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Happy Saturday, Patrons! I hope you're all having wonderful weekends! I've watched Back to the Future I AND II for the very first time in the last 48 hours so I'm having a pretty good post-final papers weekend. I am VERY late to the game, but THOSE MOVIES ARE WILD. 

But, this review isn't about some big haired, whacky dressed characters trying to figure out where they fit in, in the world. 

Actually, it is. 

Let's talk about Drag Race Down Under episode 6! 


We start on the heels of an Elektra win! Though it was a bit of a shock it still sends a surge through this dim competition. But I can’t look away! This season has been so confusing and emotionally manipulative of its audience’s feelings but I’m somehow still holding on for some good! I kinda feel like I've stayed at the electronic roulette table in Vegas WAY TOO LONG but I'm hoping one more spin will FINALLY win all of my money back. Ya know, a real comforting vibe like that. 

Side note: did anyone else notice that Maxi actually knows how to clean a mirror message? Lol! I think we finally found something she’s great at! 

So, the emotional roundup is that Karen has got her shrimps in a barbie-bunch because she’s not meeting the expectations that everyone seems to have for her and...yeah, that's bascially how I feel about her situation too. I appreciate your self awareness, Karen! The top of the episode feels like they’re setting us up for a Karen promotion or full Karen firing from the Finance department this week.

On the flip side Elektra has a big ol ego boost after her win and, though I love her, I think she might need just a teeny tiny humility lesson before she teeters over into full blown annoying. But who knows how much coaching from producers is happening bts to give her a saucy storyline. Regardless, the feud between Scarlet and Elektra feels faker than the tan I venmo'd a nice woman to paint on my body for before we went to Mexico.

It’s a new day in the werkroom and we learn that Art’s last relationship was a decade ago but he still wouldn’t fall into the K-hole. Sorry, Kita. Then we get a message from Aunty Donna and I have no idea who they are. Are they Australian Epic Meal Time? Whoever they are Scarlett is losing her whole mind about them. *shrug*

Then Ru invites the whole Pit Crew into the werkroom and the queens turn into sweaty, giddy, horny cartoon versions of themselves. Honestly, their reactions are hilarious. They genuinely look like parched desert wanderers seeing water for the first time. They’re all practically on the verge of tears I love it. They play the classic watchu packin ...but the down under version. If you don't know it's is a game where ten toned, stuffed animals have secretly stuffed animals on or around or seemingly in their junk. It’s a  fun game for the whole family! But I don’t know that I’ll look at stuffed animals the same again. 

But Maxi wins! And that's nice! She's great at cleaning mirrors and guessing wiener-adjacent-toys! 


We then get introduced to the fully clothed members of the pit crew … i.e. the members of the Falcons Rugby Team - which I learn is the gay rugby team! How fun! The maxi challenge is a family resemblance challenge where the queens have to make over the rugby players. I’m into this one! And Maxi gets to assign the queens to their teams! And she plays nice! That's very Maxi of her. Every queen gets a comparable jock.

And these jocks are itching....to get into drag! Kita's teammate says “You are popping my cherry and you better fucking rip it open!” WOW OKAY! Here we go! I love that they’re all secretly not-so-secretly SO excited to do this! But Maxi’s gotta work with a 12 year old beard…and they’re THE WORST. So clingy. But she seems so nice in her consideration for her partner and his face.


Side appreciation for Art's talking head saying Maxi and her partner ... “They’re doing the 5th hobbit movie in the corner there.” That's good shade.  

Moving on it’s elimination day!

Maxi ends up shaving Dans beard! Wow this is quite a dedication to the transformation, but if you're every looking for an opportunity to shave your 12 year old beard Drag Race is a pretty good one! And Maxi just seems so gentle with him, it’s very sweet to watch! I also enjoyed the conversation between Elektra and her player about presenting masculine and learning to live your truth. They seem like they have a comfortable rapport with each other and it's nice to see. 

Meanwhile, shade queen Art reminds us that Kita seems like she might be in trouble. She’s been coasting this competition so she’s gotta bring it. And her partner, Kyle, seems so ready to play and it’s SO SWEET. Is this episode redeeming this season for me? Not entirely but I'll take all the seemingly genuine, unproduced moment where I can get em! Also that Kita concern seems actually like Art projection bc Art is spending the majority of her time working on her own face and not her partners. UH OH?

