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Recently I’ve been doing a lot of looking at porn… A.k.a. houses in Asheville North Carolina because I loved my time I spent there last fall and would love to spend falls there every year. This one had a pool which isnt at all a necessary for me since it’s in the mountains, but once I saw the picture they chose to post of someone trying out scuba gear in it… I obviously had to have it.

Jkjk. But seriously? Why would you ever choose to make this the picture? Was grandma doing her patented dead man’s float not available ? -M






I got a Patreon notification saying “Recently I’ve been doing a lot of looking at porn...” and I was confused, intrigued, befuddled, and laughing all at the same time


-Honey we're not using your scuba picture. -But babe, EVERYONE posts empty pools, I need them to know how cool this pool can be!!


Not sure where he SCUBA’d in Kentucky, but Papaw was a trained diver. This hit my giggledick.


PLOT TWIST: the person who took the picture has no idea who the diver in the photo is, let alone where they came from.


I 100% would use that photo of my pool! And I would put sex toys on the bed in my bedroom photo, I'd pose my dog in the oven for the kitchen (heat off, door open of course) and I'd put a rifle on the dining room table. Who cares if I sell the house, I'D BE HAVING A GREAT DAY!!