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Well, the public release of V.0.66 is out finally and it was a little bumpy getting there, but (most) of the major bugs have been fixed. If I learned anything from the past week, it is not to rush a release just to hit a deadline. I haven't missed a deadline yet and I don't want to, but if it is between that and releasing a product that hasn't been thoroughly tested, well, it is better to wait. I can't rely on no one leaking the early releases, apparently.

Anyway, upwards and onwards. After each release, I take a week or two to reflect on the bigger picture of the game and where it's headed. As you know, this game was based on a story I wrote a few years ago by the same name. It was always meant to have an ending and the truth is, I'm at a point in the game now where I need to start thinking about that. I know, there's a ton of threads still to develop and finish. Don't worry, I don't plan to leave anyone hanging. Nor, however, do I want this to be one of those forever games that never completes any threads and just keeps going and going with no direction until the developer loses interest or otherwise can't finish it. 

That being said, I've decided to try and reach a conclusion by year's end. I estimate that to be about five more releases. That may be a little ambitious, but that's the goal. Trust me when I say that I'm not going to rush the ending by any means. If it isn't there, then it isn't there and I'll keep going until it is. A game like this needs a stellar ending and I plan to give you one.

Also, even after it's done, that doesn't mean I plan to give up on it. There's plenty more that could be added. What it mainly means, to me anyway, is that I'll primarily move on to my next project, which will be another game, taking all that I've learned about game development, and doing something bigger and better. 

Enough about the end, though. A lot can change in a year, so who knows?  For the next release, the focus is going to be on several of the side plots that have been introduced and not yet fully developed. We have hobo threads, a photo shoot thread with Tabitha, Jim is still waiting for dinner at his place, the landlord, Polly, Zack, the tunnels, Knocker's...plenty of fun to be had. There are a lot of little things I want to fix too. I also want to update some of the RPGM art, particularly in Stacy's apartment and a few other places. One of my favorite maps is Jessie's place and we've only seen it briefly once. 

As always, I love hearing from you all so if you have feedback, suggestions, or just want to chat, feel free to hit me up on here, on Discord, or by email. Also, if you're enjoying the game, as I imagine you are since you are reading this far down, then please, if you have a minute, leave a positive review for me on F95 or one of the other sites, it really helps!


 - J. S.



Motors for the Masses

What would be great to see is Stacy corrupting one or more of the other girls in the office for some girl/girl action.


I would like to be able to replay all of the sex scenes. There are some that I don't see gem options for.