of prayers, we had to go home and do so that we could be forgiven by the big guy in the sky. I remember we all hated doing it and would sit in line and try to come up with easy sins we could rattled off. "I fought with my brothers" "I said swear words" "I didn't listen to my parents" ... that kinda generic bullshit. And I always prayed (ironically) that I got the old, tired, annoyed priest that seemed like he equally hated confession and never asked you any follow up questions on your sins and gave everyone a 'say three hail mary's' penance. You never wanted the young, eager priest that would keep you in confession to ask you more specifics about your sins and 'go deep' with you about why you think you did those things. This isn't therapy buddy, but I'll tell ya I probably did them because I'm sick of carrying the weight of my parents Catholic guilt around all day and needed to blow off some steam. Speaking of, have you ever considered therapy, young priest, it might help you figure out why you ended up in this hell hole.  

I KID, I KID. Religion can be meaningful and important. 

Aaaaaaanyway, the feverishly coming up with generic confessions reminds me of how I've crafted resolutions in the past. So they never really stick. Because they've never really been real/honest to me, I guess. But as of late I've been drawn to thinking of a word to fuel my motivation for next year. Michael Buckley has talked about this on his IG story if you watch him and I've always thought it sounds nice to give yourself a word (or words) to ground you throughout the next year but I've never actually done it. The other day I had a lil pang of inspiration (it might have been a finger snapping off from the south jersey cold) and I realized I wanted to focus on the word "try" (or "trying") for next year. I'd like to try more. In many different aspects of my life. Not try in the sense of pushing myself for the sake of pushing myself, or trying to fake mutter hail mary's for the lord's forgiveness, or in the Try Guy never ending content factory sense, but try in the sense of letting myself get curious and give things a shot and then maybe keep giving things a shot. Explore things and ideas, expand out of my comfort zone, be present in the experience. Try shit. 

In the last two years of school I've let myself kinda sink back and focus on learning and observing who I am in this moment where I find myself in a very liminal space. It feels very in between at the moment. I don't know for sure what's next but I know where I came from so I find myself in a transitional point in time. And, turns out, to discover what's next I need to start trying some things. Engage some active curiosity and act on things that engage me. Try shit. And that sounds nice to me. Thinking of the new year in those terms gets me excited. Especially because it feels like it applies to all aspects of my life rather than solely in a work sense. It's a word I can come back to when I feel stuck or down or overwhelmed. "Well, why don't you just try it." It helps combat the perfectionist-procrastinator that looms in my person, and reminds me that I don't need to have everything figured out. I can just try it. Also one of my christmas gifts from Elliott this year was a Kitchenaid so obviously I gotta TRY to make some cakes. Watch out, GBBO! A below average baker is gonna Koolaid man her way into that tent! Side note, if you have any baking recipe recommendations PLEASE SEND! 

So that's where I'm at so far in my new years brain. I might fuck around and add another word or two to the mix but for now I'm gonna focus on trying shit next year. What comes up for you guys when you think about the next year? Any words or goals or ways you're thinking about it? Let me know! I love hearing how people are setting themselves up for success in the new year! Fuck penance, 2023 is all about peace of mind and personal prosperity! Amen! See, religion can be meaningful and important. 


I'm gonna wrap this up but I can't end it without sprinkling a little cringe to say thank you SO much for being part of our patreon this year. I really love this weird little community and definitely plan on trying more shit here with y'all throughout next year! I hope you have a safe and silly new years! See ya in 2023! 2022 got weird! ❤️G



I watch Michael Buckley’s IG story on a daily basis now after y’all did the “How Ya Been?” Epi with him and I love it; he actually inspired me to be impulsive the other day! I even put it on my IG story and he shared it on his!! I was fangirling so hard. Anyway, my word is “spontaneity.” I had such a good time doing that impulsive thing the other day, I wanna do it more! I need more stories in my life and I think it’s because I plan things out too much. I wanna fly by seat of my jazz flare pants that are weirdly back in! (I may have just bought a pair)


Happy New Year y'all !! If I had to pick a word that felt like a blanket it would be Brave. I want to be brave to do things that I think won't be worth it or hard. I want to be brave to say no to things that so t bro g me joy. I want to be brave to think outside my comfort zones. I want to be rave to learn about more things even if I might be bored out of mind. It's gonna be a challenge for some but I guess that's the point! 🎉🍷🌸😎


