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Hello everyone, lately a lot has been happening all at once. A family member fell seriously ill, and the extensive care required for their recovery left me with little time to continue with the video. Additionally, by the middle of this month, I'll be moving to a better country, free from criminals and insecurity. In this new place, the police's main concern is ducks wandering off ponds, rather than murderers seizing people's belongings. Unfortunately, a group of unruly criminals, recently released from prison, is causing trouble again. They don't work, throw parties, urinate and defecate at my doorstep, and even set up a table and chairs, blocking my entrance for a picnic. All these incidents, combined, abruptly disrupted my focus on the video.

Despite all these challenges and with the move approaching, I'm making a superhuman effort to ignore these disruptions and gradually regain momentum for the next video. I'm confident that once I'm in the new country, video production will be much faster, reminiscent of the early days. It's just that I'm tired of delivering this kind of news and spreading negative energy. So here's the good news: the video is still in the animation process, progressing slowly but steadily. Despite the world's problems attempting to hinder me, they won't succeed. Whenever I find moments of peace and tranquility, which are scarce these days, I push forward a bit, but progress is progress.

So, despite everything, I'm sending lots of positive energy to everyone. Thanks to those who asked, and even to those who didn't cause I know everyone is worried and I understand, I appreciate all of you equally. Best regards to everyone. The video is progressing!



Safety First! It's okay that there won't be a video for a while, the main thing is the safety of your family, so I wish you good luck in finding a new home. I hope our support will cheer you up.


Sending positivity back at you. Good luck and good fortune with life.


Hey mr t. Just. Leaving good wishes hope things are improving for your fam. It's been pretty boring in the body inflation market animation wise without ya but I'm holding hope certain you will make a big return in more ways than one