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Wow. When I did a Google image search for a 'just checkin in' meme, little did I know I would find this gold. A jazz pop album from 1978 in the Netherlands... THIS MAN. The hair. The boat. Obviously, he's horny! (pe he. he)

Anyway, how are y'all???? Slowly losing your mind like I am? I truly don't know how much I sleep, what the last thing I ate, what year it is, but I'm still keeping my head up. Grace is coming over soon so at least I know it's Tuesday. Been drinking a lot more CBD seltzer waters to keep me calm. I think its a placebo but, fuck it. 

Just texted G about and wanted to get your opinion. Would y'all be down for a little livestream soon with the Aunts? It'll be a quickie, probably like 20 minutes or so, but those bitches keep bugging us that they miss 'their fans'. 

Also, I'm gonna mention this on the podcast and nooooooo worries if you can't/ don't want to/ etc... I know how generous you guys are for being patrons and lord knows some of y'all have been killing it by donating to NoKidHungry on our Social Distant Soirees... but I am just throwing this out there. 

Our beloved friend and Beanz's aunt Mary took a tumble last week. She broke her knee cap and wrist. So she's out of commission from dog walking and sitting (her full time income) after already being out of work during Quar cause everyone is home with their dog. Anywho, all info is there, but since y'all have gotten to know Mary through the pod, I figured I'd let you know that I set up a little gofundme for her. She doesn't know obviously. I don't even think she knows I have a podcast. Even if I make a couple hundred bucks, I know that will help her immensely. So here it is..... again ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE. Now, brb, I have to go pick up Beanz who's visiting her for the afternoon and et Mary her two requested 32 oz Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf machine brewed Cherry Blossom ice teas. Lord have mercy. 

Love y'all! - M







I have been rewatching all of the AUNTS RANTS videos on repeat...so I am READY for this. Also I hope Mary feels better!


Living to see Clidoris and Margret Cho again. Here's hoping Mary a speedy recovery!


Feel better Mary ❤️❤️ & would absolutely LOVE to hear an AUNTS RANTS !


Oh no mary! 😢 will check out the go fund me for sure. Also cannot wait to see the aunts!


Hope Mary feels better ❤️❤️ Also YESS to the aunts rants!!!


Hope Mary will have a speedy recovery. Yes, this whole Covid mess has definitely taken it's toll mentally. And has taken me down some weird rabbit holes on the internet! Thankfully the restrictions are slowly lifting here in Iceland and things are looking up. Who knows when everything will be back to "normal" but the midnight sun is soon upon us and things are slowly opening up again. We get to go to the swimming pools next week!!! Sending lots of love to those who are still in lockdown or in places that are still being badly affected <3 <3


Yes please, bring back the Aunts! (And I hope Mary feels better soon! Little does she know we’re all obsessed with the enigma of her)


Just listened to your latest podcast on my walk. Poor Mary, hope she feels better soon! I was wondering if you had seen Middleditch and Schwartz on Netflix, and/or if you knew Ben from your UCB days? Or is that like someone asking if I know that Queen because I’m from England? Anyway I thought it was great and reminded me of your guys and your No Filter shows. Also I now have a huge crush on Ben Schwartz which my friends are taking the piss out of me for, because I basically fancy Jean-Ralphio.... I think it’s the hair, and the comedic stage presence. Or I just need to get out more. Anyway, love to you both and Mary. Xx


Hope it’s okay, but I’m a mod of your subreddit. I’ve posted the Gofundme link on reddit. Let me know if you would like me to remove it


Happy to contribute what little I can to help out sweet Mary. I have to admit, I fully teared up when I went to the GoFundMe and saw the current total. I'm proud to be part of such a loving and generous community. Also HUGELY looking forward to Clidoris Trembles' and Margaret Cho's (NO RELATION!) next vlog!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 02:47:27 Ah, poor Mary! She's so lucky to have someone as thoughtful as Mametown and Beanz in her life, using their platform to support and uplift. Proud to belong to this community of Creeps & Pervs!
2020-05-16 00:11:14 Ah, poor Mary! She's so lucky to have someone as thoughtful as Mametown and Beanz in her life, using their platform to support and uplift. Proud to belong to this community of Creeps & Pervs!

Ah, poor Mary! She's so lucky to have someone as thoughtful as Mametown and Beanz in her life, using their platform to support and uplift. Proud to belong to this community of Creeps & Pervs!