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New poll ! Important info : I'll be gone and away from home from this 26th September to the 18th October to see my girlfriend abroad (and family) !! We've been separated for a full year due to COVID and it's been.. REALLY difficult dealing with the distance. We're very excited to be reunited and we want to enjoy this brief vacation together. But as a result, the next animation is bound to suffer a great delay, and will only be released at a much later date. I will do my very best to deliver a quality product still. I would like to apologize for the upcoming inactivity. If you'd like to cancel your subscription now, I'll totally understand. With that out of the way, let's vote, shall we ?

Vote for your favorite character ! The winner will be the subject of the next illustration and animation !!! Cast your vote while you can, don't hesitate, now's the time, grab your chance, it's one and only in a lifetime.

Poll will automatically end on the 17th, 10:09PM CEST time !



You have slain me, it is too hard to pick.


Where’s the one meme with the buttons and the guy sweating cause it’s such a difficult decision? That’s me right now

Fen Longpaw

I do feel Midna has been fading. I'd love to see her popularity revitalized


The one time I'm very indecisive, they're all good picks


fluttershy m'love,,..

Thomas Sedlak

It's been so long since I've seen high-quality Midna art, I gotta go for that.


Won't lie this is a tough one for me to chose


Hoping for Midna! <3


Man, you're always pushing your limits and doing excellent work. Why would we ever unsub. You deserve time with your loved ones. And yes, this is a hard choice, can't wait to see the final result of the winner.


Muffet only 5% This makes me sad...


How am I supposed to choose?? Forcing this decision on us is immoral 😭


I'm just saying there really isn't a whole lot of Muffet animations out there compared to the rest of them. Like I think I've only seen like three and two of them were short loops And the other was a source filmmaker. At least that's what I remember there could be more and I could be wrong but still.


These are all great choices but, I would love to see more Midna and you take as much time as you need. We all love and support you.

Tim Ti

Easy Amaterasu


Have a great vacation! Go show her the motion of the ocean! Haha!


the year apart must have been mentally taxing (i know its been very mentally taxing even for those who haven't been separated), so that reunion should be your priority anyways. i'm sure we can wait bit longer for the art.


This is easily the hardest poll I've seen, but gotta give to Ammy. I know you'll do her good!


Who the hell wants to see Amaterasu being f***ed? Xdddd

Cera Treascair

Don't worry about the delay! As someone about to reunite with their spouse in a matter of days, ENTIRELY understandable! Please, enjoy yourselves. We can more than wait!

Silver Steele

We need more Muffet in our lives


I do hope we get to see the others make a return for another chance in a poll. Because this one. My god I had to think

Tom Brousseaux

I don't think secretary puppy is gonna win 😢


Midna's win is so tangible, so real, so physical and yet, hekkin Amaterasu is just further. y u gotta do this Amaterasu, Midna's THE Waifu

Jack Plenty

I ain’t unsubbing. Worth every cent and COVID has screwed over everyone. In the eternal words and Captain Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs. “Take what ya can! Give nothin back!”


Amaterasu? That obscure, *actual dog* is gonna win over Midna? THE Midna?