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Inspired by you wonderful humans in the discord chat, here's a post for all of you patrons to introduce yourselves, see where you're from and really get to know each other! Here's what you gotta answer! 

1. What's your name? Whether it's your user name, real name, nickname, hopeful eventual nickname, etc what do you want to be known as?

2. Where do you live? This can be as vague or specific as you want! Maybe some of you live close and can hang IRL!? (also if you're like me and always afraid of being kidnapped you can skip this one)

3. What's the dumbest thing you've seen or done recently? We're all idiots here so let's bond over our own shenanigans!



Hi there, I'm Audrey. I live in Hawaii so if anyone from Hawaii is reading this, hmu. I was at the airport last night around 9:40 pm and tried to ride around on my roller bag and ate shit many times. Many tourists were watching me in disgust, but eh.


I'm a little late to the party, but oh well. I'm Ally and I live in Indiana! I work at an elementary school so I see lots of dumb shit. Yesterday a kid wrote on the mirror in lipstick "LIAR. FUCK YOU ERIKA by: lisa." lmaoo


I’m kaycee! I live in a small town pretending to be a big one, Tyler, Texas. I projectile vomited outside of Applebee’s and painted the brick.


I'm Ceasar(feel free to make jokes based on that since every human I've known has). I live in Clatskanie Oregon and I dont care if ppl know that because I live so out of the way that if someone wants to travel that far to snatch me up then they have earned it hun.


I’m Courtney! I was born, raised, and still live in Miami, Florida. Not sure what the dumbest thing I’ve done recently would be (too many) BUT.. the dumbest moment I had was a few days ago. I’ve always wondered how talk show hosts never miss a show. Like how does Jimmy Kimmel always go to work and NEVER miss a day. Not like working every day is unheard of (I wish). But mostly I was wondering how his wife wasn’t pissed that he was never there to put his baby to bed.. especially days after the child was born and he had heart surgery. It never occurred to me that they just film a bunch of episodes in one day. I feel DUMB.


I’m Ash! Born and Raised in Louisville, Ky. I live in Nashville, TN now, and have for upwards of 10 years. Dumbest thing I have done recently..... I am constantly forgetting there is a 10 digit key code to enter my office and slamming directly into the door in the A.M..... not a morning person


Hello! I'm Meredith. I live in Minnesota and survived the Polar Vortex! :P The dumbest thing I have done lately is forget to disconnect from a discord chat. So I had people trying to talk to me, and they could hear me in house. I live alone so they got to hear me talk to myself... This could have been for a few hours...lol


Hi all! I’m Candace, tried really hard to go by “Dace” for a quick minute but that was a short lived dream. I live in Orlando Florida, spoiler alert, it’s really hot in case you weren’t aware. The dumbest thing I’ve seen recently? Remember when I said I live in Florida? Literally any time I open my eyes I see some dumb shit 😂 Grace and Mamrie are two of my favorite dumb idiots in the world and helped me get through a divorce along with Jenna Marbles and Julien! Thanks for being crazy and weird and just amazing. Love you both so much! xoxo


Hey y’all, I’m Samantha! Been in middle of the mitten all my life! And I’ve been wearing a bra all my life, since quar I haven’t really wore one and I feel like prior to not wearing one, wearing one all day is the stupidest thing.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 03:55:58 Hi! I’m Brandie (not a fine girl & just sort of a meh kind of wife but a good cook so I guess that makes up for it?) showing my age with the song reference but anyway… Have and still do live in a little farm town in southeast Texas all my life but my work is in downtown Houston so I get to experience two entirely different worlds every work day. The dumbest thing I’ve done recently- traffic during this year’s baseball playoffs near Minute Maid Park was SOMETHING. Lanes packed and if you’ve ever been pinned in next to a giant Metro bus in skinny downtown lanes you’re gonna feel me on this! So this bus was hogging my lane on the right and I thought I’d be okay to squeeze by but the proof that I could NOT came when I ripped my fucking side mirror off the passenger door of my car. The bus was fine & I was so embarrassed that I just drove away & left the mirror where it fell & had anxiety dreams for a week. Now I need to youtube how to replace it. I feel like it was such a stupid ass thing I should at least try to turn it into a learning experience & I can probably do it myself- youtube taught me to knit so I can prolly do this - (if it turns out I can’t do this like I couldn’t get by the goddamned bus I’ll update with the amount of the bill to take it to the professional). Be your best weird, y’all! Own that shit! Lol!
2021-11-11 00:39:40 Hi! I’m Brandie (not a fine girl & just sort of a meh kind of wife but a good cook so I guess that makes up for it?) showing my age with the song reference but anyway… Have and still do live in a little farm town in southeast Texas all my life but my work is in downtown Houston so I get to experience two entirely different worlds every work day. The dumbest thing I’ve done recently- traffic during this year’s baseball playoffs near Minute Maid Park was SOMETHING. Lanes packed and if you’ve ever been pinned in next to a giant Metro bus in skinny downtown lanes you’re gonna feel me on this! So this bus was hogging my lane on the right and I thought I’d be okay to squeeze by but the proof that I could NOT came when I ripped my fucking side mirror off the passenger door of my car. The bus was fine & I was so embarrassed that I just drove away & left the mirror where it fell & had anxiety dreams for a week. Now I need to youtube how to replace it. I feel like it was such a stupid ass thing I should at least try to turn it into a learning experience & I can probably do it myself- youtube taught me to knit so I can prolly do this - (if it turns out I can’t do this like I couldn’t get by the goddamned bus I’ll update with the amount of the bill to take it to the professional). Be your best weird, y’all! Own that shit! Lol!

Hi! I’m Brandie (not a fine girl & just sort of a meh kind of wife but a good cook so I guess that makes up for it?) showing my age with the song reference but anyway… Have and still do live in a little farm town in southeast Texas all my life but my work is in downtown Houston so I get to experience two entirely different worlds every work day. The dumbest thing I’ve done recently- traffic during this year’s baseball playoffs near Minute Maid Park was SOMETHING. Lanes packed and if you’ve ever been pinned in next to a giant Metro bus in skinny downtown lanes you’re gonna feel me on this! So this bus was hogging my lane on the right and I thought I’d be okay to squeeze by but the proof that I could NOT came when I ripped my fucking side mirror off the passenger door of my car. The bus was fine & I was so embarrassed that I just drove away & left the mirror where it fell & had anxiety dreams for a week. Now I need to youtube how to replace it. I feel like it was such a stupid ass thing I should at least try to turn it into a learning experience & I can probably do it myself- youtube taught me to knit so I can prolly do this - (if it turns out I can’t do this like I couldn’t get by the goddamned bus I’ll update with the amount of the bill to take it to the professional). Be your best weird, y’all! Own that shit! Lol!