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So. .. let's address the elephant in the room.

In January of this year, as a result of the last Pinup Poll and along with the most recent Anubis illustration, I promised I would be making an animation, as per usual. As you may have realized, said animation never came in time, and I'm afraid I may have to scrap that project entirely. Not only that, but given the recent lack of content, I decided to put my Patreon account on hiatus for one month and skipped another Pinup Poll on top of it. Needless to say, There's been changes in my professional life that led me to drastically modify my schedule, and it's been affecting my productivity rate pretty hard. 

I got the opportunity to dip my toes into the Vtuber community and make some great contacts (and even friends ??) over the past few months, work on several projects that challenge me and create content for people I admire and respect. Ever since I came out of animation school I developed a strong love for tracking technology and always wanted to develop my skills surrounding it. The rise of Vtubers in the past few years has been really exciting for me, and I can now say for sure working for these people has re-ignited a passion I once lost. Until now, it never really seemed possible to find a place in that community, but I was proven otherwise.

So what happened ? Long story short, many, MANY amazing work offers fell onto my lap, all of which I've been stocked about, some of which I even had to turn down given the lack of time on my hands. I've been working extremely hard and to some extent, it's kept me from interacting with all of you. The guilt of behind so, so far behind on Patreon content has really been eating me up recently, it became hard to consider hanging in the Discord server or just chat with anyone. This has been a surprising turn of events for me and being in the midst of it, I'm not quite sure how to handle all of it correctly yet. All I know is that I don't want to let go of the things that make me happy as an artist. May it be Vtuber work, or NSFW art. To some extent, I would like to continue my activity on both fronts and find a balance between the two. Maybe even join those interests of mine together.

I'm writing this post to let you guys know I'm well aware of my recent "inactivity", despite now working harder than I ever have before. Some of you may have mistaken my absence on social media for a break, but I really have been working for clients all this time. It frustrates me to no end to know there's only so much I can do every month, and I hate to think I may have disappointed many of you who were looking for upcoming releases. I have come to the conclusion I simply cannot work on full fledged monthly animations anymore, as they were already taking all of my free time before commissions rolled in. It is all on me however, and so I would like to apologize to all of you.

From here on out, I will focus on creating mainly illustrations. I would also like to branch out to anime, as expressed before. Though my skills aren't all that great yet, I really want to grow as an artist and get better at it. I will also try my best to simply doodle some more/every once in a while, at least more than just once per month. I need to search for planning solutions and keep tabs on how much I can realistically do. All in all, thank you all so much for still supporting me all this time, I don't deserve it whatsoever. Again, sorry for everything. I've been selfish but seeing how much joy these recent events sparked in me, I simply refused to ignore it. I'll do my best going forward.

Cheers. And thank you.


Jonathan Morales

No problem and do what you want to do

Kuro Okami

I am kinda sad that no more Animations will come cuz they were amazing but I hope for the best of your career :D

oh _ capitan

Congratulations on avenues opening to you! That’s awesome that you are able to do what you have a passion for. Miss your art, but pleased to hear you’ve been exerting your time and energy into something productive. Keep up the good work.

Solanaceae Borage

I think it's pretty awesome that you're taking hold of the new opportunities presented to you! And your work on the vtuber models have been superb! I know I'm looking forward to your future creations


Hey, you’re doing your best and working hard. That’s all anyone can ask from you. Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew, but it happens. You’re certainly not a disappointment and I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re happy that you’ve found a new passion in art. So keep going! Aim high! Do what you gotta do! We’re all here to back you up! :)


Take it easyt, relax and enjoy yourself!. Im sure your patrons will understand :) Keep up the good content

Michael Howard

I’m so happy you found work doing something your passionate about. That’s so important in life and you can’t let that pass you by. We’ll be here to support you however we can! Keep doing your best!


I want to continue to support your work activities even if your future activities are mainly illustrative. I hope your worries will bear fruit someday.


Do what makes you happy! I will support you regardless!


If you do something and it makes you feel like it's worth the trouble then don't let anything stop you from chasing that path and see where it leads bro


You should never apologize for chasing your dreams or what you enjoy. I can say from personal experience life is too short for regrets. Do what you love. I'm a patron to several individuals who sometimes have nothing more than a few screenshots or a little text to share over the coarse of a couple months. It's ok if it takes you a little more time to get your art and animations out. Quality counts, don't rush yourself to put something out, it comes when it comes out. I for one came here because I enjoyed what you put out. The art, and animations. I'd be here regardless of how long it took you. Chase your passions, chase your dreams. You're doing good by us by communicating. Just take your time, breathe, keep doing what you enjoy, and don't hesitate to jump in and have a chat with us, I can't speak for everyone, but I for one don't bite. Thank you for communicating and talking to us about what's going on! Cheers!


It's great to hear you're going professional! :D It may happen that you end up leaving Patreon behind entirely because it just isn't possible to keep up with or worth it for you, and that will be okay too. I've never regretted supporting you.


No need to apologize. Do what makes you happy!!! And congratulations on the new work opportunities. Wish you good luck with everything. Will always be a fan!


I subscribed to you because i enjoy the amazing work you do. And I've followed you on twitter as well to see what other kinds of stuff you do. Yes, it's nice to see the art you make here, but seeing the other projects you've been starting and now knowing that's made you excited is even better. You always push yourself to do the best you can and that's what makes you stand out. You make amazing content all around. If possible, i wanna know what you stream on so i could watch too. It's great seeing you pursue things that make you passionate, never apologize for that and I'm glad to still support you even without the content here

Jon Fawkes

Follow your dreams! You've been presented with opportunities most of us can only dream about. If you can make your living from that, go for it, and let patreon be a side thing you do when you can (maybe change it from monthy to work-based pledges) Been watching you on twitch, as well as some of the vtubers you did models for, it's been great to see and I hope to see more of that, patreon be damned


It's a shame to see yet another talented NSFW furry animator jump ship. Seeing how that's what I came here for, so will I. I wish you the best on your future endeavors though. Follow your dreams!

Teh Pron

You gotta focus on what your heart desires, because that’s the key to great art.


It's nice to see you do your best knowing how sorry you are. But in the end, I don't understand that what I brought to the person who waited for your work was the cancellation of the project. Are you just saying sorry to the sponsor who waited for the work? I waited for an animation of Anubis' work. The same thing can happen in the future. Are you going to say sorry for canceling the project every time?


I wish you could fine the perfect sweet spot real soon. We still love you.


If I may ask, do you still plan on releasing the “Anubis Pounding” animation at any point?

Marcus Heckinberry

That's fine. Your illustrations are phenomenal, anyways. Macaron told me you made that last Anubis pic in like 3 hours, and that's beyond impressive. I hope you have a ton of fun with those new clients, and if I could ask you anything, it's move past this as quickly as you can. We'll support you either way.

Jeffrey Ward

Sometimes an artist moves on from the content they were creating to new kinds of content; it's okay, it happens. That you're getting the chance to do professional work and enjoy it too is honestly great for you, no two ways about it. If you switch full time to the Vtuber stuff, then I wish you all the luck and continued joy in it. I won't lie, I would personally drop my subscription to your patreon if you completely stopped making NSFW content, but I wouldn't do so with any ill intent; I simply don't have any personal interest in your Vtuber content and wouldn't care about financially supporting it, since the benefits for doing so wouldn't interest me either. That doesn't mean I would hold anything against you though, and personally and emotionally I wish you all the best no matter what you decide to do going forward. =)


Youre fine dont worry, chase that vtuber money! If you can get consistent, fulfilling, and well paying work, I dont think its right for anyone to judge you really