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You guys voted and it looks like you want a Q&A! Mamrie and I are recording the bonus pod later this afternoon so LEAVE US SOME Qs to A! Get personal, get weird, get silly...get going, y'all! 




Would you ever clone Beanz/Goose?


Favorite saying that the other says

Ashleigh Flynn

What is your favourite thing about each other? And what is your favourite thing about yourselves?


What’s one of your most cherished memories with each other that we don’t already know about? Not necessarily one of the many silly, fun ones (those are of course also important!), but what’s a moment you remember that made you just really glad you had each other?


So I've been baking/cooking a lot during the quar (like the rest of the population it seems) and I was just wondering if you've made something new recently that you really liked? (or equally really disliked). A friend and I facetime every week to try a new recipe and there was a chicken satay curry I ate for four days straight because I loved it so much.


Any ideas on where I can find Lysol disinfectant spray? I’m an ER nurse and am desperately seeking!


Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?


Spill old YouTube tea that you wouldn’t talk about normally. Also, maybe Grace has covered this before, but what happened to Jack Ferry?


Okay, this might be too personal, but what's your funniest/craziest sex story?


What are the funniest idiosyncrasies your boyfriends have? Mine will not drink out of anything but a mug or a cup with a lid and a staw. Haha.


This may be a long one and seriousish one but what isn’t now a days! I went on a date today, don’t worry it was a social distance picnic, and I really liked the guy. And I thought it was the best we could do during Covid, I made us both our own personal pizzas from scratch. Bought and cut little fruit bowls for both of us. Watched Dynasty just so we could have something to talk about. And really just did my best to make it as nice and chill as possible. I even biked like 45 minutes in humid hot Chicago for this. I thought the date was nice and like we started to get to know each other more after texting for a week and I thought there might be a second one. The date did get cut short though cause his friend was having an emergency which is fine and I was super understanding and we were planning a second date cause he “felt bad” he had to leave. When I got home from the date I told him I made it home safe and that I hope everything things are better with his friend blah blah blah. He then says, “I had so fun hanging with you, im sorry that I had to leave early. To be honest I didnt really feel a strong connection and I think we should do our own things. Best of luck!” Do you think after a 90 minute date, which you cut short, it’s valid to say there was no connection. In your opinion how long would you give someone a chance? And I’m not sure if it makes a difference because we are gay, so if you wanna get Tyler’s and Korey’s opinion on this I would love to know. Also just any general advice on dating using apps? Cause it’s exhausting and it seems everyone just wants some ass??


I also just realized I probably posted this way to late. Lol.