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"Sabrina awoke in the hospital room, disoriented and with a throbbing headache. She couldn't remember how she had ended up there. Flashes of her life before the accident danced through her mind—family gatherings, laughter, and the warmth of home. Yet, the details remained hazy, as if obscured by a thick fog.

During these confusing moments, a recurring image emerged—a man, a stranger in her memories, standing tall and resolute, shielding her from a red-haired woman who exuded malevolence. It was a puzzle piece she couldn't quite fit into the larger picture of her life.

But there was something else about Sabrina that was undeniably peculiar. Every so often, she would experience an insatiable hunger. It was as if her appetite knew no bounds, and she would consume vast amounts of food, growing to astronomical sizes in the process.

Yet, by the light of the next day, she would inexplicably deflate back to her normal size, leaving her perplexed and bewildered by her strange abilities.

As Sabrina grappled with her fractured memories and these extraordinary events, she couldn't help but wonder if the man from her past held the key to understanding the mysteries surrounding her. And so, with determination in her heart and a hunger for answers that surpassed even her unusual appetite, she set out on a journey to unravel the enigma of her existence."

Hey there, everyone! These past few weeks have been quite a rollercoaster. I've finally completed the animation for my upcoming video, but now I'm knee-deep in configuring the render environment. My previous disorganization really set me back, and I appreciate your patience as I navigate through this.

On a different note, I've got something to share— some more AI images I've created at same time of the previous ones. Originally, I planned to unveil these once the video was done, but since it's taking longer than expected, I couldn't wait any longer.

I'm determined to wrap up the video soon, and I'm grateful for your unwavering support and understanding during this journey. Thank you a million to everyone, for standing by my side during these challenging times, Hope you all have a good day with good emotions and greetings!! :)




I am sad the video didn’t get released by the end of the month. I hope you are able to finish it soon.

Cambel Milton

I truly love Sabrina so much and I'm glad that she's getting her own story as well. Can I assist in writing her story? I'm a pretty good writer myself and there's a lot of potential in her journey.

Leon Lipka

Hey there! Where do you make these AI Generatded Pics?


Hopefully the vid gets released sooner than the 31st. I didn’t really expect this to be the “Halloween video.” Talked about previously I believe.


No video? 0n0


Hey Mr Torrington I hope everything's going well with your life haven't heard from you in a while just wanted to check in


the page updated! the artist isnt dead!^^

Adam Plain

Can you please put a disco blink on your Patreon thank mate