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Short update today. I’ve been cranking away on the next release. It should be a big one. Finished a new Dixon’s scene, new lunch scenes, a scene in The Void, and several other smaller ones. I revamped the park jogging animation and images as I was never happy with them. I have also created figures for Paul, the security guard, and Arnold, Stacy and Jason’s landlord.

As it stands, there is going to be no way to play all of the scenes before the end of the next release - there are just too many alternate choices for the player to make. I’m trying to work out how to end it without actually ending it, so that players can keep playing until they’ve hit all of the content. It may take some creative tinkering to implement that in a way that doesn’t break the game. There would probably still be a “Game Over” scene, but with the option to continue playing.

Lastly, I want to thank all of the $12 and up patrons who voted in the latest poll. The information you’ve provided is extremely helpful in helping me determine where to dedicate my resources in this and upcoming releases.

I will also be posting a sneak peek for $5 and up patrons shortly with some of the renders.

Thanks again for all of your support!

  • J. S.


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