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Greetings! I just wanted to check in with everyone and let you know that despite it being a long time since the last release, I am currently hard at work on the next one. I completed the Photoshoot 4 scene last week which is a massive scene with over 90 renders and 12 animations. You'll have a choice between a scene with the Landlord or a scene with Tabitha and her brother Isaac. This is also an optional scene altogether. I've received a lot of feedback over the years that people like being able to selectively choose who Stacy is with. While I can't guarantee all future scenes will be optional, I'll make them optional where I can. Just know you'll be missing some great H-scenes if you skip it!

As for a release date, I'm still probably 4-6 weeks out realistically. There are some core scenes I need to complete and then I want to make sure everything is working okay. If I can get it done faster, I will. I may have to make some selective choices. I don't want to keep you all waiting much longer. 

Thanks for your patience! 

- J. S.



Not sure how I feel about optional content. The game doesn't have any real long-term replayability with its current setup. If you were going to go heavier with the choices, then you should wait until you're ready for a true VN game where choices will matter, not ideal for RPGM games.


Rather than having a binary choice between two scenes, just give the scenes an "opt out". That way if someone isn't interested, they can just skip. Skipping can affect future scenes, or dialog, but if the player wants all the content, they have that option.