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It's been a bit of a crazy month for me and I'll admit I have not made as much progress on the next update as I had hoped. I'm currently in the process of moving to a new state which has been and continues to be a total clusterfuck. However, once I'm settled in, I'll be 100% virtual in my day job, which will free up more time to work on the game. So, although I'm behind where I'd like to be currently, the future is bright! I have so many exciting ideas for the next release, I can't wait!


P. S. I promise I'll release a sneak peek soon!



I'm letting you know how the story continues. We are waiting for you.🥰


Any updates??

Hec 713

I'm disappointed cause in my cell phone it's not working for play the game and when I try to download it's not possible to play in my cell phone I don't know why


Since it looks like we,re not getting an update for a while, it would be nice to get some more teasers