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It's hard to get my mojo back. The more I try to learn and improve, the less I seem to be in know at all.




You will most certainly get your mojo back! Learning can often make you feel like you somehow know less because you realize how much you have just learned and how much more there is!


Honestly, these look genuinely beautiful. Though I'm not quite sure what you're attempting to approve. I hope you get to the point you're trying to reach, but even now you're my favorite artist.

Solanaceae Borage

I agree with Gold. Learning something new always has me feeling down because, in my mind, I feel like I should perform better. You've got this! You're gonna do great!


Gold and everyone else who follows you has the same mindset, Whisper. You do an amazing job, and you do wonderfully with what you do. If you ever feel you’re having trouble improving, it means you are able to see your flaws and know you have room to grow. Do not forget, you are human. You do wonderfully with every picture, and you should never doubt that you have support. We will be here with you through everything.


That headshot is beautiful!


I don't exactly see what needs improving your arts always been amazing to me but then again I'm not an artist so I don't notice any details needing any improvement 😞 but your doing great and we are cheering for you 😄


You are doing great, and constantly improving. This may sound weird, but the fact that you look at your work and think "man there is so much I don't know!" means that you are improving and learning a lot. Because you have learned so much, you are aware of how much there is to learn, and so your mind goes "there is a lot of knowledge you don't have, therefore you must not be good." You are doing *awesome*.