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Remember this old sketch? https://www.patreon.com/posts/kim-sketch-44591097

I decided to finish it and add a couple hundred pounds to Kimberley's mass.

I made her lose alot of weight when i redesigned her but i think i prefer her being fat.

But still keeping the new design alive.

Maybe she'll get even fatter in the future, or maybe i'll shrink het back down a peg.

I'm just figuring out what works.




Those overalls have me realizing you're some kind of wizard with denim, and sweet Lord, the bits where her skin peeks out. Always lovely to get to see more of Kim, that and I'm a sucker for people deciding to add mass to their OCs like this. This form also feels like an excellent compliment to Sam's which makes them pretty visually interesting as a pair of besties. It's probably not nor never would be your objective but the idea that the two of them being a similar weight but carrying it so differently is pretty novel. Just all-around fantastic work as always.


Glad to see and read that Kimberley being large again, her new design still suits her and wouldn't mind seeing her getting bigger in future pics. ^^