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This Might Get Weird by Grace Helbig on Apple Podcasts

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About time! Gladly joined to support yall. P.S. - Mamrie ur pops David and my grandma Pauline are cousins!! We 3rd cousins bia!!!!


Hey y’all! Can’t wait to watch this whole project grow and bloom into something amazing as usual! I’m pumped to see you guys use Discord as well! I’m part of several gaming communities and 95% of my conversations with them is through Discord. It’s a fun and convenient way to communicate, and I can’t wait to talk with y’all!


So excited for you wonderful weirdos!!!


I laughed out loud while walking my dog because of you two. I looked like a crazy woman


10 Things I Hate About You is the best!!


Is the only way to listen through iTunes? 😬 I am so old...😂


I did 2 times 3rd time is the charm lol


Suffer from me


Well helllooooo, lolol no one is reading this post from 2yrs age. I’m starting at the beginning bc this is what makes sense to me right now. I just started listening to the podcast his week! I’m only only episode 10, but man I’m already obsessed. I feel pretty rad being apart of this club lol brb gotta catch up on 2 years of podcasts. Xoxo


@trisha I’m also starting from the beginning, who doesn’t want to see where this goes 😂


I’m starting from the beginning too! lol. I’ve been listening to the podcast from the beginning, I’m dying to see the BTS photos I missed lol