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If you guys thought my post on Friday was insane allow me to show you that IT GETS WORSE. Yeah, apparently after  our sweet pregnant lady friend discovers her ABSOLUTELY FUCKING AWFUL scumbag Bachelor reject husband about to butt-coitus with the Party City maid they throw her out of her own house with her tween eeyore-eyed daughter looking on??? And her choices are to GIVE UP OR GET CUSTODY?!? What in the fuckity fucking FUCK is going on with this game???? Who made this?? Why did they make this?? And why does it have a 4.3 star rating in the app store?!!?!? I'm losing my mind about this. Also I'd like to send a shrill and deep FUCK YOU to Disney villain husband in his dumb ass three piece suit with the (probably) cum-stained fucking cuffed ankle pants. And the sunglasses on the collar?? I repeat...FUUUUUUCK YOU, YOU FICTIONAL SCUM BUCKET WOLF OF WALL STREET REJECT. 

Well, that's out of my system. 🙃

So how are you guys doing?? To be honest, I probably had a bit of stress pent up from a busy weekend. A busy but good weekend! Our move went great! There's still a bunch of moving parts to figure out over the next couple weeks but step by step it's going well! I also have some school stuff that I'm a little behind on so I'm staying bizzzzay. You know who's not a little behind? That Party-City-maid-turned-full-booty-future-stepmom! Heyo! Truly, I'm scared and disgusted and completely intrigued by how absolutely horrible this game is. I'm also very intrigued by what you got up to this weekend? Hello, segue! So, let me hear it!  The good, the bad, the bold, the beautiful! Hope you guys have great weeks! Remember, don't give up...just get custody GOD I HATE THIS GAME. Happy Monday! ❤️G




Really don't know if this makes it better or worse, but none of that is in the actual game play. It's just a puzzle game. Very little plot. And absolutely no nefarious Disney villain boyfriend or party city maid stepmum. 😂


I read that they had to stop these ads because they're so misleading but I'm still getting them