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A visual Tutorial I made too here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-on-how-42315281

The Enchanted Belly Inflation

"Once upon a peculiar morning, a comical magical inflator awoke with an unusual ambition: to inflate witches like balloons! This whimsical inflator decided that it was time for a hilarious magical quest, armed with a mischievous grin and an array of spells to turn witches into whimsical balloony creatures."

Thank you ever so much, everyone, for your fantastic support! I am endlessly grateful to each and every one of you. May your days be filled with laughter and your hearts with joy. Greetings to all! And also, hope everyone have a good day with good emotions!

Also the matrix video is almost ready, the only thing is, it was advancing really slow, but the next days I will post the last sneak peek, and then the video, greetings to everyone! :)




Interesting, I definitely prefer the animations better than the AI.


Was interesting though I am curious to see how it would handle hourglass expansion / inflation in the future


Regarding the video itself I did notice that the AI had some choppy moments in certain frames and certain deformations occurred but overall it was pretty decent I'm certain that the software will eventually get updated to be more fluid and stable


Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled that you found the story beautiful. The whimsical world of the comical magical inflator has its own charm, and I'm delighted that it resonated with you. :)


I appreciate your feedback! 3D animations do have a unique appeal, and it's interesting to hear your preference. The world of storytelling offers a vast canvas with different mediums, and each has its own merits. I'm glad you found the story intriguing. :)


Your curiosity about hourglass expansion and inflation adds an intriguing twist to the narrative possibilities! Exploring such elements could indeed lead to even more whimsical and fantastical scenarios. It's always fascinating to consider the diverse directions a story can take, and I appreciate your imaginative input.


Thank you for your insightful observations! I acknowledge the occasional choppiness you noticed in certain frames and deformations. Your constructive feedback is valuable, and I share your optimism that future updates will enhance the fluidity and stability of the animations. Technological advancements often pave the way for more seamless experiences, and your feedback contributes to the ongoing improvement process. I'm grateful for your understanding and positive outlook on the overall quality of the video.


sinceramente prefiero mucho más los videos tradicionales en 3D ya que realmente es algo tuyo, no sé cuánto tiempo tome hacer estas piezas en IA pero creo que ese tipo de contenido se ha quemado tanto por tantas cuentas en Deviantart volviéndose muy repetitivo y vacío. Sugeriría que el tiempo que requieres para las piezas en IA lo uses mejor en tus videos clásicos en 3D, aunque solo es mi humilde opinión, adoro mucho tu trabajo y no quiero que nada se tome a mal, después de todo tu debes hacer lo que más te guste :)...por cierto, espero que las cosas hayan mejorado allá por donde vives, no has contado que ha pasado estos días y más de uno se preocupa xD. un abrazo


quiero agradecerte por tomarte el tiempo de expresar tu opinión de manera tan sincera y respetuosa. Valoramos mucho tus comentarios. Entiendo completamente tu preferencia por los videos tradicionales en 3D, y es genial saber que disfrutas de ese tipo de contenido, la inteligencia artificial es simplemente una herramienta adicional en mi caja de herramientas creativas, al igual que 3ds Max o Blender. La inteligencia artificial es poderosa, pero no es automática, la creación artística mediante inteligencia artificial requiere inevitablemente la intervención humana, ya que los humanos son esenciales tanto para su programación como para su impulso creativo, no hay de que preocuparse ese video sigue siendo algo mío, hay mucho trabajo detrás de esa brujita jaja. Aprecio tu preocupación sobre mi bienestar. ¡Gracias por preguntar! Me alegra decirte que todo está mucho mejor ahora y estoy ansioso por compartir mi próximo video muy pronto. ¡Saludos y un abrazo!


Nice! I like that gas explosion at the end instead of the usual liquid burst. Something different


Thank you so much for your positive feedback! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the gas explosion at the end. It was indeed a challenging aspect to create, as I aimed for a unique and almost magical effect. Achieving that required a series of unconventional maneuvers, combining After Effects and Photoshop in ways I hadn't before. I'm delighted that the effort paid off, and I appreciate your recognition of the hard work that went into it. Your support means a lot, and I'm always excited to bring something different to the table. Looking forward to sharing more in the future!


Discord isn't allowing some of your videos to play. Google drive I think has violated terms of service or something like that


I appreciate you bringing this issue to my attention. I want to assure you that I've addressed the problem, and everything should be working smoothly now. Occasionally, issues like these arise due to malicious attacks from individuals without any apparent reason, these attacks make no sense, since in a second it will be solved. I believe that overcoming challenges only makes us stronger, If you encounter any further issues, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to providing you with more content in the future. matrix vid coming in two days,