Happy Drunk Squirrel Friday, Patrons! (Patreon)
First of all, the official title of this video is:
Drunk squirrel, because...2020. The old pears I left out for the squirrels had apparently fermented.
I love things labeled exactly what they are. I mean, talk about clickBAIT, amiriiiiiiiight. *drunk squirrel lean*
Maybe we need to reach out to this filmmaker to help us title our future podcast episodes. Or, if we ever attempt to have guests drunk squirrel is #1 on the list.
Well Happy Friday, Patrons! And happy day after The Strange-Obligation-To-Make-A -Lot-Of-Beige-Food-While-Coated-In-Confusion-About-What-Emotion-You're-Actually-Feeling Day! To those of you in the US. Every dang year I have to Google to see if Thanksgiving is an international holiday and every dang year I'm reminded that it isn't and that there's a whole lot o'mess around the holiday itself. Par for the course about most of the 'American' things I've Google'd this year. Eesh. That said, I hope you had a nice Thursday!
Elliott and I ended up dabbling in the plates-of-beige realm and, shockingly, made some really good shit. Like, I'm still shocked at how well we did. We didn't have a specific plan, we just sort of floated around a grocery store grabbing what we thought we've seen other people make and somehow it turned out okay for us. Truly wild. Then he showed me My Octopus Teacher on Netflix and that was TRULY WILD. Have any of you seen it??? Once I got past the fact that the South African diver guy was emotionally cheating on his wife with an octopus I was mesmerized. I think I whispered what the actual fuck is going on to myself about 679 times throughout the whole thing. If you haven't seen it yet, it's a good watch. Once you get out all your jokes about the guy being kinda subtly and not so subtly sexually attracted to a lady-pus. Elliott literally had to tell me to "drop that bit" because I was missing all the good. *drunk squirrel lean* Ehhhh he was right.
Today's been a nice wash of finding myself falling into holes of black friday sales without trying to. I quite literally had to pull myself away from reading dish drying rack reviews on Target.com just now to make sure I posted over here. I've been so fucking fascinated with the people that leave their reviews. For dish drying racks! Attached you'll see a recent favorite. It's from 2 years ago, their user name is "Frustrated" and they need you to know that "Within 2 months you will need to replace it and you will get no favors from Target!". No favors from Target! Nah uh! No way! Well, ya know what. I didn't buy that rack and I have Frustrated to thank for that! Ugh, I love it. So dumb, but so helpful.
So what are you guys up to? My plans for tonight and the rest of the weekend are to drunk-squirrel-sway between pure relaxation and semi productivity. The internet is slapping all these sales in my face so I gotta start organizing my brain around holiday gifts because...according to whatever tiny wizard that runs the time and date function in my phone, it's almost December. I don't even know how I feel about that. But I do know that I want to give some stupid shit to my family this year and I'm running out of time to figure that out! So, that's where my attention will be ... unless I fall back down a worm hole of "octopus lighting fixtures" like I've already done twice today. What can I say, I'm inspired! And clearly veeeeeery busy. As always, let me know what you have going on! How was your Thursday? And what do you have going on this weekend? Also! I'm hoping to shop small businesses this season so if you have any recs on places/products/people please let me know!!! I haven't narrowed down what categories of gifts I'm looking for so I'm casting a wide net - pass on whatever good goods you know about! Have great weekends! Get in a good drunk squirrel lean when ya can! ❤️G