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Goooooood morning and happy Monday, Patrons! It's TIME! Time to check in on those three wonderful goals we set for ourselves last Friday! Woo! Party! GET FUCKING AMPED!!!! How did we do??? I gotta say, posting mine last week gave me that swift insecure kick in the ass to lead by example, put my money where my mouth is, and get my shit done! I was a little shocked at just how motivating it was! I guess this is what they call....accountability? Ack! I hope you had some of that energy too. Here's how I did...

1. I shot a video! I haven't even begun to edit it, but the incredibly dumb idea has been captured with a camera and I'm hoping to post it in the next couple days. I just have to clean up the mess it left first. Stay tuned! 

2. I cooked something new and all of my body parts are unscathed! In an effort to lean into our trash-level-taste-buds paired with the longing for sloppy-chain-restaurant-slop we looked up Red Lobster recipes and made ourselves some obnoxiously heavy bows of seafood spaghetti cream aka shrimp alfredo! It was nasty and wonderful.

3. We left the house! We made an attempt to go to the beach on Saturday, but it turns out about 69,000 other people in Los Angeles ALSO wanted to go to the beach on Saturday. So, we drove, we saw pretty water, we saw sweaty crowds, we happily bailed, we made seafood spaghetti cream instead. Honestly, a great time. 

Okay now it's your turn! How'd you do??? Reminder, if you succeeded HELL YEAH! If you failed, EH WELL...it was a start! No shame, no judgement, we'll see you next time (this should be Red Lobster's new slogan). Let me know how you did and if this was at all an enjoyable thing that we should possibly continue? Let's have great weeks, y'all! ❤️G




Got all packed up for our move to Washington. We are currently in central Iowa heading to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Our cats are handling the drive very well. So proud of them... 🚗🛣🐱


This was so helpful and I really hope this will be a weekly tradition! I got so much done! 1. Apply for 1 job: Did it! Though also got an email this morning stating that they are looking for someone with more experience. Eh, it’s okay. I still feel accomplished and I’m going to keep applying this week. 2. Make a DMV appointment. Grace, I’ve been putting this off for months and I am currently sitting at the DMV as I type this. So thank you! 3. Find a trail and go roller skating: I went for a good hour at 7 am yesterday, before it got too hot and it was so beautiful. It was really peaceful on the trail and I felt really motivated afterwards. Thanks again Grace!

Steve Jenks

Cleared my computer in anticipation of starting this new job, got 20,000 steps in over the weekend, and made a wreath. Not too shabby.


2/3 done!!


My Saturday was taken up with family stuff that came up, but I still made lots of progress on cleaning out my closet and prepping some food for the week. The closet didn't get completely done because I needed to order some storage, but still, progress! Also didn't get focused stretching done, but tried to do a little while I was on the floor sorting closet stuff hahaha I love this because I don't think I would've done any of it with this accountability. 💖


1. Declutter and reorganize closet and skincare/makeup/bedroom cabinet. - Made some major progress but need to finish up the clothes 2. Try to make a cheesecake from scratch. Done! And made a delicious strawberry mint sauce for the top. AND Ive only eaten one piece 3. Finish the audiobook I’ve been putting off finishing. - I finished it and it sucked.

Steve Jenks

I mean 10k a day keeps the American Heart Association at bay! But I'm usually sub-3000 so this was a good weekend haha


1. I wrote the email and sent it to my council, got an email back saying it wasn't their bit, and needed to send it to another part, so I did. 2. I unpacked my suitcase as soon as I got back from holiday on Sunday - it was a lovely staycation in the UK. 3. I think I've found a recipe that I would like to try. I managed 3 out of 3 just about xx


I almost completed all 3! I did a few meditation sessions that went super well and I did three different paintings! I got outside a little bit more than previously but it was raining and humid for part of the weekend so I didn't feel like being outside. I got a new job! I normally work at a banquet facility and since we will probably be last to open I decided to get a job at an essential business that never closes: a dispensary! 🙏🏻 hallelujah


1. Survive my 31 hour work weekend. Check! Although I was very exhausted I did manage to get up at a reasonable hour on Sunday morning! 2. Pack up garage sale stuff. I didn’t get to this but it’s on today’s to do list. Close enough right? 3. Go for a bike ride. Check! Took me 3 blocks to realize my legs were jello, guess that should be a regular activity for me!


I accomplished nothing. I do like this challenge though and if we did it regularly I’m pretty sure it would help me be more productive sometimes 😂


My goals for the weekend were: 1. Clean my room/put clothes away - done! 2. Start and submit a university assignment - I didn't do because my housemates decided to have a big family dinner Saturday (we made vegan Yum Cha) and then we turned our kitchen into a nightclub and danced around to music all night. Our city is in a pretty severe lockdown at the moment so I think we all needed something fun to get our energy back up. - I picked an experience over the uni work bc it's only a small assignment that I can knock out during this week. (Idk why I feel that I had to justify that but 🤷‍♀️) 3. Go grocery shopping - I did a quick shop at a small grocery store up the road from my house but I'm going to do a proper shop during the week when there are less people out and about trying to do their groceries as well.


very much appreciate the honesty! i too think it's something that could potentially possibly at some point maybe perhaps help others if/when the mood is right on the off chance


Thank you! 💕 It was so much fun!