Time for the runway and Ru is dressed up as a walking Uggs campaign??? Her fashion this season has been as confusing as this WHOLE DAMN SHOW.

Here are my runway thoughts:

Kita and Feta Mean: Cruella realness! And then Cruella morphs into a half Cruella half weird pop Sia/Michelle Visage hybrid … I love it! And Feta Mean is having so much fun!!!

Elektra Shock and Riri Action: They look more like twins than sisters and I'm not sure if that’s the right way to go with this challenge? I literally can’t tell who is who - but it’s still fun and better than what I thought Elektra might do given her assumed resources. 

Maxi Shield and Cilla Wet: the name made me lol but they look like two jellybeans. Hmm, it's cute but I don't think it's competitive enough - but I love the rugby scrum move on the runway!

Art Simon and Craft Simone: The rumors are true-mors, Art is a great makeup artist! They look great but the energy didn’t really tell a story?  But I LOVE THAT FLIP FLOP DRESS and after some Googling I learn this is a Priscilla Queen of the Desert reference that I still need to catch up on! 

Scarlett and Sapphire Adams: It’s not reinventing the wheel but it’s fun and she made the costume from scratch so good for her! Though I'm not loving the makeup on her partner...it looks a little rough, but maybe that's just because Scarlett looks so gorg 

Karen from Finance and Debbie from Reception: I love these stupid names! And I think they look GREAT…Karen actually did something fun! They look like office sisters! But the glasses really hide so much of their faces.

The judges give their critiques and I’m so distracted by Ru’s makeup - is something going on with her face? Is she falling asleep or just waking up? I can't stop squinting at it!

Anyway, judges think Kita nailed it (and her partners bf loved it too awwww), Elektra did her best, Maxi is in trouble, Art rested on her basic talents, Scarlett was a little basic and Karen made a mini me rather than a sister. I agree with most of their critiques other than Karen's...I thought she actually created "Karen's" sister.

Which is why I think Art’s questioning if the challenge it about creating a clone vs sister is warranted. I really don’t know what they’re actually judging on when it comes to “family resemblance”. Are you creating the cosplay version of yourself or are you creating the complimentary version? Is it about overall essence or artistic skill? TBH I’m a little confused. But it wouldn’t be an episode of drag race down under if I wasn’t surprised and/or confused about something!

But Kita wins and I’m so happy for her! I do think she made a complimentary "Mean" sister! But there’s no time to celebrate because Maxi is in the bottom along with Scarlet. Uh oh! This will be …. interesting? I love the athletes cheering them on in the backroom like its’ a rugby game!

The lip sync isn't the worst ... Scarlett really killed it and Maxi always looks like she’s having a blast. It's no real surprise that Scarlett shanty’s and Maxi sashays. It’s bittersweet but I don’t know how much more Maxi could do SHE’S FUCKING 46 YEARS OLD! Ugh, I just love her so much! Anyone know if she’s taking applications for clients because I want her as my life coach!

Thank god this episode was so sweet because I really needed a serotonin boost to keep me hanging on Down Under. What'd you all think of this weeks episode? Who are your tops at this point? I think I'm rooting for Art and Kita and wondering if Karen will ever get a promotion? Okay, gotta go google if Ru was having an allergy attack during this episode - hope y'all enjoy the rest of your weekends! ❤️G



Melody Condon

All I have to say about this is that Back to the Future II is one of the most magnificent movies of all time and I'm glad you experienced it!