Michael Buckley is a treasure!! Good luck with flying by the seat of those jazz flare pants!! They are back and they rule!! 👍🏼


I like the idea of picking specific words to define the year. I think if I chose a word for next year I’d pick “create”. I saw a Reel earlier that flipped through a bunch of words and said “take a screenshot to find out your word to describe 2023” and the word I got was “yes” which I also like because it reminded me of the “yes and” improv mantra you’ve talked about before which I should definitely live by more. I love fresh starts and always come up with a ridiculous amount of resolutions that never end up sticking. This year I came up with five more generic/overall ones (take better care of my mind and body, find my focus, create more, experience more, be more mindful) and then a bunch of specific SMART goals™️ to achieve those things (eg move my body at least three times a week, read at least 30 books etc., journal every day, travel to at least one new place). The list isn’t complete yet as I usually spend NYE finalizing it…but it’s already getting pretty long again haha I recently made a banana bread, I don’t have the recipe anymore, but I really liked it, it had walnuts in it and no sugar aside from dark chocolate chips - semi-healthy while being a nice comfort food and a perfect snack :) Can’t wait to see some of the things you’ll TRY next year! Thank YOU for being here ❤️ Happy new year, everyone! 💕 PS: That picture of the Trump bus in FL that Elliott posted on his story…fucking ridiculous 🫠


Okay, but I seriously love this. I was just thinking a couple of hours ago about New Year's resolutions and how I've always kind of hated them, even though New Year's is probably my favorite holiday. No shade, no tea, to anyone who likes them or finds them useful - for me, though, it's always been a one-way ticket to letting myself down when I don't, in fact, drop a pants size/give up soda/read a hundred books a year. So I was thinking about what could fill that same space for myself - something where it's less glaringly obvious (to myself or to anyone else) if I fail at it, but just something to motivate myself to stretch a little beyond my comfort zone. I didn't hit on words, specifically, like you did - but I did have a word crop up for me in thinking about it: "lead." I got promoted into a managerial role almost exactly a year ago, and it's the first real leadership position I've held professionally. I was fucking *terrified* going into the role - I am a type B, shrinking violet follower if ever there was one - but I've wound up really thriving in the role. So this year, I'm challenging myself to look for other leadership opportunities and seize them when I find them. It seems believable, it seems achievable, and it seems like something that makes me just the right amount of terrified without consuming me with dread. Side note: Is that really what CCD stands for? This is what happens when your Catholic parents tell the Church your first name is after a saint but you're actually named after a Four Tops song. Happy 2023, Helbig! Looking forward to trying with you! <3


I feel all this, I’m in the space of figuring of if I want continue in my current career or going back to school to find what fuels me. But I also suffer for from the perfectionist or procrastinator and seem to stall out a lot. The Pisces wants to be airy and unconnected also.


This year brought a lot of change to my life (new job/state/friends). I'm looking forward to hopefully strengthening the positive aspects from these changes. Let's get it, folks!!


Try is a great word! My word has and usually ends up being “community.” I love giving back to my community, getting my 5th graders involved in charities and activities, and participating/seeing my community theater. Those are my people. A resolution I’ve actually kept for 2 years is to wash my face and take care of my skin more! I’m so glad I’ve started it. And I got on an antidepressant! I was scared to for a long time and it has changed my life for the bestest better.


"Watch out, GBBO! A below average baker is gonna Koolaid man her way into that tent!" This made me actually LOL My word of the year is alignment. I want to focus on the things that are in alignment with my goals, and my values. I want to focus on putting my energy and time into things and people that bring me joy.


