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Hello, wonderful Patrons! I hope you're all having/had great weekends! It's been a slightly busy weekend for me - I HAVE started All Stars and I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT. 

Buuuuuut(ts)...(and such great butts this season WHEW!)...

I haven't written out a full review this week. Honestly, I just enjoyed watching it so much that I didn't take any notes! But I want to hear what you all think! We got Miss Piggy, we got 2 episodes, we got blue balls, we got giant rubber slinky tits, we got tits that shoot silly string, we got tits that deliver milk and cookies, we have such incredible diversity of competitors my brain can barely handle it! I'll be back to writing longer, more thought out posts this week but I don't want to hold you up from unleashing your opinions on me! What do you got!?! Who do you love? Who are we rooting, booting and tooting for? Again, hope y'all are doing well! See you in the comments! ❤️G




Jan’s concert was so good idk how she didn’t win

Steve Jenks

I'll read later. At Denver pride literally watching Ongina and Nina West right now 😂


Jan and Scarlet Envy WERE ROBBED in the first episode AND i think they were robbed in the second episode too, although I do think there's a case for Jan just being safe in that episode. Essentially, I'm just living for Scarlet and cannot believe the lack of screen time and recognition she is getting from the show. I also thought the variety show wasn't very varying. Wayyyyy too many lipsyncs to orignal songs/bitch tracks. The only lipsyncs i enjoyed really were Pandora's, Sonique's, and Yara's (if her's even counts LOL). I did agree with the bottom 2 for the first episode, however i wasn't gagged by the lip synch for the legacy on either Yara or Coco and i CANNOT believe that not a single person besides Yara voted for Trinity to get the boot based on that challenge. She bombed the set SO hard. Then, in the second episode, I dont even think Yara deserved to be in the bottom quite frankly. I thought she did better than Silky on almost all the categories. But I wasn't too worried because I knew there was no way Jiggly Caliente was gonna get saved due to the third outfit, and I REALLY felt bad for her in Untucked because she knew she was done for. All in all, i think this is a SUPER strong cast and I'm excited to see where it goes! Although, i hope they give Scarlet, Jan, Pandora, and even Akeria some more screen time.


WELL. I am pretty happy with the first two episodes, which is great, since I really am not a huge fan of most of the queens. But! So far so good!! I honestly was so confused at how Jan wasn't even in the top 2 for her ball looks?! What??? And then she was tweeting that she was recieving so much online hate after the first two episodes and I was SO SAD. But! Then I watched the Pitstop and Trixie and Manila were going on about how amazing Jan was (and she saw it) so I felt way better. I'm hoping for good things! Also, Ru said something about "Surviving" the game-within-the-game, which made me think of redemption island on Survivor, so maybe that's what might happen? The eliminated queens lip sync against one another and then in a few episodes the winner of the losers will come back? Who knows! Also I guess it was edited to be confusing like there was no lip sync assassin for next week. So we shall see I guess!! Okay, Vancouver is 40°C right now (104°F) so I'm going to go run through the sprinkler in my back yard as if I'm not an overweight man in my mid-thirties.


agree all around! I always wonder if they tell the lip sync assassins to go hard or to hold back depending on how producers want the narrative to go down! but that's likely my own trust issues lol! I am loving Scarlet and hope she just has a slow flame that'll burn into a huge fire throughout the course of the season! but it's SUCH a strong season all around! talk about ALL STARS!


I love this season so far!!! I can’t pick a favorite, I’m just happy to be watching a new all stars.


I loved the two episodes but I 1000% think Jan should have won the first episode her singing was insane!! The notes were perfect and she looked amazing I was stunned. And she definitely should have been top for the ball that denim star look was EVERYTHING. I was so sad to see Jiggly go home so soon but I'm hoping she can have some redemption still with the game within a game whatever that means lol. I do love watching the lip sync assassins but I really miss seeing the top 2 all stars lip sync. They brought these girls back and I want to see the most of them and their talent you know? I miss the opportunity for more girls on the season to lip sync against each other. But I do also understand how frustrating it must be to be in the bottom two and not get a chance to fight for yourself. Overall I am absolutely loving this cast so far, I am living for Rajah's redemption and I do think she killed in the ball and that lip sync. I love Yara and Sonique so much and they are killing it and bringing so much entertainment to my TV again. I also love Scarlett Envy and never understood why she was so hated on her season, especially by some of her own cast members? I found her charming, funny and in her own world in the best way on her season. I loved her bubble talent the first episode it was so entertaining and fun! I'm excited to see what this season has to come and hoping that it will be more of judging I agree with and not this nonsense haha


Wow what a start to All Stars 6!! I thought I was watching Bad Girls Club at first!! It is gonna be interesting to see how these experience queens will vote and keep friendships !! The drama!! This cast is very good. 2 episodes with more excitement than all of Down Under season. 🤓📖 It's very early to make predictions but I can't believe JAN didn't not win either episode !! She Christina Aguilera'd that song!! And her Ball looks relieved the Blue for sure!!! I adore Rajah, Kylie Sonique, Ginger , Scarlett(Fabio) Yara is entertainment personified!! I think Rajah should have had a Solo win in that JANET JACKSON lip sync ! She killed that! The Game within the Game twist ... Things that make you go hmmmm🤔 Let's go!! 🌸

Megan St-Amour

The slinky tits were hilarious


Honestly, I'm excited for this cast. I like having a larger cast for All Stars bc it means more drag race, but especially with this cast, I think everyone is on a somewhat even playing field. Like for AS2, Alaska was obviously going to win, AS3 was a pretty even cast at first sight, AS4 was going to be Manila's or Trinity's, and AS5 was going to be Shea, but AS6 is pretty even! I loved the variety show in Ep.1: I think Scarlet or Jan should have been in the top replacing Pandora. Also I don't know if you've all heard the full version of Jantasy, but it's ICONIC. Yara wins and I was happy, and the lip sync assassin is COCO! I'm so glad that she was a lip sync assassin, but I wasn't in love with the song choice. Coco did better than Yara, but I was kinda underwhelmed especially bc Coco has 3 ICONIC lip syncs from her original season. Ep 2: This season ain't giving me blue balls because we get 2 for the price of 1 month free trial! I again think that Jan should have been in the top over Sonique and Silky should have replaced A'keria in the bottom. Honestly, watching the deliberations during the main episode (not untucked) had me so sad because I honestly don't want anyone from the cast to go. I think Rajah should have had a solo win, but it didn't matter because majority voted Jiggly. Also IDK if anyone else has this thought process, but I always forget how good of a drag queen A'keria is. Like I love A'keria and I think she's such a fierce performer, but I always forget she exists. It's so easy for her to blend into the background which sucks! My Top Picks at first: A'keria, Jan, Sonique, TKB My top picks after Ep.2: A'keria, Jan, Rajah, Scarlet


same I loooove seeing the assassin that shows up (what a sentence lol) but I do miss seeing the top two go head to head!


Just coming here NEEDING to know your reaction to the latest episode! 🤩🤩