Oh hello! What do we owe this honor to having a Saturday message! It is hawt on the east coast, and by that I mean 90 degrees. I was watching the episode and something in the area overheated and we lost power but we back and better than ever. I also was talking to one of my friends from Phoenix, AZ and they said it was 108 yesterday there and they were living, but it's 90 degrees here and I'm dying. At the top of the episode, everyone except Scarlet is praising Etc. for their drag and their knowledge on how to be an unoffensive member of society. Elektra is having an ego boost and Kita Mean wants to be noticed and win a challenge! I'm reading for the New Zealand take over and them dominate this challenge. Oh also some inside tea, people are saying that the Untucked that didn't air last week was a discussion about Scarlet's situation and it got kinda heated, but they didn't air it bc we didn't need to see 7 white people talk about the situation when no POC were present to give their insight. It's a new day in the werk room and it finally feels campy and not crappy. Art doesn't like K-holes or K's holes and Karen is kraving come aktion. We get a RuMail from a group that I have never heard of, but it's 3 white men and Scarlet is losing her shit. I thought their message was very cringey, but like intentionally cringey? I don't know who these people are and they give me Australian Dude Perfect vibes. Anyways, Ru enters and we have a thirst trap mini challenge to tease the dolls. Karen has a total psykhik moment at the top of the episode. Except it weren't 40 men because this is the smallest werkroom. Maxi wins the mini challenge and Ru announces that this is a makeover episode! We haven't gotten makeover episodes for 2 seasons now because of COVID restrictions, but since DU is doing a lot better than us (and by that I mean they shut down everything for having 5 cases), they can actually do one! The people getting makeovers are gay rugby players and they are ready to get tackled by padding. Maxi as the winner of the mini challenge gets to make the pairs and wasn't shady! You can tell Maxi is the mother of the werkroom because she was very nice about these pairings. Kita's partner is excited to get into drags. She wants her cherry popped badly. That's a sentence. I'm going to skip to the main stage but I just feel the need to mention how light and campy this episode seems. Like yes they are still competing and aware of it, but there doesn't seem to be this constant negativity and reading in the werkroom. Also the whole time I was very excited to find out what Karen's partner's name would be because there's just something about the name "Karen from Finance" that makes me laugh or smile every time I hear it. Oh also Art in the werkroom was a heated little angel, focusing on herself and not really engaging with her partner, but that person was a woman on the mainstage. RuPaul on the main stage tonight is dressed like Sonique's entrance look on the Holi-slay spectacular, and honestly I preferred Sonique's. But also, let's remember that this is a 60 year old man. Ru looks AMAZING for being 60. Also if anyone saw Sonique's AS6 promo, I just want you to know that she's 38. I'm 20 and I look like Karen from Finance out of drag. Kita Mean and Fita Mean: I love it. They both have wild energy and the make-up is stamped. Elektra Shock and Riri Action: They look great. The make-up isn't astounding, but you stay for Elektra's personality, not her make-up. That being said, it's a makeover challenge so that mug better be unclockable. Maxi Shield and Cilla Wet: Cosmo and Wanda ain't slick and apparently neither are their undergarments. Art and Craft Simone: Those mugs are beat. Which also I don't if anyone has ever tried to beat a mug before but mugs are ceramic so it hurts to punch. I love the flip flop dress, but the makeover was a flop because I didn't feel a connection between the two of them. Scarlet and Sapphire Adams: mhm. Scarlet didn't pay enough attention to her partner. Karen from Finance and Debbie from Reception: I've decided I'm changing my name to Linda from HR. They look like twins and I love it. I do agree the glasses are a bit much, but I still think they looked amazing. This pairing was the epitome of the 👯‍♀️ emoji. We also now really get to see how small this stage is. 12 people trying to fit on this stage was ~intense~ Kita is announced as the winner of this weeks challenge and I'm so happy. I want one of the NZ queens to win this. I feel they both have shown such massive growth. It only took 6 episodes, but we finally have a Kylie Minogue song for the lip sync! This was pretty good for DU. I wish Scarlet did her corset reveal earlier in the song, but when the bottom two were announced, I knew Maxi was going home. Scarlet is a dancer with two wins, Maxi has none and was already in the bottom once. I'm rooting for Elektra or Kita to win. I like Karen (i've never said that sentence before in my life), and her winning would be fine, but she doesn't deserve it. Art winning wouldn't feel right to me because she got brought back for no reason, and she has done well, but it just didn't feel justified. Ok, I'm going to be vulnerable and ask a question that I need everyone's honest response on. Does Lightning McQueen have car insurance or health insurance? See everyone next week!


ohhhh we can always count on you for the insider info! And YES very Australian Dude Perfect! I looked them up and they're supposed to be absurdist comedians?! Maybe it's absurd how cringey they were?? And I tooooootally agree with the charmingly campy feel of this episode - finally things felt genuine and nice and not awkwardly forced and confusing! And wow did I have to spend a moment googling your lightning mcqueen question - it's too philosophical for me to answer! Thanks as always for your lovely thoughts!!


