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More progress on possibly more of an up-close shots, maybe it would be good to zoom-in camera whenever cut scene-like moments happen. Or maybe custom maps would like to introduce fighting modes, could be cool too. 

For that - been fixing issues related to particles, bullet holes, did some progress on lip-sync. I'm not sure lip-sync will be anywhere great but maybe it will be alright if it will introduce 2 extra frames for slightly open mouth and a bit more open mouth.

More sound effects, more visuals for recently shown boss (S) as well as another entity I did work a while ago (R).

Not showing lip-sync example since I only did it to another skin that I'll not show yet. Still have to implement sync with spoken line volume as well as network sync and copying same lip-sync shapes for other Proxy skins. Probably for PB2's fan-art skins as well, but these aren't in a game yet.


- Made limbs of boss entity (S) indestructible until it runs out of hitpoints;

- Fixed issue causing limbs of boss entity (S) being non-destroyable when they fall into void (void deals instant damage to everything, effectively removing everything);

- Finished new kind of attack for boss entity (S);

- Visual effects for boss entity (S) attacks;

- Made destruction animation and physical debris for boss entity (S) whenever it is defeated;

- Fixed bug causing ammo information on HUD being shown after player dies;

- Fixed bug causing boss entity (S) to be unable to aim while frozen, instead it gets slowed down but is never frozen completely;

- Limbs of boss entity (S) now will teleport to boss whenever they are too far or there is a wall on a way between them;

- Fixed bug causing boss entity (S) to enter physical sleep state preventing it from moving;

- Fixed usability bug causing quick switch (usually Q key) not selecting expected weapon whenever weapon was dropped and instantly equipped;

- Fixed bug causing another entity (R) fighting for the same target, especially if target has multiple rigid bodies;

- Fixed bug causing laser attack sound being played of boss entity (S) whenever it is defeated;

- Added blinking light to another entity (R) because it looks more alive like this;

- Fixed issue with resting particles falling under the ground periodically due to optimization allowing each particle only interacting with one wall, water or ground (particle would only take background wall into account whenever ground is covered with this wall for some time). Solved by making particles remember 2 last walls. Probably should test case where 2+ backgrounds wall would overlap, but that could cause z-fighting too in general;

- Fixed improper formula for friction on top of angled surfaces for particles - particles no longer stick to it and can slide normally;

- Added reset logic for unreachable objects for another entity (R) after certain amount of time;

- Fixed bug causing attached grappling hooks to be cut by shields whenever they collide with them;

- Reworked grappling hook length control mechanic (used to be Shift + W/S/A/D but it wasn't too obvious nor handy). Still have to create in-game HUD to help players easily understand how new mechanic works;

- Added another Proxy variation skin;

- Made new Marine skin;

- Made it possible in Skin Editor to "draw feet over calf" which is required by new Marine's skin;

- Made detailed version of Marine's face on all existing skins;

- Fixed issue causing upward grappling hook shot of a player that is moving left/right to be thrown much faster towards direction player is moving;

- Fixed random physical impacts whenever game is trying to progress in-game world faster or with less frames per second;

- Fixed an issue causing glowing light in a shoulder of a player to not appear as glowing in game;

- Improved appearance of bullet holes in characters and entities - they are masked with limb sprite and no longer stick outside like it was before;

- Reworked dust particle sprite to be less of a gradient circle;

- Fixed bullet hole sprite when seen up-close;

- Fixed issue causing occasional sword attack when player intends to punch;

- Fixed issue causing toxic gas dealing damage to players that are within range but in a water;

- Fixed wrong sprite being shown whenever boss entity (S) is hit;

- Applied camera shake decrease for case when camera is zoomed in or zoomed out;

- Fixed bug causing death sounds as well as death animations to be not played when players bleed out;

- Made it so jetpack is not activated whenever player flies out of vehicle on big impact and happens to hold Space or W key;

- Particle optimizations;

- Blood decal optimizations;

- Started implementing face animations, probably just a few talking frames and blinking;

- Fixed bug caused by improper conversion of burn effect into basic color which caused faces to go completely black over time if facial expression changes;

- Optimized big part of sprite spawn logic whenever sprite is already cached;

- Added more line thickness settings as well as conditional appearance of layers for Skin Editor - this way facial animations should be possible for any custom character;

- One of Proxy skins can move her chin as if she was talking as well as blink (won't show it yet since it is new one). Still need to sync that to voice lines themselves in some way.


