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Hellllllllllllo Patrons! Grace here! Sorry we haven't posted much here this week, we're clearly very busy with critters n' botox n' Bojangles! Anyway, I thought I'd try posting something a little different and see what happens. Maybe it's the 4th cup of coffee, maybe it's the 5th month of quarantine or maybe it's my 6th sense that this could be helpful for one of you (I'm projecting, I'm clearly doing this for me). In an effort to work as a supportive community and to simultaneously try to get sh*t done (big and small) I thought it'd be fun/interesting for us to go into our weekends with some ....dare I say it....goals? I know I know, the word "goals" can be a bit polarizing in a pandemic, I get it. I subscribe to both the idea that the pandemic can be used for productivity and that it can also be used to nurture forgiveness based self-care about a lack of productivity.  So just know, when I say "goals" I truly have no expectations for how insignificant or how impressive your goals might be. That said,  allow me to introduce TGIF: Three Goals, It's Friday

On account of it being Friday I thought it'd be fun to list three things we hope to accomplish this weekend, large or small...dumb or dramatic...stupid or seriously significant ... and then reconnect on Monday to see how we've done! Yeah? Huh? Anybody? I know for me, seeing things I want to do written out helps make my goals real and clear rather than wishy-washy and disorganized in my head. It also pushes me to make things happen rather than sit back and hope they happen to me. On top of that, sharing them with you guys will give me a sense of accountability that'll hopefully inspire me to accomplish said goals with passion and joy and hopefully won't backfire and cause deeper shame and guilt. NOTHING CAN GO WRONG! Okay, here are my goals! 

1. Shoot a video

I've been sitting on a dumb DIY idea for a video for 2 weeks and I haven't just sat down and forced myself to shoot the damn thing. This weekend, we take the idea out from under our butt and we get it on camera.

2. Cook something I've never made before without cutting into/off a piece of my body

Pretty self explanatory. 

3. Leave my house.

This might seem stupid, but these days I gotta remind myself to get out of the house every now and then to keep my brain from over cooking in the confines of this domestic oven. 

Okay, those are my three basic b*tch goals for the weekend! I'll report back Monday and let you know how I did! If you guys feel so inclined it'd be neat to hear some of the sh*t you're trying to get done this weekend and we can all see how incredible or defeated we feel on Monday! Go team! AND OBVIOUSLY NO PRESSURE! Like I said, I'm selfishly doing this for me, but if it helps you too then that's cool as heck! Okay, that's all I got for you guys! I'm late for a business meeting with some buds to discuss how they can take me to higher places. 🙃Have a great weekend, y'all! ❤️G

UPDATE: Happy Sunday!!!! Hope your arms aren’t too exhausted from checking off boxes and crossing out to-dos! It’s very fun to indulge my nosy brain in all the the shit you’ve said you wanna get done. I can feel a lot of closets getting organized and meals being prepped. And, hey, if you haven’t done any of your shit yet, who cares - you made a list and that kinda counts. But also you have all day today so get your ass going! Or not! But try? K see ya tomorrow y’all! 💪🏻❤️



Well out of the next 48 hours I work.. 31 of them. Fun times. So: 1. Survive the weekend without becoming a zombie. Always a goal. 2. Pack up garage sale items from our basement. 3. Go for a bike ride!


1. Finish writing that report that I keep putting off for no reason. 2. Meditate, with or without the use of graces wonderful audio. 3. Finish reading that book I'm enjoying. Thanks Grace!


1. Declutter and reorganize closet and skincare/makeup/bedroom cabinet. 2. Try to make a cheesecake from scratch. 3. Finish the audiobook I’ve been putting off finishing.


i’m working some long hours this weekend so my goals are pretty minimal: 1) make a decent dent into at least one of the three books i’m currently reading 2) meal plan for the coming week 3) stay calm and present at my job. plus get excited because it’s my birthday on monday hehe

Bunny Hipps

1. Work 2. Rest 3. Eat


TGIF, yesss💕 1. Go for a bike ride with my puppers! 2. Put in my students final grades from my summer class... 3. Get dressed up for no reason for dinner with myself.


1. Write and email to my council about lack of fully accessible disabled toilets and park equipment. 2. Unpack my suitcase. 3. Find a recipe I can add to my one that I can cook fully by myself xx


1) start clearing out junk in my apartment before I move! 2) do some kind of exercise inside 3) finish a card for my bff


1) Finish packing my clothes to move 2) paint something new because it’s been a while 3) floss a lot more often because I have a dentist appointment next week lolololol


I'm an "essential worker" so my pandemic experience has been 80% business-as-usual, with the added "bonus" of wearing a suffocating mask for most of the day and the fear of catching a potentially deadly disease from the multitudes of people I'm forced to come into contact with everyday who don't give a single, solitary shit about wearing masks (I live in the south). Fortunately, today is day 1 of a 7 day paid staycation for me! My plans? 1) Relax... finally! 2) Relax some more 3) MAYBE do some long overdue cleaning and maintenance around the house. OR! Relax even more! Haven't decided yet!


Ooooo very well deserved! Thanks for continuing to work. Sorry for the stupidity of the masses.


The second one got me hard 😂😅


I love and need this!