Oh my i forgot to mention this, but did anyone else notice that Rhys and Michelle’s runways during the intro were from last episode? Just me, k bye teehee


Aunty Donna is an Australian comedy group, they were intentionally being cringey :) they have a series on Netflix called "Aunty Donna’s Big Ol’ House of Fun" if you wanted to check it out, I think You and Elliott might enjoy . I know I always seem to be defending Art on here, I am definitely biased with her but I feel like how she is acting on the show is no way near what she is like in really life.. I think it might be her insecurities that's making her majorly flip personalities.. idk also she just posted this thread on twitter explaining her reasoning for their runway look. https://twitter.com/ArtSimone/status/1401316924739358720?s=20


omg I didn't notice! now i want to go back just to see hahah


Oh my goodness, I was just so happy to finally have an episode that I smiled and laughed at! I feel like the last few weeks have just been confusion and, like, irritation? Maybe this week was better since we had candid moments between the queens and the rugby players, so there was less producers involved? I hope we get some more of this sort of energy for the rest of the season, cause I was definitely missing the fun. Loved the names! Loved the looks! I'm sad Karen didn't get the recognition she deserved. That was an Excellent runway imo.


PS. I also just shaved my beard after 10 years (too hot under the mask lol), so I thought that moment between Maxi and Dan was super sweet.


me having to wait over 12 hours to read this bc i’m in the uk and the episode goes on bbc iplayer at 9am 🙂🙃 ANYWAY i think this was my favourite episode so far this season, i always love the makeover challenge. my bullet points for this episode are: - seeing men trying to walk in heels is hilarious but i never wear heels so i’d probably do as good as them lmao - not a fan of ru’s main stage outfit. so confusing. - art literally misunderstood the assignment which was hilarious - so happy for kita mean! she killed it! - so they did have the budget for a kylie minogue lip sync song! speaking of lip sync songs i’ve had last weeks (absolutely everybody) stuck in my head all week even though that was the first time i’d ever heard it! hope you had fun at hannah’s bachelorette party last night!! 😊


Good morning y'all ! Just quick jump in to give a brief review. This episode might have brought me back to enjoying this series again. I was ready to give up, but I'm back!! The stuff animal challenge was just the most adorable scene. It was like on Survivor when they get to see their family members after weeks of isolation!! They were just so excited and it was cute!! The runways were the most creative we've seen so far . Maxi is just so adorable in all she does but we can agree the outfits were the weakest. True to her form they looked like two squishy stuff animals. The rugby players really brought a fun calming energy back to the show. Kita winning was so great. I think I'm rooting for Kita to win. Well gotta get back to laundry and house chores so I can get back to the pool! Have a great week!! Grace loved your and Mamries D&D looks. Hannah looked so happy!! I thought it was a Harry Potter / Side Show Bob cosplay at first tho! 😄🌸


I thought Ru looked green screened at the judges table . She just looked strange when she spoke.


Awww Ben the RPDR guru asking the big hard hitting question about the most famous Drag racer Lightening McQueen!!! I have heard this contraversal subject being discussed before and people get heated!! My opinion is Life. 👍🏼😉

Michael Dunn

Did you know that Biff's character in the bad timeline was based on Tr*mp? And you *are* going to watch part 3 soon, right? You can't just stop after 2. :)


I agree with everyone that this episode was a breath of fresh air. It just felt more...natural? somehow. I think I'm rooting for Elektra to win, although I know that's a big ask with the limited budget, but I'm a fan of the underdog. Art is getting on my nerves a bit. She can be super shady but seems very defensive when other people say anything to her. It was a bit mean but I did laugh at Elektra's "Kita's......a good friend". Lastly, where was Raven on THIS episode to boot Ru's ode to uggs?