- New boss entity (S) receives more sound effects for certain phases and death;

- Added sound effects (4 + 8 variations of one more sfx) for another entity (R);

- Sound of objects coming out of water.




Good Stuff. Amazing things. Lots of bug fixes I see. I do have a few questions though. -So for the blood sprites that appear on the damage player, are they permeant or disappear over time? Would stuff like jumping in water clean off the character or at least most of it? -The new Marine armor with the feet over calf stuff, for custom skins, will we be able to move the layers around like that? For example; I've been messing with some darkstar1 skins and those heads appear behind the torso rather than infront of it, also would it be possible to have certain parts of a limb will overlap certain areas while others don't? -How does this new boss work? How customizable is it? Is it only made or a specific faction or is there more to it?

UnrealCrash (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-09 16:08:59 > Good Stuff. Amazing things. Lots of bug fixes I see. I do have a few questions though. > So for the blood sprites that appear on the damage player, are they permeant or disappear over time? Would stuff like jumping in water clean off the character or at least most of it? Currently they are permanent, can be easily disappear either over time or in water. They probably could even change appearance after getting into water. So far I want them to represent amount of hitpoints player has relative to its' original hitpoint amount, for the most part. Any kind of disappearance logic is not ready, though network sync is already able to handle disappearance of such holes. > The new Marine armor with the feet over calf stuff, for custom skins, will we be able to move the layers around like that? For example; I've been messing with some darkstar1 skins and those heads appear behind the torso rather than infront of it, also would it be possible to have certain parts of a limb will overlap certain areas while others don't? I'll be able to add options for head to be behind body next time it will be needed. Overlap - probably won't happen, limbs are strictly sorted by depth, and to not give depth control over each limb - Skin Editor will provide some switches about sorting of legs/head, perhaps. > How does this new boss work? How customizable is it? Is it only made or a specific faction or is there more to it? Specific faction, currently all limbs can be altered with decorations, but that is for every entity. I think I could make it as customizable as needed, perhaps limit variety of phases.
2022-09-02 22:58:07 > Good Stuff. Amazing things. Lots of bug fixes I see. I do have a few questions though. > So for the blood sprites that appear on the damage player, are they permeant or disappear over time? Would stuff like jumping in water clean off the character or at least most of it? Currently they are permanent, can be easily disappear either over time or in water. They probably could even change appearance after getting into water. So far I want them to represent amount of hitpoints player has relative to its' original hitpoint amount, for the most part. Any kind of disappearance logic is not ready, though network sync is already able to handle disappearance of such holes. > The new Marine armor with the feet over calf stuff, for custom skins, will we be able to move the layers around like that? For example; I've been messing with some darkstar1 skins and those heads appear behind the torso rather than infront of it, also would it be possible to have certain parts of a limb will overlap certain areas while others don't? I'll be able to add options for head to be behind body next time it will be needed. Overlap - probably won't happen, limbs are strictly sorted by depth, and to not give depth control over each limb - Skin Editor will provide some switches about sorting of legs/head, perhaps. > How does this new boss work? How customizable is it? Is it only made or a specific faction or is there more to it? Specific faction, currently all limbs can be altered with decorations, but that is for every entity. I think I could make it as customizable as needed, perhaps limit variety of phases.

> Good Stuff. Amazing things. Lots of bug fixes I see. I do have a few questions though. > So for the blood sprites that appear on the damage player, are they permeant or disappear over time? Would stuff like jumping in water clean off the character or at least most of it? Currently they are permanent, can be easily disappear either over time or in water. They probably could even change appearance after getting into water. So far I want them to represent amount of hitpoints player has relative to its' original hitpoint amount, for the most part. Any kind of disappearance logic is not ready, though network sync is already able to handle disappearance of such holes. > The new Marine armor with the feet over calf stuff, for custom skins, will we be able to move the layers around like that? For example; I've been messing with some darkstar1 skins and those heads appear behind the torso rather than infront of it, also would it be possible to have certain parts of a limb will overlap certain areas while others don't? I'll be able to add options for head to be behind body next time it will be needed. Overlap - probably won't happen, limbs are strictly sorted by depth, and to not give depth control over each limb - Skin Editor will provide some switches about sorting of legs/head, perhaps. > How does this new boss work? How customizable is it? Is it only made or a specific faction or is there more to it? Specific faction, currently all limbs can be altered with decorations, but that is for every entity. I think I could make it as customizable as needed, perhaps limit variety of phases.


Proxy looks so cool!