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I am so, so sorry. I unfortunately cannot keep up with my schedule and workload. I've been working on projects until 5am at times, really pushing myself until my entire body hurts, in hope to get a head start so I could do Patreon work on the side, but it's not enough. I would like to apologize for not giving signs of life and being so silent all this time, I simply have been working like a monster for the past several weeks, each and every single day. I did not get any time to even sketch Anubis at all, and I know for a fact things are only about to get worse from here.

I failed to deliver after making promises once again. I need more time, so I decided to simply give up on my revenue. I will put my account on hiatus until this upcoming 25th February. You will not be charged on the 1st of February once the new month rolls around, Patreon will automatically skip the payment process. (Those who subscribe on sign up will still be charged, there is unfortunately nothing I can do about that. So be careful.)
Thank you all for the support and for believing in me. There is only so much I can do, and it pains me to come to that realization. I will try my best and proceed forward.



Your good man. Take your break, gather your thoughts, and cool off as long as you need.


i believe in you absolutely


Please get the rest you need! Your health is more important than just getting art. So please, get your rest!


Yeah take your time, that’s a lot of work you do

Philip Garcia

Take your time. Its good that your starting to ensure enough communication when you need to take a break. No need to rush. We'll be waiting for your return when you're fully recharged

the stone mason

don't worry. I think we can all relate to working so much that you feel sick, I totally understand.


Put your health first


Take as much time as you need. Great art should not be rushed or stressed, and neither should it’s artist 😊


Take the time you need mate. You know we will wait. Anybody who makes art of your quality HAS to rest anyway!


It's OK, take your time


It's quite alright there's no need to be sorry. We understand that your trying very very hard, but your health comes first as well as other things so don't push yourself too hard. Take your time and enjoy doing what you love


I love your artwork and the quality you put in all your animations. But your wellbeing and life are far more important. Stay safe and get better, we'll be here.

Crow Reaper

Don't worry, take your time.


Yo its fine homie, you deserve a break. Take as much time as you need. Your mental and physical well-being is way more important.


Get some well deserved rest! I have enough Latte pics to hold me over till you have time for art again. (Hopefully we will get more of her when you're back hehe.)

Knife Crow

You do great work, but you need to take care of yourself. We're all still going to be here when you come back. Really hope you feel better soon, enjoy a little relaxation. Also, I don't mind being charged for February. Breaks/vacation are necessary for getting the best work done. Perfectly fine knowing you're still supported while recuperating.


My dude Do what you need to do The last thing anyone wants from you is to have her feel any sort of burnout everyone appreciates your work as well as your well-being both are important One more than the other. mental and physical health or sometimes forgotten by people because they expect something but you can't have one thing without the other. So whatever is needed for you do it pretty sure this community can understand.

King Kryptonite

Take your time. Health is the most important. You come back stronger than ever, alright? Take care, bud


you know you post more than most people i follow and as a follower i had concerns about your health and well being with how offten you try and get stuff out to not "dissapoint" us. I really as a fan want you to take care of yourself im not un following or un supporting here. Please take care of yourself and put you above your art theres tons of art only one of you.


Hate to see you go but hate seeing you suffer more. Take your break. You've more than earned it

Brass monkey

Definitely take your time to cool off and relax, we’ll still be supporting your work


That's okay. Take some time to get things in order and get through your workload. Nobody wants to see you burn out DX


Please take all the time you need


Take care of yourself! See ya when you're back! 💚🦄💚


Yeah, take care of yourself my man. We understand.


Take of yourself. Don’t push too hard, take your time.


All your art is amazing, but if it costs your physical and mental health then it's not worth it. Please make sure to take care of yourself first. We'll still be here when/if you decide to come back. Hope you can get some more-than-earned rest.👍


Youre art work is amazing. You deserve a break and make sure not to puah yourself too hard. Also make sure to prioritize your health and take breaks if you need to. Enjoy your well deserve break!


U got to do u. U been working on alot of vr stuff to.

oh _ capitan

Take care of yourself first and foremost! Enjoy your time off, rest up and rejuvenate.


I hope you fine what you need and get what you want. You are great boss


Take as much time as you need to, and stay healthy!


Do what you need to do and don’t overwork yourself please!


Get some good rest mate, it is well earned; your work is fantastic and so are you, don't forget that.

Dark Forge

Your health is more important. Take it easy, relax and recharge. If you have to slow things down when you come back then do so. I can't speak for everyone here but I have no problems waiting.

Teh Pron

Focus on yourself!

Kuro Okami

I know you are saying this because you feel like you have to, but you don't have to trust me. We know that you are working hard and most of the ppl here probably also know how it feels to get overworked. My personal advice is just, take some breaks in between like a few days/weeks hell even a month. You are basically working like 18-20h/day 6-7 days a week Everyone needs some leave now and then and in my opinnion you deserve it. So for the coming month I will cancel and resubscribe to your Patreon so you still get the pay for February from me at least (not much but in my opinnion you deserve some paid leave) Anyway I hope you won't overwork yourself anymore. Most ppl just quit what they like to do if they overwork them self too much. And also take your time you derseve it 😊


You do you man, I hope you have a great time off!


Do what you need to do, Whisp. Take a break to refresh yourself, and don't feel too bad about all this.


I really respect that you're suspending the account for the month, not a lot of people would do that (even if I know some people would still keep paying anyway) mental health is very important, I'm glad you're taking time to care for yourself.

Jeffrey Ward

You don't have to be sorry for having integrity. You do what you need to get better; I wish you the best.


Please be safe and be careful!


Relax, man. Take it easy and focus on yourself.


Take your time

Neo Nakamura

If you ever feel the need, simply putting your charge on pause for the month helps, and tyt. Your art is great <3