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Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had some decent weekends! Mine was lovely and chill and also, at times, anxiety filled on account of the world and then chill again. The cicadas in Palm Springs have been wild and they're shedding their exoskeletons all over our yard which is beautiful and haunting all at once! I like to think that mother nature is smacking some big ol' symbolism in my face and that right now is the time for all of us to shed some skeletons and take on some new adventures! Maybe we're all just big gross bugs with a poetic message! Or maybe I've been sitting in the direct sun too long. 

[insert bug pun segue]

Now on to goals! I can successfully say I accomplished my goals for the most part! 

1. Make an art: I did some dumb fun painting on Saturday which helps get the feelings out

2. Organize my homework: I've been reading and getting my shit in gear little by little - I forgot what it felt like to have actual homework assignments! 

3. Journal: I did some stream of consciousness writing this morning and dang was it nice to get all the free floating thoughts/feelings/anxieties I have about the world and my place in it onto paper and not just swirling like reckless Tasmanian devil in my noggin 

Whew! How'd you guys do?? It's been a real treat to see what ya'll get up to over your weekends, from extreme to extremely mundane I love all of it! Even if you didn't get any of your shit done, your participation counts! See(cad)ya on the flip side! Woof. ❤️G




Great job gang!! Another weekend in the books!! Goods and bads but we are all still making it!! Those exoskeletons are cool and nightmare fuel all ot once!! Cicada-tta here!! Looking forward to this weeks episode !


1. Help People: we’ve donated some money toward different organizations helping the hurricane. We’re also getting together a bin full of snacks for the ER staff that has been working through the hurricane in the hospital which currently has no water and no AC. 2. Form a Routine: I’ve started to wake up a little earlier to try and get a short run in before breakfast. Having to take my puppy out for walks and his feeding schedule also hugely helps keep my day scheduled as well! 3. Be Thankful: we had roof damage, water damage, and our backyard fence which was just put in 2 weeks ago got completely destroyed. But our house is still standing and that’s way more than some people who lost their entire homes. We were also lucky enough to evacuate to a place that has electricity and AC. ❤️


All in all a nice weekend with a bit of creativity sprinkled in 1. Grocery store run - acquired veggies and ice cream and have already enjoyed both 2. Start my painting - check! And it’s about 1/3 of the way through now and staring back at me so I’m excited to work on it more. 2. Bonus - I started and finished a sketch I’ve been thinking about 3. Read one hour each day - half success...I didn’t read at all Saturday and fell into a tv hole (but sketched while doing it!) I read on Sunday and treated myself to a mini spa day to get myself to settle down and focus on my book


2/3: Changed my bedding and dyed my own hair for the first time--I barely made it through the lightening/bleach, my eyes were burning just from being near the stuff and rinsing after dying is a pain in the patootie aaannd it came out sorta greenish in some places (supposed to be blue) but I didn't want to do anymore once I finished. It's also a semi-permanent dye, so we'll see how that goes. Overall a good way to spend a Saturday night!


1: greeted the boyfriend from his trip. He surprised me with asking me to marry him (we have 2 kids and a house together so not super surprising but still exciting!) 2. Finished my novel for my book club. 3. I don’t remember what my third goal was. Sleep maybe? I didn’t do that lol


Sorry I’ve been worried about my grandad and about my best friend so I’ve tried reading the policy but I’m not sure much, if any went in and I haven’t read any chapters of my books and I haven’t done any BSL learning. This weekend has been written off and I’m working today (Tuesday) doing respite and then back to being a Learning Support Assistant at the school tomorrow trying to get ready for the students to come back on Monday. I will try better next weekend xx


Be easy on yourself . You are doing the best you can. Good luck on returning back to an important job. My sister is a teacher and has always said she could not do her job without LSA’s. 👍🏽😊


Wrote, took stuff to recycling, moved mattress.


I got 2/3 so not bad! My goals were 1. Organize my craft stuff- done! Feels nice to declutter a bit 2. See a friend- check! It was so nice to catch up with my bestie and just hang out and enjoy some sunshine 3. Sort laundry for donations- this has yet to be tackled, but we’ll put it on the list for next weekend and we will get it done!


These are my absolute worst nightmare...I am terrified of cicadas!


I've spent my weekend getting some errands done, some household chores that I've been avoiding, and found some time to work with my dogs on some fun cooperative care behaviors (teaching my dogs to file their own nails). So all in all a good weekend. Haha


wow, thank for explaining this! i saw one of these on my apartment building the other day (i live in st. louis). i thought it was some random exotic bug and i was terrified. i’m still terrified... but good to know they can’t scatter on to my body


I just listened to today's podcast and PLEASE tell me there is Ring/Nest camera footage of Grace climbing through Goose's doggie door!!!!