Omg the catholic trauma you've unlocked with this post lmao. My boyfriend did what you did since he went to public school (I think they called it catechism, and also his mom taught it which was extra brutal for him). I did go to Catholic school so we would go to confession in the church attached to school but yeah I did the exact same thing--just made shit up! I think I actually said "I stole a cookie from the cookie jar" once. We didn't even have a cookie jar, they were just in the cupboard and they weren't under lock and key or anything haha. Thankfully I always got old priests who just gave you your penance and shuffled you out without any further interrogation. Then in grade 6 or so they stopped making it mandatory to do it, and I never went again after that. That is a good idea! The only time I've *sort of* kept a resolution is just me retconning and pretending like it was a resolution. During late 2020 lockdown I started watching this Norwegian show called Skam and decided to start learning Norwegian on Duolingo on a whim. I happened to start on December 31, 2020, and I finished the whole course in September this year! (Thankfully before they upended the whole thing and totally changed the way the courses are laid out, I think some people's progress got pretty messed up.) So I like to think it was an unconscious resolution, especially since I did finish it. And I'm still practicing it--watching Norwegian shows in different accents (some are SO different than others), working my way through a Norwegian grammar textbook that is laid out like a novel so it's more interesting than a straight up grammar book, and planning to travel to Scandinavia in the future with one of my friends who lived in Finland for a while when she left her home country of Italy. To accidental resolutions! I think I must have thought at least once about the significance of starting to learn it on December 31st at some point anyway, and I really did try super hard and stuck with it. The old ADHD makes it hard for me not to abandon the hobbies and interests I pick up but sometimes I just find what I'm doing so rewarding and I stick with it. I teared up when I finished the course because I was so proud and shocked that I actually did it. May 2023's word is a phrase which is "stay the course"? I don't want to let all my hard work fall to the wayside. I love baking and this is a recipe I made as a gift last year for Christmas, it's SO GOOD. It's a gingerbread loaf and it's so delicious: https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a50397/holiday-gingerbread-recipe/. And not dry at all. My mom used to buy Jamaican gingerbread from a woman at a farmer's market but neither of us have gone to that market again and I was desperate to try something like it again, and that recipe definitely did the trick. Super easy and awesome for all year round, not just Christmas. I have vacation coming up this week so maybe I'll make it again! Also this cookie recipe: https://snappygourmet.com/cannoli-cookies-recipe/. I wanted to make cannolis once and then I looked at the recipe and realised it was not easy and involved baking equipment I didn't have, so I made these cookies once and they really were the next best thing: https://snappygourmet.com/cannoli-cookies-recipe/


ohhh a very fun word! I love that. We can get so wrapped up in comfort and certainty that we forget to let go and see what happens!


create is a great word! you can create things, opportunities, moments, banana bread, more resolutions, etc! it works across the board and when you're actually bored, just come back to your word and create!


okay I love that 'lead' came up for you! you can lead others and you can take charge and lead yourself into experiences and achievements that are meaningful to you. It def sounds like it takes the pressure off of having to have some generic set of tangible wins and instead gives you a simple action to remind yourself in moments you feel like you're holding back! Wishing you the best luck!


as a women who is now married to a VERY pisces man I totally get this. be gentle with yourself and get curious about if school seems like a good option for you. maybe you're stalling because it's scary to try something new? i know that's what gets in the way for me. either way it sounds like you're curious thinking about some sort of change in your life ... sending you ~good vibes~ on getting clarity!


yes, rachael! this all sounds awesome! I'm sure the parents of those 5th graders are so happy to have a teacher that cares so much. and I too have recently made more of an effort to take care of my skin - I'm actually washing it every night before I go to sleep rather than hoping a makeup wipe does the whole trick. adulting! and good on you for getting an antidepressant and doing what's best for you! high five!


I love this, molly! alignment is such a juicy word. it reminds you to stay present with who you are and where/how you want to spend your energy. love that!


Yes! It’s so broad and feels super motivating at the same time :)


wow i love all of this! that cookie story 😂! i think i also said something along the lines of stealing sweets and it was a bold face lie. man, i love religion. and CONGRATS on finishing that Duolingo course!! that's a big deal! finishing something you started years ago is huge! stay the course feels like a very appropriate and great phrase to keep in your mind this year - for literal and non literal reasons! can't wait to hear if you get to scandinavia and get to test out your new education! cheers!


Well 2022 was certainly weird; actually the last 3 to 4 years have been weird. But what has not been weird; You and Mamrie. Thanks for all the hours you two put in to provide comical relief that has made the “weird “ wonderful. 👍🙏💕😂


My word for this is survive. I’m due with a baby in may so the first half of the year will be surviving the second half of pregnancy with a toddler. The next half of the year will be figuring out how to have a baby and toddler and still do all the things that need doing. So as long as we all survive I’ll be happy lol.


Try Sallysbakingaddiction.com I have tried many recipes and they all turn out great. It is perfect for beginners